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61. Space And Time Course based on Stephen Hawking's best selling book, A Brief History of Time . The course deals with topics in modern physics such as Einstein's Special Theory of relativity, Quantum Theory, Black Holes and the Creation of the Universe. http://www.hartwick.edu/physics/spacetime.html | |
62. Dr. Odenwald's ASK THE ASTRONOMER Page: Relativity FAQs Special General relativity Questions and Answers. The following is a reproductionof the Special and General relativity section of his work. http://einstein.stanford.edu/gen_int/relativity/qanda.html | |
63. Clyde Davenport's Home Page Summary and application as it relates to electromagnetic theory and special relativity. http://home.usit.net/~cmdaven/cmdaven1.htm | |
64. Home Stack About Bio Projects Quotes Resume News ( Print ). NewsMonster NOT supported on OSX Posted on 200303-15000131-08 Bad news. NewsMonster is no longer supported on http://relativity.yi.org/ | |
65. [gr-qc/9605010] Cosmic Topology General relativity does not allow one to specify the topology of space, leaving the possibility that space is multi rather than simply- connected. This paper reviews the mathematical properties of multi-connected spaces, and the different tools to classify them and to analyse their properties. http://xxx.lpthe.jussieu.fr/abs/gr-qc/9605010 | |
66. Relativity.yi.org/pgpkey.txt Translate this page -BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK- Version GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux) Comment Forinfo see http//www.gnupg.org mQGiBDmeIr0RBAC0q7/R1fg6kQIoibJbj6NNVBtgpcZ7So http://relativity.yi.org/pgpkey.txt | |
67. Superstring And M-Theory Page -Relativity, Quantum Theory, Theoretical Physics This large page will provide information for people interested Superstring and MTheory. These topics are explained in detail. Advanced topics such as p-branes and dualities are explained. http://www.superstring-theory.com | |
68. Seven Dimensional (and Up) Einsteinian Hyperspherical Universe Updated material from the archived Cosmology Review site written in cooperation with UNC. A conceptualization in plain English of an eternal, dual, periodic universe model according to Special and General relativity. http://www.fm/7-sphere/ | |
69. The Special Theory Of Relativity Presents an analytical assessment of the kinematics of special relativity.Category Science Physics relativity Special relativity...... us to forgo their use. Galileo Galilei. A New Direction For Physics!The Synthesis of Mechanics, relativity and Quantum Physics. http://www3.sympatico.ca/wbabin/paper/ | |
70. 2001: A Spacetime Odyssey Two theories revolutionized the 20th century view of space and time Einstein's General Theory of relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Their union has spawned elementary particle theories with extra spacetime dimensions, the inflationary model of bigbang cosmology, dark matter in the universe, radiation from quantum black holes and the fuzzy spacetime geometry of superstrings and M-theory. http://www.umich.edu/~mctp/sto2001/ | |
71. Mukul's Cosmos Graduate student at Stanford University. Includes research interests and publications, articles on relativity, quantum mechanics, and string theory http://uk.geocities.com/mukulagrawal78/index.html | |
72. Howstuffworks "How Special Relativity Works" A fascinating article that helps you to understand the basics of special relativity! Main Science Physical Science How Special relativity Works. http://www.howstuffworks.com/relativity.htm | |
73. Theory Of Analytical Space-Time Theory of everything that unifies relativity and quantum mechanics. http://cuisilong.itgo.com/ | |
74. Lecture Notes On General Relativity This homepage contains lecture notes on the course of general relativity FX2/H97 read in the fall Category Science Physics relativity Courses and Tutorials......General relativity This homepage contains lecture notes on the course of generalrelativity FX2/H97 read in the fall semester 1997 at the Physics Institute of http://www.asu.cas.cz/~had/gr.html | |
75. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis An assessment of linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. With reference to the legacies of Wilhelm von Humboldt and Sigmund Freud. http://venus.va.com.au/suggestion/sapir.html | |
76. Einstein World Devoted to Albert Einstein. It contains a biography, pictures, relativity information, intelligence information and letters he has written. http://www.geocities.com/researchtriangle/campus/6791/ | |
77. Physics 7 Page undergraduate course notes include both special relativity (eg, spacetime, Lorentz invariance, various Category Science Physics relativity Courses and Tutorials......The Physics 7 Page. Poll results. Syllabus. Course Info. Course Notes. ConceptMaps. Power Point presentations. Homework. Old exams and study guides. http://phyun5.ucr.edu/~wudka/physics7.html | |
78. Virtual Trips To Black Holes And Neutron Stars Page Here you will find descriptions and MPEG movies that take you on trips to black holes and neutron stars. These movies are scientifically accurate computer animations using Einstein's General Theory of relativity. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/htmltest/rjn_bht.html | |
79. Sr Modern Relativity Modernrelativity Special Relativity Black Hole Mass Energy A unit for an online relativity textbook explaining special relativistic mathematical physics.Category Science Physics relativity Special relativity......modernrelativity special general relativity black hole mass energy Einstein wormholetime travel Schwarzschild sr light Aclubierre warp. Special relativity. http://home.aol.com/zcphysicsms/sr.htm | |
80. Geometrie Der Relativitätstheorie Umfangreiche, gut lesbare Einf¼hrung in die spezielle und allgemeine Relativit¤tstheorie mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Konzept der Raumzeit. http://theory.gsi.de/~vanhees/faq/relativity/relativ.html | |
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