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61. Karlrobert Kreiten - Künstler Und Pianist Translate this page claudio arrau über Karlrobert Kreiten ?Karlrobert Kreiten war einesder größten Klaviertalente, die mir persönlich begegnet sind. http://www.fkoester.de/kreiten/pianist/seite4.html | |
62. Karlrobert Kreiten - Sitemap Translate this page Der Künstler und pianist Der Künstler und pianist Seite 2 Seite 2 Hermann AbendrothHermann Abendroth claudio arrau claudio arrau Wilhelm Furtwängler http://www.fkoester.de/kreiten/home/sitemap.html | |
63. RONDO - Wörterbuch Der Klassik-Gemeinplätze Translate this page Immer zitieren. arrau, claudio Der deutscheste Interpretationstiefsinn kommt ausChile. Alte Schule. Siehe auch Donaueschingen. Casadesus, Robert pianist. http://www.rondomagazin.de/gemein.htm | |
64. Süddeutsche Zeitung - Seattle, London, Trondheim Translate this page für den großen, nunmehr hundertjährigen claudio arrau suchen würde arrau gingnoch als Kind nach Berlin, um Der pianist und Dirigent Barenboim steht heute http://www.sueddeutsche.de/aktuell/sz/artikel272.php | |
65. The Classical Music Guide Bass Born 1917. February 6, Thursday Erna Sack Soprano Born1898 claudio arrau pianist Born 1903. February 7, Friday http://www.classicalmusicguide.com/mcalendar.htm | |
66. Munzinger Personen - Claudio Arrau pianist. QuelleMunzinger weiter. claudio arrau chilenisch-amerikanischer pianist. Durch http://register.munzinger.de/personen/00/000/010/00010459.shtml | |
67. Robert Schumann Society, Düsseldorf triennially on the anniversary of the Maestro's death to a pianist who is especiallycommitted to the spirit and tradition of claudio arrau's keyboard artistry http://members.aol.com/schumannga/englisch/geselle.htm | |
68. Chopin: Nocturnes, Barcarolle, Fantaisie - Fryderyk Chopin - Online Shop Tips Review claudio arrau's Chopin Nocturnes have had several CD arrau considered theNocturnes among Chopin's most Consequently, the pianist aims to read between http://www.allscout-classics.com/composers/Chopin_Nocturnes_Barcarolle_Fantaisie | |
69. Van Cliburn Foundation at the 1970 Chopin International Piano Competition, American pianist Garrick Ohlsson Astudent of the late claudio arrau and Rosina Lhévinne (among others), Mr http://www.cliburn.org/concerts/ohlsson.html | |
70. Piano-News claudio arrau was born in 1903 in Chilian, Chile Krause remained arrau's only teacher;apart from technique which he learnt from Krause that a pianist should be http://www16.brinkster.com/pianonews/arrau.html | |
71. Musicroom.com - Joseph Horowitz: Arrau On Music And Performance candid conversations with the late claudio arrau is both to his conversations witharrau, Joseph Horowitz who worked with the celebrated pianist Philip Lorenz http://www.musicroom.com/se/ID_No/0039114/details.html | |
72. New Famous Charts In Goravani Jyotish Version 2.2 Armani, Giorgio, Coutourier. Arnold, Tom, Actor, Comedian. arrau, claudio, Musician,pianist. Arroyo, Stephen, Astrologer. Artaud, Antonin, Poet, Playwright. http://www.goravani.com/picts2/500new.html | |
73. Aux Arts Etc - Musique Diffusées pianist FILM. INTERPRÈTE(S),arrau, claudio. ALBUM, SCHUMANN OEUVRES POUR PIANO - arrau. http://radio-canada.ca/radio/auxartsetc/musiques_diff.asp?autresune= |
74. Tips Om Kommande Program I Sveriges Radio P2 Denna vecka görs claudio arrau varje dag i P2 kl 19.15 och dessutom på många iEuropas musikliv under 1800talet inledde sin karriär som pianist, men blev http://www.sr.se/p2/p2tips/vecka0307.stm | |
75. GBPAC: News Release triumph at the 1970 Chopin International Piano Competition, American pianist GarrickOhlsson A student of the late claudio arrau, Mr. Ohlsson has come to be http://www.uni.edu/gbpac/about/releases/101502.shtml | |
76. Home Page Translate this page Mexico. Novelist/Poet. Arlt, Roberto. Argentina. Novelist/Playwright. arrau, claudio.Chile. pianist. Belli, Gioconda. Nicaragua. Novelist/Poet. Benedetti, Mario. Uruguay. http://www.lovett.org/~dknott/latinamerica/ | |
77. MSS 55, The Horowitz Papers In The Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Of Yale Unive was determined to use his phenomenal talent as a pianist to help Argerich, Martha,1941 arrau, claudio, 1903- Ashkenazy, Vladimir, 1937- Babin, Victor, 1908 http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/music/vh-col.htm | |
78. Classics Today.com - Your Online Guide To Classical Music The pianist's audience enthusiastically responds to what they hear. Martha Argerich;Sviatoslav Richter; Vladimir Ashkenazy; claudio arrau; Shura Cherkassky http://www.classicstoday.com/review.asp?ReviewNum=4568 |
79. Pianist Translate this page H¤U±N±`¨£ªûµ^®a¨Ì¦~¥N°Ï¤À (under construction) pianist,Year, Note. Granados (1867-1916), Grainger, Geza Anda, claudio arrau, Glenn Gould, http://homepage.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~jhwang/music/pianist.html | |
80. Classical Music CDs G ARGERICH, Martha (b.1941, Argentina). 01/5 01/6. arrau, claudio (19031991, Chile).01/9 01/10 01/14. ASHKENAZY, Vladimir (Icelandic pianist, b.1937, Gorky). 01/. http://library.canterbury.ac.nz/art/musi/cd/cdmusg.shtml | |
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