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         Beauvoir Simone De:     more books (100)
  1. Tete-a-Tete: The Tumultuous Lives and Loves of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre (P.S.) by Hazel Rowley, 2006-10-01
  2. The Mandarins by Simone De Beauvoir, 1956
  3. Simone De Beauvoir and Her Catholicism: An Essay on Her Ethical and Religious Meditations by Joseph Mahon, 2007-01-30
  4. The Mandarins by Simone De Beauvoir, 1956
  5. Le Deuxieme Sexe/ the Second Sex (French Edition) by Simone De Beauvoir, 1976-06
  6. A Disgraceful Affair: Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Bianca Lamblin by Bianca Lamblin, 1996-03-01
  7. Segundo sexo (Spanish Edition) by Simone De Beauvoir, 2002-02-19
  8. Blood of Others (Twentieth Century Classics) by Simone de Beauvoir, 1990-01-25
  9. The Long March: An Account of Modern China by Simone de Beauvoir, 2002-03-28
  10. After the War: Force of Circumstance, 1944-1952 (Autobiography of Simone De Beauvoir) by Simone de Beauvoir, 1992-09
  11. Simone de Beauvoir, Gender and Testimony (Cambridge Studies in French) by Ursula Tidd, 2006-12-14
  12. Old Age by Simone de Beauvoir, 1972-03-09
  13. Simone de Beauvoir et le cours du monde (French Edition) by Simone de Beauvoir, 1978
  14. Briefe an Simone de Beauvoir und andere 1. 1929 - 1939. by Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, 1998-01-01

41. Europäerinnen Des Geistes Und Der Tat
Die OnlinePr¤sentation einer Ausstellung in der Zentralbibliothek D¼sseldorf bietet Biographien von Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914), Annette Kolb (1870-1967), Ricarda Huch (1864-1947) und simone de beauvoir (1908-1986).
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42. - Great Books -
simone de beauvoir (19081986), The Great Books simone de beauvoirThis web page is part of a biographical database on Great Ideas.
Simone de Beauvoir
French novelist and existentialist philosopher. Her philosophical views parallel those of Jean Paul Sartre , her associate and lover. Her 1949 "The Second Sex," became the core text for liberal feminist argumentation for the rest of the century.
The Great Books Simone de Beauvoir
This web page is part of a biographical database on Great Ideas . These are living ideas that have shaped, defined and directed world culture for over 2,500 years. By definition the Great Ideas are radical. As such they are sometimes misread, or distorted by popular simplifications. Understanding a Great Idea demands personal engagement. Our selection of Great Ideas is drawn from literature and philosophy science art music ... theatre , and cinema . We also include biographies of pivotal historical and religious figures , as well as contributions from women and other historically under-represented minorities . The result is an integrated multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary database built upon the framework of a Great Books Core List developed by Mortimer Adler (1902-2001) nearly 50 years ago.

43. Abortion's Mother Early Works Of Simone De Beauvoir
Article by Germain Kopaczynski, arguing that beauvoir's attitude toward motherhood never wavered she never wanted to become a mother and urged women either to avoid motherhood completely or else to choose the timing of it very carefully.
Abortion's Mother: Early Works of Simone de Beauvoir Germain Kopaczynski, O.F.M.Conv. Simone de Beauvoir's first novel, , has as its epigraph Hegel's comment: "Each consciousness pursues the death of the other."1 The fundamental hostility of human beings toward each other remains constant in Beauvoir's works all her life long. In a sense, her whole literary output as well as her life can be regarded as a long, running commentary upon epigraph. In the French feminist's stance on the practice of human abortion, we witness the same clashing of human consciousnesses ending in death: The immorality of women, favorite theme of misogynists, is not to be wondered at; how could they fail to feel an inner mistrust of the presumptuous principles that men publicly proclaim and secretly disregard? They learn to believe no longer in what men say when they exalt woman or when they exalt man; the one thing they are sure of is this rifled and bleeding womb, these shreds of crimson life, this child that is not there. It is at her first abortion that woman begins to "know." For many women the world will never be the same.2 The Mother of a Movement Simone de Beauvoir's is the of contemporary feminist readings. Camille Paglia has it exactly right:

