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21. Nobel Peace Laureates Conference | 1998 jody williams, the 1997 corecipient of the nobel Peace Prize, wasborn in Vermont in 1950. She learned to abhorinjustice at an http://www.virginia.edu/nobel/laureates/bios/jwilliams_bio.html | |
22. Www.virginia.edu/insideuva/textonlyarchive/98-11-06/10.txt jody williams jody williams, the corecipient of the 1997 nobel Peace Prize,learned to abhor injustice at an early age from fellow schoolchildren, who http://www.virginia.edu/insideuva/textonlyarchive/98-11-06/10.txt | |
23. Nobel Laureate Jody Williams On Joy THE HOME FORUM. nobel Laureate jody williams on Joy. 1997 nobel Peace Prizewinnerjody williams, in a speech at the University of Vermont on May 17, 1998. http://csmweb2.emcweb.com/durable/1998/06/12/p12s2.htm | |
24. United States - Nobel Laureate's Long Trip From Vermont Farm To Fame Tuesday October 14, 1997 Edition. nobel Laureate's Long Trip From Vermont Farmto Fame. At her farmhouse in Putney, Vt., jody williams keeps farmer's hours http://csmweb2.emcweb.com/durable/1997/10/14/us/us.4.html | |
25. India Landmines Arms Business Nobel Preace Prize Jody Williams Indo-pak The Week It's not fair, jody williams nobel peace award Indian experts say that responsiblearmies should not be targeted by the peaceniks R. PRASANNAN in New Delhi. http://www.the-week.com/97oct26/events7.htm | |
26. PeaceJam.org -- Jody Williams Chapter 4 A nobel Laureate to Study jody williams. 5. Students will conducta case study on the life and actions of nobel Peace Laureate, jody williams. http://www.peacejam.org/jody/intro.html | |
27. PeaceJam.org -- Jody Williams Chapter 4 A nobel Laureate to Study jody williams. Chapter 5 Individuals Makinga Difference jody williams and the ICBL. Unit 2 Peacemakers in Action. http://www.peacejam.org/jody/u1c3.html | |
28. Ganhadora Do Prêmio Nobel Solicita Ratificação Da Convenção Sobre Minas Translate this page Durante visita à América Central, a Prêmio nobel jody williams salúda o coronelcolombiano Guillermo Ernesto Leal, chefe da equipe que supervisiona a http://www.oas.org/OASNews/1999/Portuguese/Marcao-Abril99/artigo6.htm | |
29. Jody Williams Insta A Los Estados A Ratificar La Convención De Ottawa Translate this page con los millones que existen en algunos países del Africa y de Asia, pero que aúnconstituyen un grave problema, dijo jody williams, Premio nobel de la Paz. http://www.oas.org/OASNews/1999/Spanish/Marzo-Abril99/articulo6.htm | |
30. Jody Williams Translate this page Depuis qu'elle a reçu le prix nobel en 1997, jody williams est ambassadrice extraordinairede la campagne pour linterdiction des mines antipersonnel. http://www.nobel-paix.ch/bio/jody_williams.htm | |
31. Rhodes: News Releases: American Nobel Laureate To Speak, Lead PeaceJam At Rhodes gallery, FAQ, articles; jody williams, nobel eMuseum includes videoof her nobel symposia remarks and other resources; jody williams http://www.rhodes.edu/Visitor/info/releases/2003-0127-peacejam.shtml | |
32. Awesome Library - Social_Studies 600; williams, jody - nobel Peace Prize Winner of 1997 Provides links regardingjody williams and her work that won her co-winner of the nobel Peace Prize for http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/Biographies/V_W_X_Y_Z.htm | |
33. Awesome Library - Social_Studies 1201; williams, jody - nobel Peace Prize Winner of 1997 Provides links regardingjody williams and her work that won her co-winner of the nobel Peace Prize for http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/World_Peace/Landmines.htm | |
34. Reaction To The Award Of The Nobel Peace Prize To The International Campaign To Patrick Leahy, DVt., who was among public officials who wrote to the nobel Committeein support of the nomination of jody williams and the International http://leahy.senate.gov/press/199710/971010.html | |
35. Keppler Associates Inc. - Jody Williams Ms. jody williams is an eloquent and outspoken advocate for peace and human rightsissues. she is one of only ten women who have received the nobel Peace Prize http://www.kepplerassociates.com/speakers/williamsjody.asp | |
36. Jody Williams Translate this page jody williams (EE.UU.) En 1997 recibe el Premio nobel de la Paz por su trabajoorientado a la eliminación y limpieza de las minas antipersonales. http://club.telepolis.com/montmas/historia/nombres/jodywilliams.htm | |
37. LIFESAVER HERO: JODY WILLIAMS jody williams, longtime activist and 1997 nobel Peace Prize winner, has spentmore than a decade fighting this invisible scourge that no longer kills well http://myhero.com/hero.asp?hero=JodyWilliams |
38. Le Web De L'Humanité attitude de Washington . L'Américaine jody williams, récompensée http://www.humanite.presse.fr/journal/1999/1999-03/1999-03-01/1999-03-01-036.htm | |
39. The Norwegian Nobel Institute The nobel Peace Prize for 1997 The nobel Lecture given by The nobel Peace PrizeLaureate 1997 jody williams (Oslo, December 10, 1997) General permission is http://www.nobel.no/eng_lect_97b.html | |
40. Jody Williams Translate this page jody williams (EE.UU.) En 1997 recibe el Premio nobel de la Paz por su trabajoorientado a la eliminación y limpieza de las minas antipersonales. http://www.webmujeractual.com/biografias/nombres/jodywilliams.htm | |
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