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41. NapaValleySymphony.org - leon bates, Piano pianist leon bates welcomes the millennium with plans that includerecordings, performing new works, and continued joy in performing for http://www.napavalleysymphony.org/singleperformer_singleconcert.html&id=8 | |
42. NapaValleySymphony.org - WE BELIEVE THAT MUSIC MATTERS! pianist leon bates conducts a workshop at VintageHigh School as part of the Napa Valley Symphony's Meet the Master workshops. http://www.napavalleysymphony.org/auction_auction.html | |
43. Performing Arts Online - Ronald Hawkins, Piano A remarkable poetic pianist. . O'Conor André Watts Mario Kay Ocker Gerhardt BarbaraSuhrstedt Maurice Hinson Jack Roberts Richard Cass leon bates Max Camp. http://performingarts.net/hawkins/ | |
44. Roanoke Symphony Orchestra an educational concert for area school students, violin soloist Derek Reeves on aRoanoke Symphony Classics Concert and reknowned pianist leon bates in concert http://www.rso.com/friends.shtm | |
45. Press Releases: Lyceum An Evening with Duke Ellington featuring leon bates on Wednesday, March 21, at 700pm in the ECSU Fine Arts Complex Auditorium. pianist bates has emerged as http://www.ecsu.edu/pressreleases/2001/3_18_01.cfm | |
46. Calendar Of Events Call 304485-1300. PARKERSBURGFebruary 1. Concert - pianist leon bates at WVU-PActivities Center. Sat. 8 PM. Call 304-424-8223. PARKERSBURGFebruary 1-28. http://www.artsbridgeonline.org/calendar_of_events.htm | |
47. Excite France - Répertoire - Pianists 12. bates, leon, International concert pianist. Site includes biography, reviews,repertory and programs. http//www.rilearts.com/leonbates.htm. 13. http://www.excite.fr/directory/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists | |
48. 990202ENmarshallb.HTML As part of the Artist Series, A Gershwin Party, featuring pianist leon bates, sopranoLouise Toppin and tenor William Brown, will perform in Fulton Chapel at http://dm.olemiss.edu/archives/99/9902/990202/990202ENmarshallb.HTML | |
49. People Opera artist John Blake jazz violinist Kevin Bacon actor, The Bacon Brothers MichaelBacon musician, The Bacon Brothers leon bates pianist Leslie Burrs jazz http://www.smsmusic.org/People/alumni.htm | |
50. Home Search Credits E-shop Contact Us Philadelphia native and pianist leon bates has performed with such notable symphoniesas the New York Philharmonic, Los Angeles Philharmonic, American Symphony http://www.detroitsymphony.com/events/classical/artistbios_02.shtml | |
51. Jazz And The Classics leon bates, pianist Rhapsody in Blue Candelight Concert Saturday March 15, 2003800PM Tickets $16 General Admission, $14 Seniors and Students, $7 Children http://www.mc3.edu/cr/culturaf/jazz/jazz.htm | |
52. City...Country...City leon bates, pianist Rhapsody in Blue Candlelight Concert Saturday March 15, 2003800PM Tickets $16 General Admission, $14 Seniors and Students, $7 Children, http://www.mc3.edu/cr/culturaf/city_country/city_country.htm | |
53. Star-Gazette.com Local News leon bates, a classical pianist and bodybuilder who often demonstrates similaritiesbetween weightlifting and performing, will present musical programs Friday http://www.stargazettenews.com/local/Thlocal11.html | |
54. Calendar Music Gershwin by Request performed by pianist leon bates, soprano Sebronette Barnes,and bass baritone Benjamin Matthews. Tickets $15_18. 2 pm, Laxson. t. http://www.csuchico.edu/pub/inside/archive/99_02_04/calendar.html | |
55. Island Packet Online: Gail Westerfield Pops' performance exhilarating Published January 17th 2003 pianist leon bates, guestartist for the Hilton Head Orchestra's Pops concert, has been praised by http://www.islandpacket.com/editorial/col/gail/ | |
56. Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club London. MAY 1999: FEATURING JACQUI DANKWORTH, NYJO, JON leon 'Django' bates, born, Beckenham, Kent, 2nd October, 1960. He has playedin Piano Triad and in duo with 'classical' pianist Joanna MacGregor. http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/ronnie_scotts/ronniescotts/118/118_04.htm | |
57. Winter Carnival - Calendar Of Events Brilliant American pianist leon bates joins the Hilton Head Orchestra in two Americanclassics Gottshalk's Grande Tarantelle and Gershwin's I've Got Rhythm. http://www.hiltonheadisland.com/hospitalityassociation/calendar/caljan03.htm | |
58. Untitled leon bates, pianist, will perform tonight in Wesley Chapel at 730 pm His performanceis cosponsored by the Intercultural Relations Office and the Arts Alive! http://www.wvwc.edu/emo/bbs/TextBody.asp?recordID=3979 |
59. Hilton Head Orchestra Brilliant American pianist leon bates joins the Hilton Head Orchestra in threeAmerican classics Gottshalks virtuosic Grand Tarantella, Ellingtons http://www.hhorchestra.org/MondayMaster.html | |
60. DPA Microphones On May 18, 28 and 29, NPR broadcast two pieces with pianist leon bates that Morganrecorded in early March at The Bach Festival held in the 10,000 square foot http://www.dpamicrophones.com/eng_pub/Users/195.html | |
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