44. The Second Sex By Simone De Beauvoir
The Second Sex. simone de beauvoir 1949. SourceThe Second Sex, 1949, translated by HM Parshley.
The Second Sex
Simone de Beauvoir 1949
Source The Second Sex , 1949, translated by H M Parshley. Introduction
Chapter One
, Biology
Chapter Two
, Psychology
Chapter Three
, History

Further Reading:
, Jean-Paul Sartre, 1946
Philosophy Archive @

45. Marie Couillard: La Lesbienne Selon Simone De Beauvoir Et Nicole Brossard : Iden
Un article de Marie Couillard, publi© dans Labyrinth (vol. 1, Winter, 1999)
Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1999
Marie Couillard
La lesbienne selon Simone de Beauvoir et Nicole Brossard:
Dans , Simone de Beauvoir ne tranche pas la question. Or, qui dit marginal, dit exclus. choisie en situation Tout compte fait Dans Amantes Le sens apparent (1980) et le recueil Amantes Le sens apparent et je suis une femme
REFERENCES de Beauvoir, Simone, (1949),
de Beauvoir, Simone, (1972), Tout compte fait , Paris, Gallimard. Brossard, Nicole, (1988), Brossard, Nicole, (1985), et alii Typo. Parker, Alice A., (1998) Liminal Visions of Nicole Brossard , Peter Lang, coll. Francophone Cultures and Literature.
, I, 16, 1949.

46. Glossary Of People: De
MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism Glossary of People. de. de beauvoir, simone(1908 1986). French writer and feminist, and Existentialist.
MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism : Glossary of People
De Beauvoir, Simone (1908 - 1986) French writer and feminist, and Existentialist. She is known primarily for her treatise The Second Sex (1949), a scholarly and passionate plea for the abolition of what she called the myth of the "eternal feminine." It became a classic of feminist literature during the 1960s. Jean-Paul Sartre , beginning a free, lifelong association with him. She taught at a number of schools (1931-43) before turning to writing for her livelihood. In 1945 she began editing Le Temps Modernes with Sartre. Her novels expounded the major Existential themes, demonstrating her conception of the writer's commitment to the times. She Came To Stay (1943) treats the difficult problem of the relationship of a conscience to "the other". Of her other works of fiction, perhaps the best known is The Mandarins (1954), a chronicle of the attempts of post-World War II intellectuals to leave their "mandarin" (educated elite) status and engage in political activism. She also wrote four books of philosophy, including The Ethics of Ambiguity Several volumes of her work are devoted to autobiography which constitute a telling portrait of French intellectual life from the 1930s to the 1970s. In addition to treating feminist issues, de Beauvoir was concerned with the issue of aging, which she addressed in

47. Simone De Beauvoir, Eine Klassikerin Der Feministischen Soziologie?
Ein Artikel von Claudia Gather, ver¶ffentlicht in Labyrinth, vol.1, Winter 1999.
Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1999
Claudia Gather
Simone de Beauvoir, eine Klassikerin der feministischen Soziologie
In dem Sammelband Frauen in der Soziologie Klassikerinnen Das andere Geschlecht (1951 erstmals auf deutsch) Das andere Geschlecht Anderen Geschlecht s fest, dass Anderen Geschlecht Mit Beginn der neuen Frauenbewegung wurde Das andere Geschlecht
Rezeption des Anderen Geschlechts
In Frankreich soll das Erscheinen 1949 In Westdeutschland war es bis Ende der 60er Jahre ruhig um das Buch. Als Herausforderung wurde es anfangs nur von einigen TheologInnen begriffen, aus christlicher Sicht wurde es heftig kritisiert. Das andere Geschlecht in dieser Zeit dennoch “ein Leuchtfeuer ... in der Dunkelheit einer namenlosen Verzweiflung” (1983:44) gewesen. Zum Verkaufsschlager wurde Das andere Geschlecht Eine der wenigen Autorinnen in dieser Zeit, die sich inhaltlich mit dem anderen Geschlecht In vielen Frauengruppen wurde d as andere Geschlecht s gelesen und besprochen. Das Buch wurde jedoch nicht als theoretisches gelesen, sondern als eines, das die Erfahrungen der Frauen damals unmittelbar ansprach (so auch Hagemann-White 1992). Die von Das war der Mechanismus der “Politisierung des Privaten” (Gerhard 1992:43).

