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81. Special Keyboard Events, School Of Music And Dance This acclaimed Russian pianist and Moscow Conservatory teacher visited us whileon a US tour. leon bates Wednesday, October 27, 1999 Lecture/presentation. http://www.arts.arizona.edu/keyboard/keyboardevents.html | |
82. Beloit Daily News - Saturday, September 4, 1999 jazz of David Sanchez and the renowned a capella vocal performances of Anonymous4. The spring will see internationally acclaimed pianist leon bates and two http://www.beloitdailynews.com/999/1hor4.htm | |
83. Luncheon delightful food and drink, a sampling of the music for PCCO's Mozart concert andan opportunity to meet Pennsylvania's Artist of the Year, pianist leon bates. http://www.pcco.org/wizzs.html | |
84. Up And Coming (09-12-91) 2, Page 6 September 12, 1991 Up and coming Evening of Gershwin opens UD PerformingArts Series Three energetic musicianspianist leon bates, soprano Eddye http://www.udel.edu/PR/UpDate/92/2/21.html | |
85. Events Listings - World Wide Events Worldrenowned pianist leon bates, soprano Louise Toppin and tenor Bill Brownoffer a fun-filled celebration of the music of George and Ira Gershwin. http://www.wwevents.com/eventdisplay.asp?COUNTRYNO=75 |
86. Wildflower Music Festival - 2002 Season Artists - Leon Bates leon bates. Appearing June 29, 2002. One of America's leading pianists returns to Wildflower. leon has been described http://www.dorflinger.org/wildflower_music/2002_season/2002_artists-leon_bates.h | |
87. Leonbates2.htm leon bates LINKS. leon bates. Biography. leon bates Reviews of America's leading pianists, leon bates has earned for himself agreement on one point leon bates is a major artist http://www.rile.com/leonbates.htm | |
88. James Madison University - JMUS MASTERPIECE SEASON SPANS THE ARTS Guest performers for the seasons Encore Series are concert pianistLeon bates, guitarist Doc Watson and pianist George Winston. http://www.jmu.edu/jmuweb/general/news/general_2001727142329.shtml | |
89. ROANOKE SYMPHONY Leon Bates the past twenty years, leon bates has emerged as one at 500 PM. leon bates' work with young people A native of Philadelphia, leon bates began his formal study http://www.rso.com/bates.htm | |
90. Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/30/2003 | Young Pianists Attuned To A Master By Melanie Burney Inquirer Staff Writer. More photos, Classical pianist leon Batesworks with Anthony Davis, 12, in a master class at Rutgers UniversityCamden. http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/local/states/new_jersey/counties/camden_ | |
91. Calendar For Year Of The Arts At Beloit College For information contact David Vessey. Piano Master Class with leon bates, Pianist1000 am Master Class will feature bates with selected students. http://www.beloit.edu/~arthist/yota/yotacal2.html | |
92. DRPA ENTERPRISE You are cordially invited to join worldrenowned pianist and Philadelphia nativeLeon bates, soprano Louise Toppin, and tenor Bill Brown for a fun-filled http://www.drpa.org/travel/guideline/musdn.html | |
93. Roanoke Symphony Orchestra December 20, 2002 at 8PM Shaftman Performance Hall World class pianist leon Batesappears in a solo recital presented by the Friends of the Roanoke Symphony. http://www.rso.com/additional.shtm | |
94. Philharmonisches Orchester Südwestfalen | Juni 2002 Translate this page Klavier leon bates Dirigent Georg Fritzsch. leon bates Der Pianistleon bates zählt zu den führenden amerikanischen Pianisten. http://www.phos-suedwestfalen.de/juni2002.html | |
95. Ronnie Scott`s Jazz Club LONDON. Attractions; House Magazine 133 2001. BRANFORD work with Loose Tubes particularly in partnership with keyboard maestro DjangoBates - Iain Ballamy Stints with singer leon Thomas, pianist McCoy Tyner http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/ronnie_scotts/ronniescotts/133/133_04.htm | |
96. Keyboard Gershwin 3 Preludes, 6 Songs Corea - 20 Children's Songs leon bates, pianistfiled under Piano/Various/bates. Haydn - Piano Sonatas C minor Hob. http://www.edtech.morehouse.edu/jethridg/kybrd.htm | |
97. Community Concerts works by Bartók, Brahms, Chopin, Liszt, Schönberg, Schubert and leon Kirchner technically,and more importantly, a brilliant, young American pianist who uses http://www.trawickartists.net/community/acts/soloists/levinson.html | |
98. MSO: Press Releases MEMPHIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PRESENTS THIRD LINCOLN MASTERWORKS CONCERT WITH PIANISTLEON bates MEMPHIS, Tenn., October 1 , 2002The Memphis Symphony Orchestra http://www.memphissymphony.org/Press/oct.html | |
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