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41. GVL Friends And Family alvarez, Fernando (musician); alvarez Mera, Manolo (singer opera singer); Elvira,Rafael (pianist)*; Escudero, Rafael Tito (singer) *; Lloret, carmen (mother in law http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/otsys/friends.htm |
42. 1986/87 Season - Ancon Theatre Guild carmen Garcia as Peppermint Patty, Caroline S. Hall as Lucy. Ken Darlington pianist,Tammy Norton pianist. Marcos alvarez as BourgeronCochon, Omar Rosario Mario http://members.tripod.com/~TGAncon/86_87Sea.htm | |
43. Test Agenda libretto voor Hus opera voor drie zangers en een pianist. Bram De Sutter situeertvooraf carmen. met en uitgevoerd door Laura Arís alvarez, Elena Fokina http://www.vooruit.be/agenda/theater/body.asp | |
44. San Francisco Examiner At the table, Steve's wife, Gayle, and carmen's wife, Gail, and another couple Thesinger and her husband/pianist/arranger won't be back until Sofia alvarez http://www.examiner.com/pj_corkery/default.jsp?story=n.pj.0129w |
45. Home Page pm Baritone James Hanrahan and pianist Edith Auner for the unforgettable operaticmasterpiece carmen, music by lead this discussion of Julia alvarez's How the http://pml.suffolk.lib.ny.us/mchap2k3.html | |
46. Cadenza Musicians Directory - Conductors Eduardo alvarez, Music Director and Conductor of Acapulco variously as a Musical Director,pianist, arranger and wide including La Boheme, carmen, The Bartered http://www.cadenza.org/musicians/pages.cgi?skill=conductor&heading2=Conductors |
47. Freenet.de Suche - Language: Englisch - Arts - Music - Instruments - Keyboard - page. 4. alvarez , carmen Concert pianist born in Uruguay. Includesbiography, sound bites, concert reviews, photos, etc. 5. Archontides http://webkatalog.freenet.de/freenet_page_c9b154d904fb05163ecb94a818ae9a18.html | |
48. ARTEHOY - 2001 - Oportunidades E Informacion Translate this page The Music of Argentina, with Argentine pianist Marcela Fiorillo. exposiciÛn El ojode Manuel alvarez Bravo, que Fondo Cultural carmen, AC DivisiÛn AcadÈmica. http://www.artehoy.b0x.com/comunicword.html | |
49. Movies.com Filmography! Talk To Her Segovia Nurse B Roberto alvarez - Doctor Helio Adela Donamaria - Psychiatrist'sReceptionist carmen Machi - Head Official Victor Matos - pianist Javier Conde http://movies.go.com/filmography/Credits?movie_id=43952 |
50. St. Petersburg Times Online: Obituaries She was a member of the First Baptist Church, Floral City, its pianist and Sundayschool teacher, past alvarez, carmen, 90, of Clearwater, died Saturday (Aug. http://www.sptimes.com/Archive/080800/Obits.shtml | |
51. Santa Monica Mirror: A Comprehensive Guide To What's Going On In Santa Monica An alvarez, Saidel Brito, Sandra Ceballos, carmen Cabrera, Ljuis Manuel alvarez Bravo,an exhibition of silver and The pianist is featured at the International http://www.smmirror.com/Volume1/issue7/seven_days.html | |
52. Santa Monica Mirror: Seven Days Saidel Brito, Sandra Ceballos, carmen Cabrera, Ljuis Manuel alvarez Bravo, an exhibitionof silver and Synergy pianist Vanessa Paloma Duncan, singer Galina http://www.smmirror.com/Volume1/issue10/seven_days.html | |
53. Opéra, Danse, Jazz, Musique Du Monde, Concert, Virtuoses, Art...24 H/24 Sur Vot Barcellona (Maffio Orsini), Marcello alvarez (Gennaro), Carlo My, the violonist ItzhakPerlman, the pianist Boris Berezovsky Symphonie n° 2 et carmenSuite by http://www.mezzo.tv/gb/soon.php | |
54. Events East Archives April, 2002 ballet teams Luis Katia and Renato Mary carmen. Chucho Valdes is the greatestjazz pianist in Cuba Chico alvarez y Afro Caribe plus Conga King Candido http://www.planetsalsa.com/archives/events_east_archives_apr_02.htm | |
55. HFFNY - Events Calendar Eliseo Subiela, Sergio Castilla, Humberto Padron, carmen Luz, Parot, Renato Falcao,Enrique alvarez. Piano Concert This virtuoso Cuban pianist brings an http://www.hffny.com/events/ | |
56. August 11 East of Elephant Rock) In 1949, Eric carmen, Cleveland Ohio In 1954, Joe Jackson,English singer/pianist/composer (The 9) lands In 1991, Wilson alvarez hurls a http://www.dailyalmanacs.com/almanac2/august/0811.html | |
57. April 12 In 1923, Maria Callas, opera singer (carmen) In 1924 playwright In 1940, Herbie Hancock,Chicago, pianist (I Thought at 65 In 1938, Seraf¡n alvarez Quint?ro http://www.dailyalmanacs.com/almanac2/april/0412.html | |
58. Kirsty MacColl's Cuba Omara Portuondo, a onetime dancer with carmen Miranda who from the Buena Vista CDand from pianist Ruben Gonzalez 24337 2 8 Composed by JL Rojas/ Kike alvarez. http://www.kirstymaccoll.com/info/cubar2/ | |
59. Iclassics.com - Classical Music And More in the title role of Bizets carmen, with Alagna 1 and 2 featuring pianist IdilBiret (March), Arvo power when Salvatore Licitra and Marcelo alvarez team up http://www.iclassics.com/iclassics/feature.jsp?featureId=757 |
60. Special Events For The Year 1922 Born 04/08/1922, carmen McRae, NYC, singer (Down Beats New Star of 1954). pianist(Tonight! Born 01/17/1922, Luis Echeverr¡a alvarez, president Mexico. http://www.vaxxine.com/mgdsite/year/1922.htm | |
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