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Home - Pianists - Arrau Claudio |
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41. DLNHS - Douglas Manor: Notable Residents Notable Residents claudio arrau, pianist. claudio arrau, renownedthroughout the world as one of the supreme keyboard masters of http://www.dlnhs.org/douglasmanor/dmresidentsArrau.cfm | |
42. Claudio Arrau The Early Years [JW]: Classical CD Reviews- Feb 2003 MusicWeb(UK) Marston has rectified a serious omission in claudio arraus (19031991 talking Australiancharacteristically objected when the young pianist received too much http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2003/Feb03/Arrau_Early_Marston.htm | |
43. MMD Archives: British Series Duo-Art Rolls & Claudio Arrau Now when did claudio arrau actually play this roll Dan Wilson suggests it was in 1919,but arrau did not visit the UK until (Was he a good enough pianist at the http://mmd.foxtail.com/Archives/Digests/200002/2000.02.27.06.html | |
44. MMD Archives: Duo-Art Dynamics & Artist Marketability I have heard claudio arrau in live performance, dating back to the 'Fifties, andwas I also found that Russian pianist Richter had a similar effect on me http://mmd.foxtail.com/Archives/Digests/200003/2000.03.02.05.html | |
45. Musiker Des Monats Februar 2003 Translate this page claudio arrau war Sohn einer Klavierlehrerin und trat bereits Nach 1930 machte arrauDeutschland vorübergehend zu was vor ihm noch kein pianist im Konzertsaal http://www.ultimus.de/fmus200302.htm | |
46. Dead Or Alive? - Claudio Arrau Go Back Dead claudio arrau Field Music. Info Chileanborn classical pianist,known for his interpretation of works by Beethoven. Date of Birth 02/06/1903. http://www.dead-or-alive.org/dead.nsf/anames-nf/Arrau Claudio | |
47. Ernst War Seine Kunst - Zum 100. Geburtstag Des Pianisten Claudio Translate this page Nicht vor allem als pianist wollte arrau verblüffen, sondern als Deuter und Gestalterüberzeugen. Am 6. Februar 2003 wäre claudio arrau hundert Jahre alt http://www.nzz.ch/2003/02/06/fe/page-article8LY49.html | |
48. MSN Entertainment - Music: Claudio Arrau claudio arrau. arrau was one of the most highly esteemed performers of the centralRomantic piano His mother was an amateur pianist who gave him early lessons. http://entertainment.msn.com/Artist/?artist=158242 |
49. Claudio Arrau - Gedenkkonzert Mürzzuschlag Musikveranstaltung Tiscover Translate this page Der junge ebenfalls in Chillan geborene, chilenische pianist Luis Munoz Gedenken anden 1991 in Mürzzuschlag verstorbenen Jahrhundert-pianisten claudio arrau. http://www.tiscover.at/guide/32339sy,de,SCH1/objectId,EVT578668at,curr,EUR,paren | |
50. INKPOT#68 CLASSICAL MUSIC REVIEWS: BRAHMS Unusual Timbres - In Memoriam Claudio Chilean pianist claudio arrau (right) died at 88 on June 9, 1991, two daysafter he was to have inaugurated the Brahms Museum at a gala concert. http://inkpot.com/classical/brahmstimbres.html | |
51. INKPOT#67 CLASSICAL MUSIC REVIEWS: BRAHMS Piano Concerto No.1 - An Inktroduction Although the interpretation is left principally to the pianist, room is given tothe conductor to claudio arrau with the Royal Concertgebouw/Bernard Haitink. http://inkpot.com/classical/brahmspfc1.html | |
52. Instrumentalists: Catalog 37 144. arrau, claudio SP 8 x 10 shot of the Chilean pianist playing.Dramatic ..$150 145. http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/instrument37.html | |
53. Musical Autographs: Catalog 49 KAPELL, William + MILSTEIN, Nathan one side arrau, claudio + SCHNABEL, Arthur other KATCHEN,Julius greetings and signature from the pianist 1968 together http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/instrumental49.html | |
54. Sachwalter Des Komponistenwillens Translate this page Sachwalter des Komponistenwillens, Heute vor 100 Jahren wurde dergroße chilenische pianist claudio arrau geboren, PFORZHEIM.Ein http://www.pz-news.de/kultur/sonstige/21611/ |
55. Sachwalter Des Komponistenwillens Translate this page PFORZHEIMER ZEITUNG, Artikel in Druckversion, Sachwalter des Komponistenwillens.Heute vor 100 Jahren wurde der große chilenische pianist claudio arrau geboren. http://www.pz-news.de/kultur/sonstige/21611/druck.html |
56. SONY Masterworks This release features the internationally acclaimed pianist claudio arrau playingvirtuoso repertoire with which he was closely associated throughout his career http://www.masterworksheritage.com/mon_62338.html |
57. HallAudiobook.com :: Arrau On Music And Performance arrau on Music and Performance a winner! claudio arrau was a great childprodigy, and later had a long career as a performing pianist. http://hallaudiobook.com/index.php/Mode/product/AsinSearch/0486408469/name/Arrau | |
58. Buy/Sell Picture!, De Sabata arrau Schumann, Nuova Era CD, $5.99, 1, 1d 09h09m. claudio arrau SGNG PHOTO CHILEAN pianist!!! $26.45, 4, 1d 14h33m. http://www.musiciansnews.com/cgi-bin/sell.pl?q=Arrau on Music and Performance&a= |
59. Artists-e.com - Pianists - Claudio Arrau claudio arrau, renowned throughout the world as one of the supreme keyboard Cardusof the Guardian, explained arrau vividly arrau is the complete pianist. http://www.artists-e.com/e/solisten/claudio_arrau/bio.html | |
60. Dompteur Aller Wasserspiele Translate this page für die Krisen verantwortlich sein mag, unter denen der pianist im Laufe Mit diesempersönlichen Ausweg wurde claudio arrau freilich auch zu einem ersten http://archiv.tagesspiegel.de/archiv/06.02.2003/425311.asp | |
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