48. Simone De Beauvoir
Translate this page simone de beauvoir Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen, Begriffe. eMail. simone de beauvoir (1908 - 1986).
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Simone de Beauvoir (1908 - 1986)
Philosophin Sartre powered by Uwe Wiedemann

49. Simone De Beauvoir - Europäerinnen Des Geistes Und Der Tat
Biographischer AbriŸ innerhalb der Ausstellung Europ¤erinnen des Geistes und der Tat .
Simone de Beauvoir
Frühe Jahre: Erkennen und Schreiben
1954 Nach dem Erscheinen von Les mandarins
Photo von Gisèle Freund Am 9. Januar wird Simone als Tochter von Françoise, geb. Brasseur, und Georges de Beauvoir in Paris, Boulevard Montparnasse in noch großbürgerliche Verhältnisse hineingeboren. Einschulung im katholischen Cours Adeline Désir, das sie bis zum baccalauréat besucht. Philosophiestudium an der Sorbonne und Erwerb der licence, gefolgt vom Erwerb der agrégation - der Qualifikation für den Lehrerberuf - ebenfalls an der Sorbonne, sowie an der Ecole Normale Supérieure. 1929 schreibt sie ihre Diplomarbeit über Leibniz; sie schließt mit herausragenden Leistungen ab. Beauvoir und Sartre beginnen eine Beziehung nominell gleichberechtigter, nicht exklusiver Partnerschaft. Sie nimmt eine Stelle als Lehrerin in Marseilles an, 1932 wechselt sie nach Rouen. Zusammen mit Sartre bereist sie Europa. Beauvoir beginnt wieder in Paris zu unterrichten, eine Tätigkeit, die sie - mit kurzen Unterbrechungen - fortsetzt bis sie durch das Vichy-Regime entlassen wird. 1943 erscheint L'Invitée (Sie kam und sie blieb). Der Roman

50. Astrocartography Of Simone De Beauvoir's Least-aspected Saturn
Biography of simone de beauvoir, focus on how the planetary metaphor of Saturn was reflected in her life and work, by Rob Couteau.
Astrocartography, Astrology, Astrology and Saturn, Simone de Beauvoir, Biography Existentialism Jean Paul Sartre The Role of the Least-aspected Planet In Astrocartography New Insights Into the Spirit of Place by Robert Couteau Astrocartography home Saturn = 101
Jupiter = 110
Mars = 131
Pluto = 200
Moon = 221
Mercury = 301
Neptune = 302
Sun = 332
She [de Beauvoir] presupposes that a writer can actually convey pure facts without a viewpoint. — Melinda Camber Porter, Through Parisian Eyes Of all French writers, she alone ... noted the passing years with such insistence, ever con­scious of the ticking clock, of life’s running out and slipping away. — Claude Francis and Fernande Gontier, Simone de Beauvoir Always the same faces, the same surroundings, the same conversations, the same problems. The more it changes, the more it repeats itself. In the end, you feel as if you’re dying alive. — Simone de Beauvoir, The Mandarins Simone de Beauvoir Simone de Beauvoir was born in Paris, west of her Primary Saturn, which runs over the eastern border of France in a vertical midnight position. Along with her lifelong compan­ion and fellow philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, de Beauvoir promulgated the “Existentialist / philosophy” (Primary Saturn / Secondary Jupiter) in works of fiction, philosophy, essays, and autobiography. Evolving out of the sense of the “hopelessness, alienation, meaning­lessness, and despair” (Primary Saturn) that characterized the intellectual spirit of the World War II era, Existentialism conceived of humanity as existing in a “soulless uni­verse” (Primary Saturn): one bereft of any absolute value or meaning. Faced with such cosmic emptiness, we are left only with the choice of creating our own sense of personal “responsibility” (Primary Saturn).

