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Home - Pianists - Albulescu Eugene |
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1. Eugene Albulescu, Pianist eugene albulescu, is a pianist who combines a blazing technique with the artisticintegrity and originality to express musical emotions at their profoundest http://www.hunsteinartists.com/eugene.html | |
2. Eugene Albulescu, Pianist And Educator Pictures at a Concert, performed at Barge Music in Brooklyn New York. "Inside the piano with eugene albulescu" a program linking the history of piano technology and creativity. this is far from what albulescu wants it to be. eugene albulescu composes incidental music for the play Macbeth by http://mostlypiano.com/projects.html | |
3. EUGENE ALBULESCU, PIANO inmer 10/13/99 1640 ZOELLNEReugene albulescu Performance s Music Department presents internationally acclaimed pianist eugene albulescu in concert on Saturday, October 30 http://www.lehigh.edu/eua2/public/www-data | |
4. Www.MostlyPiano.com - Web Site Of Pianist Eugene Albulescu is now offered again through eugene albulescu's own label eugene visits his nativeRomania, to perform Tchaikovsky's As a New Zealand pianist (though born in http://mostlypiano.com/ | |
5. The Piano Education Page - Artist/Educator Archive Interview - The May 1996 artist/educator is eugene albulescu, pianist and Performer,Sellersville, PA, USA. Award winning pianist eugene albulescu http://www.piano.avijon.com/pnoealbu.html |
6. The Piano Education Page - Artist/Educator Archive Interview - USA March 1996 Arlette Felberg, Associate Professor of Music, University of NewMexico, Albuquerque, NM USA May 1996 - eugene albulescu, pianist and Performer http://www.piano.avijon.com/pnofelts.html |
7. EUGENE ALBULESCU, PIANO born eugene albulescu is an educator with strong ideas about how to reach younglisteners; as is evident from these CD's, he is a first rate pianist with http://www.lehigh.edu/eua2/public/www-data/reviews.html | |
8. Welcome To Piano.com albulescu, eugene provides information on the Romanian pianistand educator. Includes performances, discography, and reviews. http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
9. Classical Net Review - Liszt - Piano Music average classical CD collection. This brings me to the solo pianomusic of Liszt, and to Romanianborn pianist eugene albulescu. http://www.classical.net/music/recs/reviews/m/man01446a.html | |
10. Inmer 10/13/99 1640 ZOELLNER-Eugene Albulescu Performance eugene albulescu PERFORMS AT ZOELLNER ARTS CENTER Lehigh University's Music Departmentpresents internationally acclaimed pianist eugene albulescu in concert http://luna.cc.lehigh.edu/MEDIA:FRAME:3004 | |
11. Inmer 10/18/99 0938 ZOELLNER-Lectures And Master Classes be discussed by eugene albulescu. albulescu, a Lecturer in the Music Departmentat Lehigh University, also maintains an active career as a concert pianist. http://luna.cc.lehigh.edu/MEDIA:FRAME:3011 | |
12. ...::::: Romanian Artists :::::... pianist eugene albulescu has been acclaimed around the world for hisability to communicate musical emotions at a profound level. http://www.dezibel.ro/www.romanianart.ro/eugen_albulescu.htm | |
13. 1999-00 Bio Sketches Back. eugene albulescu March 18, 2000. pianist eugene albulescu is the winner ofthe 1994 International Grand Prix du Disque Liszt in Hungary for his debut CD. http://www.mcilwain.org/Bios19999-00.htm |
14. Alamo Music Ltd. Piano Link Sites pianist Link Sites. Classical@ Jazz@ New Age@ Yano, Akiko albulescu, eugene Baxtresser,Margaret Brown, Claud Butler, Henry Charles, Ray@ Cooperstock, Andrew http://www.aat.idp.it/alamo/piano.html |
15. Weekly News Briefs 11, concert pianist, eugene albulescu, Artistin-Residence with the Music Departmentat Lehigh University, will present a lecture/demonstration, Inside the http://www.tnonline.com/archives/news/1998_weeklies/09.30/eastpenn/briefs.html | |
16. Weekly News Briefs The New York Chamber Symphony, under the direction of conductor Steven Sametz,will be joined by violinist Paul Chou, pianist eugene albulescu and cellist http://www.tnonline.com/archives/news/1998_weeklies/09.23/eastpenn/briefs.html | |
17. LAS VEGAS RJ:LIFESTYLES: Piano Concert Planned At Wincheste... Winchester center. Winchester Community Center, 3130 S. McLeod Drive,will present a concert by pianist eugene albulescu at 730 pm Oct. http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1999/Sep-30-Thu-1999/lifestyles/11996439.html | |
18. Lehigh University - CAS: Music Faculty eugene O. albulescu, Lecturer MM composition; the performance of 20th century music(especially by Earl Kim) as a conductor and a pianist; conducting opera. http://www3.lehigh.edu/arts-sciences/casmusicfaculty.asp | |
19. New Page 1 eugene albulescu has been acclaimed around the world for his in the USA and abroad,Mr. albulescu is currently to be the most important Czech pianist and the http://www.adirondackensemble.org/Artist Bios.htm |
20. The Daily Camera: Schools eugene albulescu, an internationally renowned classical pianist, plans to performthe works of Litz, Franck, Beethoven and Sibelius in a benefit for the school http://www.dailycamera.com/bdc/schools/article/0,1713,BDC_2488_1798814,00.html | |
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