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21. Penn Special Collections-Winigrad 22 Subject ax, emanuel pianist Place Saratoga Springs, New York. Date 1982.Collection location Volume 1, Item 22. view all thumbnails of emanuel ax. http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/rbm/photos/winigrad/022.html | |
22. Dallas Symphony Orchestra THE DALLAS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA WELCOMES THE KING'S SINGERS AND pianist emanuel ax.200210-09. Contacts Kim D. Gifford, Jamie Hawkes. (214) 871-4082, (214) 871-4061. http://www.dallassymphony.com/?crs=pr&article=29 |
23. Dallas Symphony Orchestra Concerts. The season opens with English male vocal sextet king'singersperforming with pianist emanuel ax November 56, 2002. Members http://www.dallassymphony.com/?crs=pr&article=14 |
24. Ax Page manny at the pianny. emanuel ax, pianist Thursday, October 24, 800pm, John C. Evans Hall. Exhilararting everything in his http://onstage.conncoll.edu/ax.htm | |
25. Emanuel Ax Biography Acclaimed for his poetic lyricism and brilliant technique, pianist EmanuelAx is one of today´s best known and most highly regarded musicians. http://www.kdschmid.de/englisch/02kuenst/1kuenstler.php3?k_id=7 |
26. Peripatetic Pianist Still Finds Beethoven Rewarding - Theage.com.au The American pianist, emanuel ax, has been winning prizes since he was a student,but he takes a humble view of his role in the overall musical scene. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2002/07/12/1026185101249.html | |
27. Emanuel Ax To Play At Quick Center For The Arts pianist emanuel ax, revered as one of the greatest musicians of our time, willperform on Friday, October 25 at 8 pm at the Regina A. Quick Center for the http://www.fairfield.edu/calendar/press/0802ax.htm |
28. Ax, Emanuel peopleBiographyPeopleA ax, emanuel pianist Birthplace Lvov, Ukraine Born6/8/49 Previous Avery, Milton, Top of section A, Next axelrod, George. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0155452.html | |
29. Unterschiedliche Ansätze - Emanuel Ax Als Kammermusiker In Der Translate this page emanuel ax als Kammermusiker in der Zürcher Tonhalle. Ein gewaltiges Pensum hatder pianist emanuel ax innerhalb der letzten zehn Tage in Zürich absolviert. http://www.nzz.ch/2002/04/16/fe/page-article83N4D.html | |
30. Viermal Klavier - Emanuel Ax Mit Dem Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich ( Translate this page Ein buntes Allerlei - zusammengehalten vom stupenden pianisten emanuel ax. Der pianist,in fast pausenlosem Einsatz während einer halben Stunde, bleibt die http://www.nzz.ch/2002/04/08/fe/page-article82XWC.html | |
31. GBPAC: Emanuel Ax & King'singers pianist emanuel ax enjoys an international career that brings him acclaimin equal measure for his concert, chamber and recital performances. http://www.uni.edu/gbpac/season/artists/emanuel.shtml | |
32. GBPAC: News Release pianist emanuel ax and The Kings Singers, one of the worlds most sought aftervocal ensembles, will perform together Friday, November 8, at 730 pm in http://www.uni.edu/gbpac/about/releases/110402.shtml | |
33. DaimlerChrysler Specials: 9. Europakonzert Der Berliner Philharmoniker Translate this page Der pianist emanuel ax zählt mit seinem poetischen Stil und seiner brillanten Technikzu den bekanntesten und am meisten geschätzten Musikern unserer Zeit. http://www.daimlerchrysler.com/specials/europe/ax_g.htm | |
34. BRIGHT SHENG, Composer, Pianist, Conductor been an exciting year, bringing Bright Sheng's first appearance as solo pianist withHong the twentieth debut anniversary of YoYo Ma and emanuel ax, who will http://www.jecklinassociates.com/sheng.htm | |
35. BPO - Press THE BUFFALO PHILHARMONIC WELCOMES RENOWNED pianist emanuel ax DECEMBER 1ST AND 2NDThe M T Bank Classics series and the Buffalo Philharmonic present pianist http://www.bpo.org/press/index.php?action=ViewArchive&articleID=17 |
36. Renowned Pianist Emanuel Ax To Lead Yale Master Class For Anyone Renowned pianist emanuel ax to Lead Yale Master Class For anyone who has ever wonderedhow good musicians become great musicians, the Yale School of Music http://www.yale.edu/schmus/concerts/News/02.10.02.html | |
37. Yale Bulletin And Calendar - Current Issue On Saturday, Feb. 26, the YSO will perform with internationally renownedpianist emanuel ax at 8 pm in Woolsey Hall. The pianist http://www.yale.edu/opa/v28.n22/story9.html | |
38. National Arts Centre - Centre National Des Arts pianist emanuel ax and conductor Pinchas Zukerman unite for Beethoven's EmperorConcerto in NAC Orchestra concerts on February 1213 24.01.2003 -. http://www.nac-cna.ca/en/nacnews/viewnews.cfm?ID=445 |
39. Ottawaplus.ca > Profile > Pinchas Zukerman / Emanuel Ax / Piano 8. pianist emanuel ax will give PreConcert Talks in English both nights in theSalon giving a soloist's insight into Beethoven's Emperor of Concertos . http://www.ottawaplus.ca/profile/768689/ | |
40. Great Performances . Berlin Philharmonic Europakonzert: From Krakow | PBS Also featured is renowned pianist emanuel ax, who performs the Second Concerto by Poland's most beloved native composer, Frédéric Chopin. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/shows/europakonzertkrakow.html | |
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