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41. NRK - Artistar martha argerich Publisert 14.09.2001 1634 Oppdatert 14.09.2001 1639. «Huner vår største nålevende pianist» sa Misha Maisky påståelig. http://www.nrk.no/magasin/musikk/artistar/1290471.html | |
42. Martha Argerich - Music By Mainseek.com 58. Great pianist Vol. 03. Great pianists of the 20th Century. Great pianists ofthe 20th Century martha argerich. Great pianists of the 20th Century, Disc 2. http://classical-music.mainseek.com/32226/25/Martha_Argerich.html |
43. Chicago Symphony Orchestra - About The CSO FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 16, 2002. pianist martha argerich ADDEDAS SOLOIST WITH CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IN JANUARY. Symphony http://www.cso.org/atc_press_091602argerich.taf | |
44. Chicago Symphony Orchestra - About The CSO TOUR. January 10, 2003 pianist martha argerich CANCELS CHICAGO SYMPHONYORCHESTRA APPEARANCES ON JANUARY 16, 17, AND 18. January http://www.cso.org/noteworthy_press.taf |
45. Interview With Martha Argerich Legendary pianist martha argerich remains something of a mystery to the public,that an entirely original interview with her appears here is a rare and http://www.russischeschule.com/Argerich.htm | |
46. Biography Of Jura Margulis He has performed as a duo pianist with martha argerich in Germany, Japan, andthe US He has won prizes in more than a dozen international competitions http://www.russischeschule.com/Jurabiography.htm | |
47. Baltimore City Paper: Martha Argerich/Gidon Kremer/Mischa Maisky (September 29 - By Lee Gardner. Baltimore City Paper Review of "Make The Music 2000".Category Arts Music R Rahzel Articles and Interviews...... The virtuoso pianist martha argerich, the repertorypioneering violinist Gidon Kremer,and the accomplished cellist Mischa Maisky have been chummy for years. http://www.citypaper.com/1999-09-29/trax.html | |
48. Argerich 'live' From The Concertgebouw 1978 & 1979 (EMI) - INKPOT and experiencing the loneliness that comes from it have defined martha Argerichfrom the beginning of her career. She is perhaps the only pianist since the http://inkpot.com/classical/argerichlive1978.html | |
49. TCHAIKOVSKY Piano Concerto No.1. Nutcracker Suite. Argerich/Berlin PO/Abbado (DG is a twopiano arrangement of the Nutcracker Suite by pianist and conductor JONATHANYUNGKANS' Christmas wish is for martha argerich to play and record the http://inkpot.com/classical/tchai_arg.html | |
50. Piano Master Class Master Class by martha argerich(assistantJ.Margulis). 16th(Wed.)and 17th willjudge in the first selection Chisato Ogino (pianist) Mieko Harimoto http://www.coara.or.jp/~festival/master99.html | |
51. Outline Of The Music Festival aims to create unique circumstances which promote music free of commercialism underthe direction of the worldfamous pianist, martha argerich, the General http://www.coara.or.jp/~festival/summarye99.html |
52. Oktober 2002, Nr 8 Jaargang 18 INHOUD Interview Christopher van zijn werk, pianist Christopher Czaja Sager. Om uiteindelijk weg te gaan met heelwat meer dan alleen een blik op Clementi. 11 martha argerich presenteert http://www.pianowereld.nl/inhoud.php | |
53. Origenes De Camerata Bariloche For a whole week the notable Argentinean pianist martha argerich managedto turn the Colon Theatre into her homes living room. http://www.cameratabariloche.com/htm/argerich_com_e.htm | |
54. Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Plays Beethoven Among those who benefited from this largesse are Maurizio Pollini and martha argerich. Thisvideo captures the pianist in superb form in what is believed to be http://www.vaimusic.com/VIDEO/69435_Michelangeli.shtml | |
55. Martha Argerich of a very special concert by martha argerich, a legend In 1976, Miss argerich wasin the studios of the the only concerto performance by the pianist that has http://www.vaimusic.com/VIDEO/DVD_4210_69425_argerich.shtml | |
56. Artists-e.com - Pianists - Martha Argerich martha argerich started taking piano lessons at the age of In 1955, argerich movedwith her family to recently deceased classical/ jazz pianist Friedrich Gulda http://www.artists-e.com/e/solisten/martha_argerich/bio.html | |
57. EMI Classics | Biographies | MARTHA ARGERICH Dutoit first began to conduct and martha argerich appeared as In July 1999 argerichreleased a disc of a group of musicians including the pianist Nelson Freire http://www.emiclassics.com/artists/biogs/argb.html | |
58. Untitled Document With the release of four CDs under the martha argerich Presents banner, EMIjoins the legendary pianist in a project to bring four gifted young pianists http://www.emiclassics.com/newreleases/jun02/press_rel/argerich.html | |
59. Prokofiev.org - A Review Of Martha Argerich Playing Prokofiev's 3rd Concerto It was indeed martha. pianists eager to copy any secret hand positions from Argerichwould be searching in vain, for she played like any pianist with normal http://www.prokofiev.org/articles/hsieh.html | |
60. Clickmusic: Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists Archontides, PB Brief info on the young GreekAustralian pianist; includes pressreleases and upcoming events. argerich, martha (b.1941) Excerpts from a 1979 http://www.clickmusic.co.uk/Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pian | |
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