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Home - Pianists - Ax Emanuel |
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81. Welcome To Harpur College Of Arts And Sciences HOTLINE: November 30, 2000 The Binghamton University Music Department presents pianist emanuel ax on Thursday,November 30, 2000 at 815 pm in the Anderson Center Concert Theater. http://harpur.binghamton.edu/1127hotline/nov27.htm | |
82. Iclassics.com - Classical Music And More The Chicago Symphony Orchestra; James Conlon, conductor. Program also includesBeethoven's Choral Fantasy in C Minor op.80 with pianist emanuel ax. http://www.iclassics.com/iclassics/feature.jsp?featureId=613 |
83. Bright Sheng Faculty biography from the University of Michigan.Category Arts Music Composition Composers S Sheng, Bright...... Mr. Sheng is also a Baldwin pianistArtist. concerto for the New York Philharmoniccelebrating twentieth debut anniversary of Yo Yo Ma and emanuel ax, who will http://www.music.umich.edu/faculty/sheng.bright.lasso | |
84. TopWorldDeutschKulturMusikGenresKlassische Musik Translate this page ax, emanuel - (Rondo) Interview von 04/1999 über die Ansichten und Banfield, Volker- Der pianist mit dem «außer-/ungewöhnlichen» Repertoire stellt sich http://www.schleuse.de/maschine/World/Deutsch/Kultur/Musik/Genres/Klassische_Mus |
85. The Bushnell | The Bushnell Event Calendar Richard Stoltzman, considered the preeminent clarinet soloist in the world, andpremier pianist emanuel ax will perform together at The Bushnell in one of http://www.bushnell.org/Calendar/index.cgi/379 | |
86. Boston Symphony Orchestra: Season Highlights Concerto No. 2, emanuel ax, pianist Maurice Ravel's Mother Goose Claude Debussy's La Mer, Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 2 http://www.ffaire.com/bso99.html | |
87. Union: Emanuel Ax Playing before a sellout audience Friday evening at the Union Theater, pianistEmanuel ax presented a highly unusual program consisting entirely of sets of http://www.madisonmusicreview.org/doc/r_199512_ax.html | |
88. DaimlerChrysler Special Report: 9th European Concert Of The "Berliner Philharmon emanuel ax. Acclaimed for his poetic lyricism and brilliant technique, pianistemanuel ax is one of today's best known and most highly regarded musicians. http://www.daimlerchrysler.com/specials/europe/ax_e.htm | |
89. Sony Line Sale ax, emanuel, Pablo Ziegler (pnos) Los Tangueros Ziegler was Piazzolla's pianistand arranger for more than 10 years and performs with ax in this collection http://www.hbdirect.com/saleperformerqueryai.cfm?salefront=sny |
90. Excite Deutschland - Web - Katalog - Tasten Translate this page 2. ax, emanuel, http//www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/interviews/ax.htm. Der Pianistmit dem «außer-/ungewöhnlichen» Repertoire stellt sich hier selber vor. http://www.excite.de/directory/World/Deutsch/Kultur/Musik/Genres/Klassische_Musi | |
91. National Arts Centre - Centre National Des Arts PRECONCERT TALK at 1900 The Emperor of concertos speaker pianist EmanuelAx (in English). Multimedia clip Courtesy of Elysium Recordings Inc. http://www.nac-cna.ca/en/whatson/results.cfm?EventID=3148 |
92. Askonas Holt: Ax - Biography ax Biography. Acclaimed for his poetic lyricism and brilliant technique, pianistEmanuel ax is one of today's best known and most highly regarded musicians. http://www.askonasholt.co.uk/Green/Green/Home.nsf/0/B79277D021638DFA80256AB90052 |
93. Est-Ouest - Patrick Doyle uses. Most notably in the sections which feature virtuoso pianistEmanuel ax; Rachmaninov perhaps being the obvious model. Indeed http://www.soundtrack-express.freeserve.co.uk/osts/estouest.htm | |
94. Curtis M. Phillips Center For The Performing Arts Arts Premier a capella group the kings singers and worldclass pianist EmanuelAx will take the stage for a first-time collaboration at this Curtis M. http://www.cpa.ufl.edu/king_ax.html | |
95. Beacon Journal | 01/16/2003 | A Grand Return For Pianist With Ohio Ties While at CIM, Weiss played in a master class for the pianist EmanuelAx, who took an interest in him. They kept in touch, and when http://www.ohio.com/mld/ohio/entertainment/columnists/elaine_guregian/4959447.ht | |
96. Event Details Brahms began his with this stupendous concertoperformed by the SFS and EmanuelAx, a pianist of wonderfully understated beauty impressive fluidity and http://www.sfsymphony.org/templates/router.asp?nodeid=250&eventid=511 |
97. Home Home Tickets Tickets Theaters Theaters Support SFP Support Artist Biography Acclaimed for his poetic lyricism and brilliant technique, pianistEmanuel ax is one of today's best known and most highly regarded musicians. http://www.performances.org/performances/performances.asp?performanceID=87 |
98. La Jolla Chamber Music Society - Bringing Great Music To San Diego For Over 30 Y repertory; the San Diego recital debut of the young Ukrainian pianist whose SummerFest EmanuelAx is surely one of the most highly regarded and indemand http://www.ljcms.org/ExperienceTheMusic/20012002/Piano2001.shtml | |
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