51. Diane Lamoureux :  Le Paradoxe Du Corps Chez Simone De Beauvoir (Labyrinth, Vol
Un article de Diane Lamoureux, publi© dans (Labyrinth, vol. 1, no. 1/1999).
Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1999
Diane Lamoureux Le Paradoxe du corps chez Simone de Beauvoir
On le sait, l'analyse du Comme le souligne Butler Mais, plus fondamentalement, les femmes ne sont pas femmes mais sont devenues crise est dehors prend double bind double bind gender sex Mitsein sex , ni le gender sexes et de genders NOTES N.B. e-mail: Judith Butler, Gender Trouble , New York, Routledge, 1990, pages 11-12. , texte auquel elle fait d'ailleurs explicitement allusion. , Paris, Seuil, 1989, p. 104.

52. Susanne Moser - Die Beste Beauvoir-Analyse Aller Zeiten? (Labyrinth, Vol1, No. 1
Eine Rezension von Susanne Moser zur deutschen œbersetzung von Mary Evans simone de beauvoir. Ein feministischer Mandarin. Daedalus Verlag, M¼nster 1999 (Labyrinth, vol. 1, Winter 1999).
Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1999
Die beste Beauvoir-Analyse aller Zeiten!
Eine Rezension von Susanne Moser Simone de Beauvoir. Ein feministischer Mandarin
Das andere Geschlecht
viele Jahrzehnte war.“ Ist dies wirklich der Fall? Handelt es sich wirklich um die beste Beauvoir-Analyse aller Zeiten? In ihren Wertvorstellungen Anderen Geschlechts Anderen Geschlecht Das andere Geschlecht dieses als „weiblich qualifizierte“ Produkt, das dann „Frau“ genannt wird, hervorbringt und ihr die Rolle der „Unwesentlichen“, der „Anderen“ zuteilt. Kaum jemand hat so sehr den Zwang der Situation artikuliert und Frausein aus diesem Zwang heraus zu thematisieren versucht wie Beauvoir. geliefert. Damit spielt Evans gerade denjenigen patriarchalen und Kapitalismuskritik darstellt - Beauvoir war zeitlebens Sozialistin und sympathisierte lange Zeit mit dem Kommunismus - in sein Gegenteil. Damit bleibt Evans zentrale Fragestellung, „welcher Art die Analyse ist“ und Karen Vintges , oder um den ideengeschichtlichen Bezug wie bei Eva Lungdren-Gothlin , um feministische Interpretationen von Beauvoir, herausgegeben von Margret Simons oder um die aufsehenerregende Interpretation von Edward und Kate Fullbrook Deformation von Beauvoirs Werk zugemutet.

53. Women's Equity Resource Center
On beauvoir as Woman of the Week .
Back to Women of Achievement
Simone de Beauvoir
DATES : January 9, 1908 - 1986 ABOUT HER
Writer, intellectual, feminist, rebel, Simone de Beauvoir was always an independent thinker. At a young age seeing the misery of her mother's life, she vowed never to be a housewife. She partnered herself with Jean-Paul Sartre for 51 years although she did not marry him, nor would she live with him. With him she co-defined the concept of existentialism. In her writing life, Simone de Beauvoir wrote both fiction and nonfiction. The Second Sex , her fifth book, became a battle cry for all feminists. In it she wrote frankly about her experiences growing up female in a male-dominated world. Simone de Beauvoir never accepted for the role society had created for her gender. QUOTES
"One is not born a woman, one becomes one." AWARDS/HONORS
  • Goncourt Prize for fiction
The Second Sex

54. Beauvoir, Simone De
encyclopediaEncyclopedia beauvoir, simone de, sEmôn' du bOvwär'Pronunciation Key. beauvoir, simone de , 1908–86, French author.

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You've got info! Help Site Map Visit related sites from: Family Education Network Encyclopedia Beauvoir, Simone de [s E u b O Pronunciation Key Beauvoir, Simone de , French author. A leading exponent of the existentialist movement, she is closely associated with Jean-Paul Sartre . Beauvoir taught philosophy at several colleges until 1943, after which she devoted herself to writing. Her novels All Men Are Mortal (1946, tr. 1955), The Blood of Others (1946, tr. 1948), and The Mandarins (1955, tr. 1956) are interpretations of the existential dilemma. Among her most celebrated works is the profound analysis of the status of women, The Second Sex The Marquis de Sade (tr. 1953) is a brilliant, perceptive portrait. Her monumental treatise The Coming of Age (1970, tr. 1972) is an exhaustive historical consideration of the social treatment of the aged in many cultures. Beauvoir's autobiographical writings include Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter (1958, tr. 1959)

