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         Cassirer Ernst:     more books (100)
  1. Ernst Cassirer: An Annotated Bibliography (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities) by Walter Eggers, Sigrid Mayer, 1988-01-01
  2. Einheit des Geistes: Probleme ihrer Grundlegung in der Philosophie Ernst Cassirers (Philosophie und Geschichte der Wissenschaften) (German Edition)
  3. Die Realitat der symbolischen Formen: Die Kulturphilosophie Ernst Cassirers im Kontext (German Edition) by Heinz Paetzold, 1994
  4. Das Zwischenreich Der Symbolischen Formen: Ernst Cassirers Erkenntnistheorie, Ethik Und Politik Im Spannungsfeld Von Historismus Und Neukantianismus (Schriften ... Politischen Kultur Der Weimarer Republik) by Gerard Raulet, 2005-01
  5. Bruno Bauch ed Ernst Cassirer (Saggi Bibliopolis) (Italian Edition) by Cristina Savi, 1992
  6. Ernst Cassirer: The Swedish Years by Jonas Hansson, Svante Nordin, 2006-03-31
  7. Forms of Knowledge & Sensibility: Ernst Cassirer & the Human Sciences (Kulturstudier, 22)
  8. Ernst Cassirer (Twayne's world leaders series ; TWLS 61) by Seymour W. Itzkoff, 1977-09-01
  9. Symbolische Identitat: Dynamik und Stabilitat bei Ernst Cassirer und Niklas Luhmann (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Ingo Rill, 1995
  10. Ernst Cassirer zur Einführung by Heinz Paetzold, 2002
  11. Ernst Cassirers kritische Sprachphilosophie: Darstellung, Kritik, Aktualitat (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Thomas Goller, 1986
  12. Platonic Renaissance in England by Ernst Cassirer, 1970-10
  13. The Logic of the Humanities by Ernst Cassirer, 1974
  14. Rousseau, Kant and Goethe: Two Essays by Ernst Cassirer, 1970-06

81. Encyclopædia Britannica
Encyclopædia Britannica, cassirer, ernst Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLAstyle cassirer, ernst. 2003 Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

82. The Philosophy Of Ernst Cassirer
The Philosophy of ernst cassirer (Volume VI, 1949). The core of this excitingvolume is composed of twentythree searching and illuminating
The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer
(Volume VI, 1949)
The core of this exciting volume is composed of twenty-three searching and illuminating articles in which Cassirer's investigations, thought, values, and conclusions are defined, examined, and critically evaluated. These include his work on Kant, his contributions to the epistemology of physics and mathematics, his philosophy of the social sciences and of symbolic forms, his studies of mythology, of language and myth, his humanism, his concern with art and literature, and his theory of history. Dimitry Gawronsky: Ernst Cassirer: His Life and His Work
Four Addresses, delivered at Memorial Services
Edward Case: In Memoriam: Ernst CassirerA poem
Hajo Holborn: Ernst Cassirer
F. Saxl: Ernst Cassirer
Edward Case: A Student's Nachruf
Charles W. Hendel: Ernst Cassirer C. Hendrik J. Pos: Recollections of Ernst Cassirer
Carl H. Hamburg: Cassirer's Conception of Philosophy
William Curtis Swabey: Cassirer and Metaphysics
I.K. Stephens: Cassirer's Doctrine of the A Priori Felix Kaufmann: Cassirer's Theory of Scientific Knowledge Dimitry Gawronsky: Cassirer's Contribution to the Epistemology of Physics Harold R. Smart: Cassirer's Theory of Mathematical Concepts

83. Korzybski Org
ernst cassirer. Author of Substance and Function etc. Author cassirer, ernst,18741945 Uniform title Substanzbegriff und funktionsbegriff.
Home Contact
Ernst Cassirer
Author of Substance and Function etc. From a letter by Korzybski (June 1925) to Ogden "In my experience and understanding, no one who is not familiar with this fundamental epistemological treatise can appreciate either your Meaning of Meaning or my work." Quoted in Semantic Pioneers Revisited by W. Terrence Gordon
Et cetera Spring 1990, p. 57. Author: Cassirer, Ernst, 1874-1945
Uniform title: Substanzbegriff und funktionsbegriff
Title: Substance and function and Einstein's theory of relativity
Authorized translation by William Curtis Swabey and Marie Collins Swabey
New York : Dover Publications 1953 : Description: xii, 465 p. 21 cm
Notes: "The first part of the present book, Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff was published in 1910, while the second part, which we have called the Supplement, Zur Einstein'schen Relativitätstheorie, appeared in 1921." "Unabridged reprint of the volume as originally published in 1923."
Bibliography: p. 457-460
ISBN: 0486200507 From The Role of Language in the Perceptual Processes (1950) by Korzybski There is a tremendous difference between “thinking” in verbal terms, and “contemplating,” inwardly silent, on nonverbal levels, and then searching for the proper structure of language to fit the supposedly discovered structure of the silent processes that modern science tries to find. If we “think” verbally, we act as biased observers and project onto the silent levels the structure of the language we use, so remaining in our rut of old orientations which make keen, unbiased observations (“perceptions”?) and creative work well-nigh impossible. In contrast, when we “think” without words, or in pictures or visualizations (which involve structure and, therefore, relations), we may discover new aspects and relations on silent levels, and so may formulate important theoretical results in the general search for a similarity of structure between the two levels, silent and verbal. Practically all important advances are made in that way.

