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21. Stirrings February 15, 2001 eugene albulescu, concert pianist and his wife, soprano Jennifer Adrienne, willappear in concert at MVUC on Sunday, March 11 , 3 pm $20 per ticket; children http://www.mvuc.org/Windmill/windmill.2-15-2001.html | |
22. Future Piano But if you're enough of a pianist to be able to appreciate the with clients, saysChris Solliday, technician for Keith Jarrett, eugene albulescu, Fred Hersch http://www.iaekm.org/0107_fe1.html | |
23. Untitled Document Other New Zealand artists joining Lemalu, were Maori soprano Marie Adele MacArthur,Romanianborn New Zealand pianist eugene albulescu, and highly acclaimed http://www.jonathanlemalu.com/html/news/items/020303-slc.htm | |
24. Mcall.com - Timing Was Key To Piano Legend's Success to look back at 50 years of accomplishment the way pianist Paul Badura the statusof an overnight sensation to, as Lehigh instructor eugene albulescu called him http://www.mcall.com/entertainment/music/all-go_musicfeb13,0,6065306.story?coll= |
25. International Index To Music Periodicals - Full Text, Table Of Contents No Room for Fear An Interview with pianist Arcadi Volodos Author Reel Emotional(and Musical) Fitness An Interview with eugene albulescu Author Brown, Royal http://iimpft.chadwyck.com/toc/FanfareTheMagazineforSeriousRec/JulyAugust1997.ht | |
26. Music: Of Note (Nashville Scene . 10-13-97) Liszt is the pianist who married the poetry of Chopin with a formidable technique ofFranz Liszt, and later that day, at 330, eugene albulescu will perform http://weeklywire.com/ww/10-13-97/nash_music-classical.html | |
27. Lehigh Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau - Things To Do . March 24 Lehigh University Faculty presents eugene albulescu; pianist plays worksfrom the Classical era of Haydn, Mozart Beethoven, Zoellner Arts Center http://www.lehighvalleypa.org/things/march.html | |
28. GRACE WELSH PIANO COMPETITION, INC Grace Welsh, the legendary pianist and beloved teacher inspired and motivatedcountless individuals throughout her life. eugene O. albulescu. http://www.gracewelsh.org/2002newsletter.htm | |
29. What's New With NCSA Mosaic eugene albulescu Sellersville, PA, US Information on this 25 yearold,award-winning concert pianist. http//www.actrix.gen.nz/users/presto. http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/Mosaic/Docs/archives/0196/19.html | |
30. October 1999: Marquee, Doing Las Vegas 18, Holiday Spectacular; Feb. 26, with guest pianist Vladimir Feltsman; May 6, SeasonFinale. Season tickets are $60$216. Call 895-ARTS. eugene albulescu Oct. http://www.lvlife.com/oct1999/marquee/story01.html | |
31. Bethlehem Calendar Of Events Feb 23 The Chamber Music Society of Bethlehem presents the quartet with pianist MarcantonioBarone Quintet in Eflat Piano and Winds with eugene albulescu, piano http://www.bethtour.org/events/ | |
32. Metengine - Multisearch - Search For: Kissin, Evgeny - Bio And Discography albulescu, eugene provides information on the Romanian pianist and educator. albulescu,eugene - provides information on the Romanian pianist and educator. http://www.metengine.net/cgi-bin/met/metsearch.cgi?keywords=Kissin, Evgeny - Bio |
33. New Page 1 in G minor Kk8; in G minor Kk373; in D minor Kk9 eugene albulescu (pno Des Wilsonsinterview with the Russian pianist Nicolai Demidenko on the occasion of http://www.radionz.co.nz/cf/pl/Feb08_14.htm |
34. Las Vegas Review Journal: LIFESTYLES planned at Winchester center Winchester Community Center, 3130 S. McLeod Drive,will present a concert by pianist eugene albulescu at 730 p. ABOUT TOWN http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/1999/Sep-30-Thu-1999/lifestyles/ | |
36. Billwarfield Because of the interaction, the pianist with the orchestra, eugene albulescu, whois also a faculty member at Lehigh, wondered aloud if the Yellowjackets could http://carolheft.home.mindspring.com/billwarfield.html | |
37. Links To Perkasie-Related Web Sites Sy Kottik's Institution (by Sy Kottik) The Ed Moyer Family Page (by Garren) Conservatism'sPromise (Joe Schiaffino) eugene albulescu, pianist Award winning http://www.perkasie.com/links.html | |
38. InoFirma.Ru - The Best Enterprises Directory By Genre Classical ByInstrument Piano provides information on the Romanian pianist and educator...... albulescu, eugene more hunsteinartists.com http://www.inofirma.ru/cat85118p91L2.htm | |
39. InoFirma.Ru - Ñàìûé ïîëíûé êàòàëîã ïðåäïðèÿòèé albulescu, eugene ? By Genre Classical By Instrument Piano provides information on the Romanian pianist and educator. http://www.inofirma.ru/cat85118p91L1.htm | |
40. The Daily Camera: Music Romanianborn pianist plays for Jarrow benefit Although he's only 33, pianistEugene albulescu feels he's lived at least twice that long. FULL STORY ». http://www1.dailycamera.com/bdc/music/0,1713,BDC_2468,00.html | |
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