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61. The Structures Of Reality: Truth, Invariance And Scientific Objectivity Symmetry in InterTheory Relations Harre, Rom. Covariance and Conservation (Mathematical Epistemology), Varieties of Realism van fraassen,bas. http://www.mmsysgrp.com/stefanik.htm | |
62. Academy Members (V) van Dyke, Milton, Denman, I, 5, FELLOW. van fraassen, bas, C. IV, 1,FELLOW. van Harlingen, Dale, J. I, 2, FELLOW. van Holde, Kensal, Edward,II, 1, FELLOW. http://www.amacad.org/members/v.htm | |
63. 31-TAFRA THE SHAM VICTORY OF ABSTRACTION (Review of Feyerabend, Conquest of Abundance*) bybas C. van fraassen 23 June 2000*, posted 24 October 2000. bas C. van fraassen. http://www.douglashospital.qc.ca/fdg/kjf/31-TAFRA.htm | |
64. Piet Hut: World Views an introduction to the orientation of the Kira Institute, which I wrote with mycolleagues Roger Shepard, Steven Tainer, bas van fraassen, and Arthur Zajonc. http://www.ids.ias.edu/~piet/act/nat/views/ | |
65. Phil 103 - Links bas van fraassen's Princeton course on Philosophy of Science. Individual Philosophersof Science Sir Karl Popper, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; http://mugwump.pitzer.edu/~bkeeley/CLASS/pos_links.htm | |
66. Spring 97 4. bas van fraassen, ÒThe Pragmatics of ExplanationÓ RPS 14. 131 In-class Quiz1. Schedule, cont. 1. bas van fraassen, ÒConstructive EmpiricismÓ RPS 34. http://libarts.wsu.edu/philo/faculty-staff/campbell/350 syllabus.htm | |
67. Scientific Realism bas van fraassen is known for his arguments against scientific realism, particularlyfor his argument that it is a mistake to suppose that the aim of science http://www.shef.ac.uk/~phil/courses/312/11realism.htm | |
68. Videnskab Og Virkelighed bas van fraassen Teorierne er en del af den evolutionære proces. (citat s.39i bas van fraassen The Scientific Image, (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1980). http://www.nbi.dk/~natphil/kur/stof/F-noter/Mikkel.2002/realisme_antirea.htm | |
69. Voorlichtingsdagen Ter discussie staan bas C. van fraassen, The Empirical Stance. bas van fraassenbekritiseerd in de analytische filosofie de trend naar metafysica (bv. http://www.ph.vu.nl/nieuws/agenda.html | |
70. Infinite Ink's Philosophy Page My primary philosophical focus is philosophy of science, mathematics, and religion,and my favorite philosophers right now are bas van fraassen and Mary http://www.ii.com/philosophy/ | |
71. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books ISBN 0915760029 . van fraassen, bas C. Quantum Mechanics An EmpiricistView Oxford University Press, 1991. ISBN 0198239807 . http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/v.html | |
72. Kennisleer En Wetenschapsfilosofie - Sheets Pragmatische analyse van verklaringen. (bas van fraassen). Verklaringen hebbengeen unieke structuur; wat een goede verklaring is hangt af van de context. http://www.phil.uu.nl/~lith/onderwijs/sheets160402.html | |
73. Sheets 060602 - Realisme En Constructief Empirisme Constructief empirisme van fraassen. bas C. van fraassen, `The ScientificImage' (1980). wetenschappelijk realisme `Science aims http://www.phil.uu.nl/~lith/KW5/sheets060602.html | |
74. Principia, Vol. 1, N. 2 In his influential criticism of scientific realism, bas van fraassen assumes thatthis doctrine is incompatible with empiricism, according to which the sole http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/~nel/principia/cont1-2.html | |
75. Hippias: Limited Area Search Of Philosophy On The Internet bas van fraassen Publications top of site CV abstracts manuscripts stories photosbas C. van fraassen Publications Books Articles Chronological Articles http://hippias.evansville.edu/search.cgi?Imre Lakatos&1 |
76. UvT: Overzicht En Inhoud Van De Cursus College 8 Tegen Quine's Empirisme Putnam en de naturalisering van de rede College9 Een Nieuw Empirisme 2 bas van fraassen's Scientific Image College 10 http://www.uvt.nl/faculteiten/fww/medewerkers/deregt/overzicht.html | |
77. News & Announcements 16 February 2002 bas van fraassen to deliver Ernest Nagel Lectures The eminentphilosopher bas van fraassen (Princeton University) will deliver the Ernest http://www.pitt.edu/~philosop/announce.html | |
78. Science, Culture And Communicatiion Seminars Summary The dialectic between scientific realists and their most sophisticated opponent,bas van fraassen, cannot be resolved without considering the status of http://www.bath.ac.uk/~hssdcg/Sems1_2002.html | |
79. V V. van fraassen, bas. Vienna Circle. Vlastos, Gregory (19071991). The ThirdMan Argument in the Parmenides, Philosophical Review 63 (1954) 319-49. http://www.ditext.com/selon/v.html | |
80. Richard Healey Bibliography Richard Healey Time, Reality, and Relativity / Lawrence Sklar Modal Reality/ Colin McGinn Essences and Laws of Nature / bas C. van fraassen. http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~eyeghiay/Philosophy/Colloquia/healey.html | |
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