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41. SIAMS Company SIAMS S3D is 3Dstructure design and visualization software useful for the researches and practicians, mathematicians and physicists, tutors and students and even artists and designers. Works on Windows 9x/2000/NT4.0 and does not require additional libraries. http://siams.com/wwl/0/modeling/software/default.htm |
42. Internet Services For Physicists Internet Services for physicists. On this page you will find usefullinks for physicists, including eg an archie gateway, physics http://www.physik.uni-oldenburg.de/services.html | |
43. Home Page Officebased Nuclear Cardiology Imaging Services including all equipment, physicists, technologists, NRC and Agreement State Licensure requirements and isotope contracts. http://www.corscanplus.com/ |
44. International Colour Vision Society Web Page International group of physiologists, psychologists, physicists, geneticists, optometrists, ophthalmologists and others who have a research interest in the many aspects of colour vision and colour vision deficiencies. http://orlab.optom.unsw.edu.au/ICVS/ | |
45. Advance For Imaging And Oncology Administrators Offers content relevant to radiologists, medical physicists, and radiation oncologists, including industry news, trends, career advice and salary surveys. http://www.advanceforioa.com | |
46. Jobs For Physicists AIPSA. Canadian Careers The Canadian Association of physicists maintainsa list of jobs primarily based in Canada. European Careers http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/jobs/Jobs.html | |
47. Christiane's Collection Of Cooking Recipes Favorites from chemists and physicists. In English and German. http://chris_fra.tripod.com/recipes/ | |
48. Australian Jobs For Physicists Australian Jobs For physicists in 2001 Check out the following links forlists of jobs advertised in the Australian and/or the Advertiser. http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/jobs/AusJobs.html | |
49. APS Forum On The History Of Physics A member unit of the American Physical Society. It was founded as a venue for physicists, historians, and other members of the APS with an interest in discussing and exploring the historical dimensions of physics research. Forum benefits and activities include the Forum's widely read semiannual Newsletter and sponsored sessions at the March and April meetings of the APS. http://www.aps.org/FHP/index.html | |
50. Canadian Organization Of Medical Physicists http://www.medphys.ca/ | |
51. American Association Of Physicists In Medicine AAPM homepage with a link to the journal Medical Physics . http://aapm.org/ | |
52. Canadian Organization Of Medical Physicists http://www.medphys.ca/index.cfm | |
53. Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP) A nonprofit organization of teachers, educators, and physicists; at Lawrence Berkeley Lab. http://www.cpepweb.org/ | |
54. Physicists - Biographies Of Einstein, Szilard, Aristotle, Bohr And Others. Homepages, Biographies and news about physicists. Advertisement. Spotlight ona Physicist Guide picks. Homepages, Biographies and news about physicists. http://physics.about.com/cs/physicists/ | |
55. 1120 Most Cited Physicists 1981-1997 ISI's 1120 Most Cited physicists, 1981June 1997, ranked by total citations See notes by D. Pendlebury for the most cited chemists. http://pcb4122.univ-lemans.fr/1120physiciens.html | |
56. Sokal's Paper A physicists attempt to prove his hypothesis that a leading North American journal of cultural studies . . . would publish an article liberally salted with nonsense if (a)it sounded good and (b) it flattered the editors' ideological preconceptions http://www.sablesys.com/sokal.html | |
57. Mathematics Research Section Of The Union Of Czech Mathematicians And Physicists of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and physicists. Ceska verze Characterencoding Union of Czech Mathematicians and physicists http://kam.mff.cuni.cz/~mvs-jcmf/ | |
58. 2002 Directory And Census Of U.S. Particle Physicists Directory and survey of U.S. particle physicists. http://pdg.lbl.gov/us-hepfolk/index.html | |
59. Kiwi Physicists Abroad Kiwi physicists Abroad, The primary graduate school. All the physicistslisted below have agreed to provide information if asked. http://theory.fnal.gov/people/parke/kiwis.html | |
60. Flash Plugin Test The principal organization of radiologists, radiation oncologists, and clinical medical physicists in the United States, with more than 30,000 members. http://www.acr.org/ |
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