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1. Condensed Matter & Materials Physics Conference 2000 The annual CMMP meeting is a major international conference. This year it will be held in Bristol and will again have a range of symposia with speakers and contributors from the UK, elsewhere in Europe and beyond. The wide range of invited and plenary talks will cover novel aspects of condensed matter and materials physics and applications into other areas of science and technology. http://physics.iop.org/IOP/Confs/CMMP/ | |
2. Condensed Matter arXiv.org eprint server. Free preprints of journal papers from 1992 onwards. http://arxiv.org/archive/cond-mat | |
3. Springer LINK: Zeitschrift Für Physik B Translate this page The Springer Journal Zeitschrift für Physik B condensed matter has been mergedinto The European Physical Journal B (EPJ B) starting 1998. Springer LINK, http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00257/ | |
4. Theory Of Condensed Matter Group These pages contain information on the research interests, members and publications of the group.Category Science Physics condensed matter Organizations......These pages contain information on the research interests, members and publicationsof the Theory of condensed matter group of the Cavendish Laboratory http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/ | |
5. CONDENSED MATTER LINKS Links related to crystals, mathematical modeling, quantum liquids and the Hall effect, among others. http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/r/e/redingtn/www/netadv/condetc.html | |
6. Condensed Matter Theory Group, University Of Mainz Publications Working ? http://www.cond-mat.physik.uni-mainz.de/ |
7. ...:::ICMP:::... General information, departments, condensed matter Physics online journal, publications by ftp, links, conferebces, workshops, seminars. http://www.icmp.lviv.ua/ |
8. The Condensed Matter Theory Sector Of SISSA The condensed matter Sector purses several projects of clear scientific relevance, mainly to understand by microscopical http://www.sissa.it/cm | |
9. Chemistry Of Condensed Matter Chemistry of condensed matter, P.O.Box 80.000, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands. http://www.chem.uu.nl/gm/www | |
10. NCSA Condensed Matter Physics Home Page Useful algorithms for a diverse range of quantum manybody systems such as the Monte Carlo Method.Category Science Physics condensed matter......Quantum Simulations of condensed matter Systems This is the NCSA CondensedMatter Physics home page. A variety of Quantum Simulation http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Apps/CMP/cmp-homepage.html | |
11. Condensed Matter Physics Department University Of Basel condensed matter GroupCategory Science Physics condensed matter Organizations......Uni Basel,. Physics Department, condensed matter. Welcome to the condensedmatter home page of the Institut für Physik der Universität Basel. http://monet.physik.unibas.ch/ | |
12. Redirect Page Information about condensed matter Physics atAmes Labratory at Iowa State University.Category Regional North America Research Areas http://cmp.ameslab.gov/cmp/cmp.html |
13. Physical Review B Homepage Find a table of contents and abstracts from the latest issue of this journal featuring articles on condensed matter and materials physics. http://prb.aps.org/ | |
14. Condensed Matter Physics - Caltech condensed matter Physics. California Institute of Technology. CondensedMatter Physics Caltech 11436 Pasadena CA 91125 Category Reference Education Research Physics and Astronomy http://www.cmp.caltech.edu/ | |
15. Journal Of Physics: Condensed Matter Learn about the experimental and theoretical groups at this Swiss university's department of condensedmatter physics. Also get contact information. condensed matter. Welcome to the condensed matter home page of the Institut für Physik der Universität Basel. http://www.iop.org/Journals/cm | |
16. SpringerLink: The European Physical Journal B The European Physical Journal B (EPJ B) condensed matter is a merger of Il NuovoCimento D, Journal de Physique and Zeitschrift für Physik B. Springer LINK. http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10051/ | |
17. Feynman.princeton.edu http://feynman.princeton.edu/ | |
18. Experimental Soft Condensed Matter Group The group of David A. Weitz works on the physics of soft condensed matter, materials which are easily Category Science Physics condensed matter Soft condensed matter......We study the physics of soft condensed matter, including colloids, emulsions,gels, glasses, polymers, foams, and biological samples. http://www.deas.harvard.edu/projects/weitzlab/ | |
19. UPenn Soft Condensed Matter Group Index to this large group in soft condensed matter physics.Category Science Physics condensed matter Soft condensed matter......Soft condensed matter. Group Homepages. Heiney Group; Yodh Group; Quantum CondensedMatter Theory. Other Links of Interest. Comments? Last Modified 25 July 2001 http://dept.physics.upenn.edu/softphysics/ | |
20. FLC MRSEC http://bly.colorado.edu/cml/cml.html | |
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