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Home - Pianists - Anderszewski Piotr |
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81. Askonas Holt News: Piotr Scoops Top Award Already one of the profession's brightest stars, pianist PiotrAnderszewski has been named 2002 Gilmore Artist http://www.askonasholt.co.uk/Green/Green/Home.nsf/0/710C87458D1BBC1B80256BAB0059 |
82. Polish Music Reference Center: November 1997 Newsletter OHLSSON, Artur PAPAZIAN, Leon FLEISHER, Jessye NORMANB Also Polish pianists piotrANDERSZEWSKI and piotr PALECZNY. 1. PolishAmerican pianist Emanuel AX. http://www.usc.edu/dept/polish_music/news/nov97.html | |
83. Beethoven Diabelli Variations Bach Partita No. 1 In B-flat Major UMS has replaced their peformance with a recital by the PolistHungarianpianist piotr anderszewski (pronounceed pee-YOAT on-der-SHEV-ski). http://www.ums.org/season/artists/ap.asp?pageID=15 |
84. Chicago Symphony Orchestra - About The CSO DANIEL BARENBOIM TO POSTPONE JUNE 2 SARA LEE PIANO SERIES RECITAL. PolishHungarianpianist piotr anderszewski to make Symphony Center debut on Sunday, June 2. http://www.cso.org/atc_press_040402barenboimrecital.taf | |
85. Town Hall Described by the Boston Globe as 'A mesmerising creative talent' piotr Anderszewskiis a remarkable young pianist who is taking the musical world by storm. http://www.readingarts.com/townhall/oldevents/021006.htm | |
86. Cultural Bulletin piotr anderszewskis latest album is likewise interesting. The 33year-old Polishpianist, who makes his home in Paris, has been moving up in the music world http://www.pai.pl/biul_cultural/nr49_2002.html | |
87. Ctnow.com: EVENTS From Bach to Beethoven March 20, 2003 Matthew Erikson pianist piotr Anderszewskiperforms three Bach partitas and the monumental Diabelli Variations of http://www.ctnow.com/entertainment/events/hc-muscut20f.artmar20,0,6898846.story? |
88. Jean-Philippe Collard JeanPhilippe Collard. pianist. http://www.cramermarderartists.com/collard.htm | |
89. Polish Culture and highly renowned theatre director; Ryszard Kapuscinski reporter and writer,born in Pinsk, now in Belarus, in 1932; Krystian Zimerman - pianist, born 5 http://www.culture.pl/en/culture | |
90. Oregon Symphony News Releases: Karen Gomyo Debut GUEST CONDUCTOR YAKOV KREIZBERG PERFORMS MAHLER'S 1ST SYMPHONY; PIANISTPIOTR anderszewski MAKES SYMPHONY DEBUT WITH BEETHOVEN Portland, Ore. http://www.orsymphony.org/news/jan31_CL11.html | |
91. Anderszewski's Provocative Style Is Always Skillful the start of his career more than a decade ago. MUSIC REVIEW. PIANISTPIOTR anderszewski. WHEN Wednesday night WHERE Meany Hall. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/classical/111346_piotr07q.shtml | |
92. SFGate: Entertainment: Music: Classical play things by the book. Much rarer are the individualists like PiotrAnderszewski, the Polish pianist who made an incendiary http://www.sfgate.com/eguide/music/classical/ | |
93. Polish Music Reference Center:May 1997 Newsletter He was especially impressed by the imagination and detailed expression of pianistPiotr anderszewski. ANNIVERSARIES COMMEMORATIONS COMPOSERS BORN IN MAY http://www.usc.edu/dept/polish_music/news/may97.html | |
94. The Seattle Times: Entertainment & The Arts 2/6, Paul Roberts, pianist Up in Bellingham, Paul Roberts (a pianist known for hisFrench music interpretations and the author of a book on Debussy) presents http://edb.seattletimes.nwsource.com/ae/scr/st_oth_sr.cfm?alpha=P |
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