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81. EMI Electrola - Artist-Biografie Translate this page Der chilenische pianist arrau, am 06 Währenddessen erhält claudio arrau bereitsmehrere Auszeichnungen, wie den Ibach-Preis und die Gustav-Holländer-Medaille http://www.emi-catalogue-marketing.de/cms/6/552398/bio.html | |
82. Classical Music Quiz: Which Pianist Composed Transcriptions Of Many Wagner Opera Franz Liszt, great pianist, composer and fatherin-law to Richard Wagner, propagatednot The Great Transcriptions, claudio arrau, Zoltan Kocsis et al., piano. http://www.classicalstudio.com/Past Quizzes/July 00 Quiz/Quiz 7-6-00.htm | |
83. Oregon Symphony News Releases as winner of the 1970 Chopin International Piano Competition, American pianist GarrickOhlsson A student of the late claudio arrau, Mr. Ohlsson has come to be http://www.orsymphony.org/news/CL2.html |
84. TV Programs - EuroTV : Classical Translate this page Dur Op. 81 - (Les adieux) von 1970. claudio arrau ist der bedeutendstelateinamerikanische pianist seiner Generation. Er wurde vor http://www.eurotv.com/classica.htm | |
85. Peter Katin, Pianist Katin is not the sort of pianist who attracts and in those earlier years he was greatlyinfluenced by his meetings with Clifford Curzon, claudio arrau and Myra http://www.athenerecords.demon.co.uk/katin.html | |
86. NGA - Concert On March 2, 2003 winner of the 1970 Chopin International Piano Competition, American pianist GarrickOhlsson A student of the late claudio arrau, Ohlsson has come to be noted http://www.nga.gov/programs/mscmar2.htm | |
87. Kako1 Translate this page Der junge, ebenfalls in Chilln geborene, chilenische pianist Luis Mu Gedenken anden 1991 in Mrzzuschlag verstorbenen Jahrhundert-pianisten claudio arrau. http://www.brahmsmuseum.at/Konzert/Museumskonzerte/MK_3.html | |
88. Claudio Arrau In Germany, Music & Arts CD-1060 is small in comparison to his prolific output from the midforties on, when thepianist's international reputation CD-1060(2) claudio arrau In Germany. http://www.musicandarts.com/CD1060hi.html | |
89. WFCR Public Radio For Western New England 88.5 FM - Daily Music Listings - Febru Sessions, Vol. 2 Debussy) Philips 498 434 626 pianist claudio Arrauwas born February 6, 1903 in Chillán, Chile. Read a biography http://www.wfcr.org/020603.html | |
90. Encyclopædia Britannica Chileanborn US musician claudio arrau is generally regarded as one of the Russian-bornpianist and conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy was known for his virtuoso http://search.britannica.com/search?query=mozart&ct=ebi&fuzzy=N&show=10&start=26 |
91. Claudia Schiffer - Perfectly Fit Abs VHS claudio arrau 80th Birthday Recital VHS. This video features the great pianiston his 80th birthday playing selections from Beethoven Debussy Liszt and Chopin http://www.foximas.com/ol/claudia-schiffer-perfectly-fit-abs-vhs.htm | |
92. DCPL: 92 A746, ARNAZ, DESI Cuban entertainer. 92 A773, arrau, claudio Chilean Americanpianist. 92 B139, BAEHR, CONSUELO SAAH Salvadoran American writer and housewife. http://www.dclibrary.org/guides/hispanic-bios.html | |
93. Robert-Schumann-Gesellschaft E. V. Düsseldorf http://members.aol.com/schumannga/gesell.htm | |
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