84. Listings Of The World Society Philosophy Philosophers
http// - Added Nov-27-02; cassirer, ernst (1874- 1945) Post Review An article by MJ Inwood from the Oxford Companion to,_Ernst/

85. Bibliographie [C]
Translate this page h cassirer, ernst. 1923-1929. Philosophie der symbolischen Formen. 1. Teil DieSprache. 2. Teil Das mythische Denken. Berlin. b cassirer, ernst. 1942.

86. Private Krankenversicherung Für Angestellte Und Selbstständige
Translate this page Wauu.DE Deutsch Wissenschaft Geisteswissenschaften PhilosophiePhilosophen und Philosophinnen cassirer, ernst.
Private Krankenversicherung für Angestellte und Selbstständige Gerade bei der privaten Krankenversicherung gibt es nicht nur enorme Preisunterschiede, sondern auch große Unterschiede bei den angebotenen Leistungen.
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87. Cassirer, Ernst
cassirer, ernst. Top Society Philosophy Philosophers cassirer,_ernst 1, ernst cassirer Society. 4, cassirer, ernst (1874 1945).,_Ernst/

Ernst Cassirer Society
An international association of scholars. Site features discussion groups, bibliographies of Cassirer's works and literature on his philosophy, introductions to Cassirer's philosophy, and other use
Category: Society > Philosophy > Philosophers > Cassirer, Ernst
Ernst Cassirer, An Essay on Man
Review by Cosma Shalizi.
Category: Society > Philosophy > Philosophers > Cassirer, Ernst
Review of Ernst Cassirer's Language and Myth
A 1949 article on this work, by Wilfrid Sellars. Raises various questions about Cassirer's analysis of symbolism.
Category: Society > Philosophy > Philosophers > Cassirer, Ernst Cassirer, Ernst (1874 - 1945)
An article by M.J. Inwood from the Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Briefly considers the differences between Cassirer's ideas and those of Kant. Category: Society > Philosophy > Philosophers > Cassirer, Ernst AD.COM Web Directory is based on

88. Ernst Cassirer
Notebooks ernst cassirer, 18741945. (Thu Jun 1 140003 2000) Lipton, ernstcassirer The Dilemmas of a Liberal Intellectual in Germany, 19141933;
Ernst Cassirer, 18741945
(Thu Jun 1 14:00:03 2000) German philosopher and intellectual historian; escaped from the Nazis, first to Oxford, then to Goteborg and finally to Yale. I've only just started to read him, beginning with what was first to hand, namely the historical works, and frankly I'm puzzled. What, exactly, is a ``symbolic form''? It seems to have some connection to Kant's ideas about the structures which we necessarily impose upon phenomena; but on the other hand Cassirer sometimes talks about them as though they evolved through time. Also, he speaks of ``science'' and ``myth'' as symbolic forms, though I don't think he would have said we have ``scientific'' or ``mythic'' perceptions. And did Cassirer believe in noumena? And, on the subject of myths , having read his Myth of the State, which he begins with a summary of his thoughts on what myths are and what they do, all I can tell you is that he thought they had something to do with emotions, could be about any subject at all, and had rituals as their ``motor expressions.'' (Perhaps that was a bad exposition on his part; perhaps I'm just dense.) And just what principles did he employ in historical research? His

89. SNM/DLA: Namenregister 'C' Nachlaßverzeichnis
Translate this page Marie K-108, K-108-1, W-22 Caspary, Adolf G-23 cassirer, Bruno B-62, F-21, K-26,K-74 cassirer, Bruno (Verlag) A-3, B-9, E-23, K-9 cassirer, ernst W-45 cassirer
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91. Institut Fuer Philosophie
New Haven and London/1996. Edgar Wind. Kunsthistoriker und Philosoph.
Philosophische Anthropologie und Kulturphilosophie
Prof. Dr. John Michael Krois
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
UL 6, R. 3044
Tel.: +30 2093-2146 Fax: +30 2093-2547
Email: Feriensprechstunde: Mittwoch, 19.03.03, 15-16 Uhr Akademischer Lebenslauf Forschungsinteressen Auswahl an Publikationen
Akademischer Lebenslauf
M.A., Ohio University
Thema: Ontologische Voraussetzungen
bei: A. Mickunas
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Thema: Das Wertproblem
bei: D. P. Verene
Habilitation an der Philipps-Universität Marburg
Thema: Ernst Cassirer bei: Oswald Schwemmer
Ohio University, Pennsylvania State University, Emory University, TU Braunschweig, Universität Trier, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Universität Wien (Gastprofessor, WS 1997/98), Université de Lausanne (Gastprofessor, SS 2001)
Gast des Rektors, Wissenschaftskolleg British Academy Visiting Scholar, Warburg Institute London Yale University Beinecke Library Herman Broch Fellow Named Honorary Research Fellow in the Centre for Intercultural Studies, University of Glasgow, Scotland
Auswahl an Publikationen
Cassirer, Symbolic Forms and History. New Haven und London/1987.

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