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81. Support For CTBT From Military Leaders, Scientists, Arms Control Experts & Other office. New York Times, 10/6/99 nobel Laureates who C. Tsui, Princeton CharlesTownes, California Steven Weinberg, Texas robert W. wilson, Harvard Kenneth http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/pol/arms/ctbt/whctbt.htm | |
82. Bibliography W 1989. Catalytic RNA Wins Chemistry nobel. Science 246325. _. ConsilienceThe Unity of Knowledge. New York Alfred A. Knopf. wilson, robert W. 1979. http://www.hobrad.com/etbibliw.htm | |
83. CU Facts: Selected Graduates Of Note Gould (AM '48, Ph.D. '53) stage, screen, and television actor; wilson Greatbatch(BEE robert W. Holley (Ph.D. '47) cowinner of the 1968 nobel Prize in http://www.cornell.edu/CUFACTS/alumni.html | |
84. Noticias En ACSUR Las Segovias. Asociación Para La Cooperación Con El Sur Translate this page Taylor, Jr.(Ph), *Charles H. Townes2 (Ph), Daniel C. Tsui (Ph), Harold E. Varmus(M), robert W. wilson (Ph), Ahmed H. Zewail (Ch). (Ph) -Prenio nobel de Física http://www.acsur.org/acsur/noticias/cientificos.030218.htm | |
85. Physics 1978 The nobel Prize in Physics 1978. Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Arno Allan Penzias, RobertWoodrow wilson. 1/2 of the prize, 1/4 of the prize, 1/4 of the prize. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1978/ | |
86. Bell Labs Awards with laser light. Radio Astronomy (1978) Arno A. Penzias and RobertW. wilson shared the nobel Prize in Physics. Penzias and wilson http://www.bell-labs.com/about/awards.html | |
87. Cornell Nobel Laureates robert W. Holley, Professor and Department Chair in Biochemistry (194864 KennethWilson, Professor of Physics and Nuclear Studies Return to nobel Prize release. http://www.news.cornell.edu/science/Oct96/Nobel_Laureates_at_CU.html | |
88. 100 Nobel Laureates Warn Our Planet! F. Wieschaus Physiology/Medicine, 1982 Jody Williams Peace, 1997 robert W. WilsonPhysics, 1978 Ahmed H. Zewail Chemistry, 1999. Source http//www.nobel.se. http://www.lovearth.net/100NobelLaureatesWarnOurPlanet.htm | |
89. Nobel Glans nobel glans Med anledning av nobeldagen den 10 december publicerar Från vänsterRobert W wilson (fysikpristagare 1978), Douglass C North (ekonomipristagare http://hogtrycket.adm.luth.se/visa_nyhet.asp?nyhetsnr=211&skribent=3 |
90. HTML REDIRECT nobel Lecture Autobiography (in English) Biography (in German) Obituary from the andWilson, robert W., USA, b. 1936, Bell Laboratories, Holmden, NJ, for http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel.html | |
91. Boston University: Calendars Weekdays, W. Somerset Maugham Papers Memorabilia from the Loren and robert wilson,Stanford University, discusses Stable Equilibria. Led by robert Kinsherff http://www.bu.edu/calendar/ | |
92. Nobel Prize In Physics Winners 2002 nobel Prize in Physics Winners 20021901. ARNO A. PENZIAS and robert W. WILSONfor their discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation. 1977. http://fatihince.tripod.com/nobel.html |
93. The Priestley Celebration 1962, robert W. Woodward, for the synthesis of organic 1977, W. Frank Blair, forenvironmental studies and 1978, J. Tuzo wilson, for distinguished contributions http://chronicles.dickinson.edu/encyclo/p/ed_priestleyawardrecips.htm | |
94. 100 Nobel http://www.legambiente.com/documenti/2001/1211_100nobel.html | |
95. Fermiamo La Guerra All'Iraq http://www.fermiamolaguerra.it/news/usanobel.htm |
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