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21. Piotr Anderszewski At Wigmore Hall Bach, Chopin & Janacek 5 May 2001 piotr anderszewski must be the only pianist whose publicists remind us, by way ofrecommendation and hype, that he withdrew from the Leeds Piano Competition http://www.musicweb.uk.net/SandH/2001/May01/Anderszewski.htm | |
22. MOZART PConcertos 21,24 Anderszewski VC5455042 [TB]: Classical Reviews- May2002 to mind on hearing these highly characterful performances, in which piotr Anderszewskiand the are taken, and there is no question that this pianist has very http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2002/May02/Mozart2124.htm |
23. Askonas Holt: Piotr Anderszewski - Press It was a live performance, from the Cheltenham Festival, by piotr anderszewski. AustralianTour with the ACO. The pianist was so impressive with his http://www.askonasholt.com/Green/Green/Home.nsf/0/F8BE12129EA6E59480256BDB003F3A |
24. Askonas Holt: Piotr Anderszewski Philips Classics, for which he was described as a pianist of inspirational In May2001 piotr anderszewski was awarded the Royal Philharmonic Society's '2000 http://www.askonasholt.com/Green/Green/Home.nsf/0/DA01916CFD09062D80256AAA0057BD |
25. Miami Piano Festival > Press Releases 2001 WILLIAMSTOWN pianist piotr anderszewski is already established as a major figurein several countries, and it's only a matter of time before American http://www.miamipianofest.com/press/pr2001.html | |
26. Miami Piano Festival > Meet The Artists April 2002 was a very lucky month for pianist piotr anderszewski he was namedwinner of the 2002 Gilmore Artist award, one of the richest in the classical http://www.miamipianofest.com/artists/and502rv.html | |
27. Piotr Anderszewski Plays Beethoven's Diabelli Variations (NTSC) now turns his attention to an extraordinary young pianist and one of Beethovensmost challenging compositions. piotr anderszewskis illuminating analysis http://www.vaimusic.com/VIDEO/69231_Anderszewski.shtml | |
28. Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Plays Beethoven piotr anderszewski Diabelli Variations by Bruno Monsaingeon Martha Argerich on DVD bythe Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1970, captures the pianist in top http://www.vaimusic.com/VIDEO/69435_Michelangeli.shtml | |
29. || San Francisco Performances || Herbst Theatre piotr anderszewski. Jacques Loussier Trio. Jazz pianist Jacques Loussier performsand talks about his unique version of Bach's Goldberg Variations. Click here http://www.performances.org/videos.asp | |
30. Yehey! Entertainment NEW YORK The sausage gravy struck a discordant note with piotr anderszewski. ThePolish-Hungarian pianist had traveled to Indiana for a recital and came away http://www.yehey.com/entertainment/article.aspx?i=982 |
31. Yehey! Entertainment 2/5/2003 104928 AM Business World NEW YORK The sausage gravy struck a discordantnote with piotr anderszewski. The Polish-Hungarian pianist had traveled to http://www.yehey.com/entertainment/print.aspx?i=982 |
32. EMI Classics - Biografie Piotr Anderszewski Translate this page CD für Virgin Classics mit Soloklavier-Repertoire zeigt piotr anderszewski seinspektakuläres seiner Heimat Polen, in Personalunion als pianist und Dirigent http://www.emi-catalogue-marketing.de/cms/6/3200494/bio.html | |
33. RONDO-Archiv: Mozart, Klavierkonzerte Nrn. 21, 24, Anderszewski Translate this page Der Mann hat etwas zu sagen. Der polnische pianist piotr anderszewski dirigiertseinen Mozart vom Klavier aus und hat auch die Kadenzen komponiert. http://www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/m/mozart/wam64.htm | |
34. RONDO-Archiv: Beethoven, Diabelli-Variationen, Anderszewski Translate this page Mit seinen gut dreißig Jahren gilt der polnische pianist piotr anderszewski alsjunger Künstler und bei einem solchen kann man gespannt sein, wenn er mit http://www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/b/beethoven/lvb43.htm | |
35. Acerscanner.com - Music - Ludwig Van Beethoven - Piotr Anderszewski - Beethoven: yet he is more willing than either pianist in considering Summary Tempo RatingI heard piotr Anderszewki play the comes in at 5008, the anderszewski at 63 http://www.acerscanner.com/view/B00005A9NI/Music/Piotr_Anderszewski_-_Beethoven_ | |
36. Kalamazoo Group Honors Pianist PolishHungarian pianist piotr anderszewski has won the $300,000 Gilmore ArtistAward for 2002, one of the most lucrative honors in classical music http://www.freep.com/entertainment/newsandreviews/gil25_20020425.htm | |
37. UW World Series : 2002/2003 Season : Artists : Piotr Anderszewski Award winner piotr anderszewski is rapidly becoming one of the most musically compellingpianists of his generation. A deeply communicative pianist with an http://www.uwworldseries.org/bio-anderszewski-intro.cfm | |
38. Piotr Anderszewski | Musiques.mysic.com 5 / Ouverture Dans Le Style Francais Johann Sebastian Bach $11.98 Glenn Gould incarnated?Bach is the best medecine A unique pianist piotr anderszewski http://musiques.mysic.com/Piotr_Anderszewski.html | |
39. English Main Page More concert, piotr anderszewski biography. and set to gorgeous piano accompaniment,then you must hear singer Marzanna Bachowska and pianist Tomasz Aleksander http://www.tmkp.org/News1.htm | |
40. Events Mr. Aleksander is a classical pianist, composer, and participant of the XIII InternationalFrederic Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw piotr anderszewski. http://www.tmkp.org/events.htm | |
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