55. Simone De Beauvoir
Articles critiques   propos du 50e anniversaire du Deuxi¨me Sexe. R©f©rences bibliographiques.
Philosophe... Fonds documentaire... Revues de presse... Rencontres... Les Amies... Messages...
Et vous? I I I

56. Simone De Beauvoir Resources At Erratic Impact's Feminism Web
A selection of links and resources.

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Helene Cixous

Simone De Beauvoir
Sonia Fuentes

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Simone de Beauvoir
Online Resources Texts: Simone de Beauvoir Used Books: Simone de Beauvoir Know of a Resource? ... On De Beauvoir by Sally Scholz Benefits: • Helps students achieve quick familiarity with the main philosophy of de Beauvoir as discussed in class or through readings. • Shows students the specific, substantial contributions made by de Beauvoir. • Is concise—-just 96 pages—-and easy to integrate with other course materials. • Contains the essential elements of all the key ideas of de Beauvoir that are most relevant to coursework. • Meets the practical needs and demands of present day college students.

57. P332/W402 Feminism And Value: The Writings Of Simone De Beauvoir
A course from Peg Brand, that deals with the literary and philosophical writings of the famous French existentialist scholar, simone de beauvoir (19081986).
P332/W402 Feminism and Value:The Writings of Simone de Beauvoir
Semester: Spring 1998
Tuesday and Thursday, 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Sycamore Hall Room 103 This course deals with the literary and philosophical writings of the famous French existentialist scholar, Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986). "The first and ultimately mistaken view is that de Beauvoir's The Second Sex is simply an application of Sartre's Being and Nothingness to woman's specific situation. This is a view fed by the popular misconception that Sartre was de Beauvoir's lifelong lover and mentor. In point of fact, he was neither. Although Sartre and de Beauvoir were lovers for many years, by the late 1940s their physical relationship had apparently ended. Similarly, although Sartre was for awhile de Beauvoir's teacher, by the time they both became well-known authors, de Beauvoir was anything but Sartre's student. On the contrary, she was his intellectual companion and, at times, his teacher."
(Rosemarie Tong, Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction p. 195-6)

58. Kirjavinkit -
toiseen kertaan kääntää järjestyksen nurin. Kirjat. beauvoir,simone de Toinen sukupuoli. Painokas teos, joka kertoo ihmiselle

59. 06 Octobre 98 - Autour Du 'Deuxième Sexe'
Sur l'atelier organis© lors du Congr¨s Marx par la revue 'Nouvelles Questions f©ministes plac© sous le signe de simone de beauvoir. Revue dans l'Humanit©.
06 Octobre 98 - CULTURE

60. Beauvoir Et Lyotard
Vers une ©thique postmoderne de la justice simone de beauvoir et JeanFran§ois Lyotard - un article de Yvanka B. Raynova, publi© dans Labyrinth (vol. 1, Winter 1999).
Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1999 Yvanka B. Raynova Vers une éthique postmoderne de la justice:
, ni que l’on ait traduit en allemand celui-ci par Das andere Geschlecht et non par Das zweite Geschlecht La Force des choses L’Autre Sexe ? Non. Bost proposa: le sens de autre l’opus magnum la critique des mythes en tant que simulacres; Je vais indiquer, d’une part, 1. Le pouvoir comme discours: la situation Poser la question: qu’est ce qu’une femme situation Fragestellung Gefragtes Befragtes ) – la situation de la femme, et l’aboutissement de la question ( Erfragtes cogito genre de facto et de jure post factum Ainsi c’est non seulement le concept de femme ou de genre situation dans le cas de la femme: choix de soi mais non pas fondement de soi 2. Le discours comme pouvoir: le mythe analogon mauvaise foi
Mon propos final ici serait de montrer qu’avec droits abstraits , ainsi que le la conversion individuelle des femmes la conversion collective ou sociale l’instauration d’une nouvelle situation L’instauration de cette nouvelle situation est la conditio sine qua non Alors qu’avec sa parution „une grande intellectuelle postmoderne“ outsiders le projet fondamental du pour-soi en question. Est-ce que le pour-soi est

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