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61. Nobel Prizes In Physics nobel Prizes in Physics. telegraphy 1910 Johann D. van der Waals (Netherlands, 183711-23- 1923-03-07) Molecular forces 1911 wilhelm wien (Germany, 1864-01-13 http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/bib/nobel_physik_e.html | |
62. Premi Nobel Fisica Translate this page 1913, HEIKE KAMERLINGH - ONNES. 1912, NILS GUSTAF DALEN. 1911, wilhelm wien. 1910,JOHANNES DIDERIK VAN DER WALLS. 1909, GUGLIELMO MARCONI - CARL FERDINAND BRAUN. http://www.econofisica.com/premi nobel fisica.htm | |
63. FÍSICA - 100 Anos De Nobel - Prêmios De Física Translate this page 1910 - Johannes Diderik Van der Waals Estudou a equação de estado de gasese líquidos. 1911 - wilhelm Frans wien Pelo estudo das leis da radiação. http://www.fisica.ufc.br/donafifi/nobel100/nobel8.htm | |
64. Ley De Wien Translate this page que elaboró wilhelm wien (1864 1928) influyeron en el desarrollo de la teoríacuántica introducida por Max Planck. Recibió el Premio nobel de Física http://www.astrocosmo.cl/anexos/l-de wien.htm | |
65. Campus-germany.de - Estudiar En Wurzburgo: Un Premio Nobel Sin Título De Bachil Translate this page No solamente wilhelm Conrad Roentgen obtuvo el premio nobel, también sus sucesoreswilhelm wien y Johannes Stark, así como los químicos Emil Fischer y http://www.campusgermany.de/spanish/ | |
66. Brillouin (Léon ) (France 1889-1969) Physicien Et Ingénieur Translate this page Sommerfeld (Arnold) (Allemagne 1868-1951) Physicien. Warburg wien(wilhelm) (Allemagne1864-1928) Prix nobel de physique en1911. http://rihetperez.free.fr/reuntext.html | |
67. Géniesenherbe.org - Prix Nobel De Physique Translate this page Le prix nobel de physique est attribué par l'Académie royale des sciences deSuède, à Stockholm. Année, Récipiendaire. 1911, wilhelm wien (Allemagne). http://www.geniesenherbe.org/theorie/prix/nobphys.html | |
68. HistoryMole: Nobel Laureates (1901-2002) Links. 1911, The nobel Prize for Physics is awarded to wilhelm wien. Links.1911, The nobel prize for Medicine is awarded to Allvar Gullstrand. Links. http://www.historymole.com/cgi-bin/main/results.pl?type=theme&theme=Nobel |
69. Wilhelm Wien: Awards Won By Wilhelm Wien 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. Awards of wilhelm wien. OTHERnobel,1911, PHYSICS. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites. Stardose.com. RealLyrics.com. http://www.123awards.com/artist/7847.asp | |
70. Wien Translate this page wien, wilhelm (1864-1928). Físico alemán. Sus trabajos influyeron en el desarrollode la teoría cuántica introducida por M. Planck. Recibió el Premio nobel http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/fisicos/wien.htm | |
71. Nobel John Joseph Thomson, Albert Abraham Michelson, Gabriel Lippmann, Carl FerdinandBraun, Guglielmo Marconi, Johannes Diderik van der Waals, wilhelm wien, Nils Gustaf http://www.kalendarium.pl/kalendarium/html/tabela.htm | |
72. Nobel Prize For Physics nobel Prize for Physics. For years not listed, no award was made. 1901. 1911.wilhelm wien (Germany), for his laws governing the radiation of heat. 1912. http://homepages.shu.ac.uk/~acsdry/quizes/physics.htm | |
73. Premios Nobel De La Física Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE LA FÍSICA SIGLO XX 1901 wilhelm Rontgen. Simon van der Meer. 1911wilhelm wien, 1935 James Chadwick, 1960 Donald Glaser, 1985 Klaus von Klitzing. http://rsta.pucmm.edu.do/ciencias/fisica/nobel/premios_nobel_de_la_fÃsica.htm | |
74. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physics Advertisement. nobel Prize Winners for Physics. 1910, Johannes D. van derWaals, Netherlands. 1911, wilhelm wien, Germany. 1912, Nils G. Dalen, Sweden. http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelphysics.htm | |
75. Nobel Prize In Physics - Wikipedia are found at the nobel foundation's website http//www.nobel.se. 1911 wilhelm wien for his discoveries regarding the laws governing the radiation of heat . http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize_in_physics | |
76. Wilhelm Wien Translate this page wilhelm wien. Gaffken 13.1.1864 - Monaco 30.8.1928. Fisico, studiò ilproblema lunghezze d'onda minori. Premio nobel per la fisica nel 1911. http://www2.enel.it/home/enelandia/storia_nj/person/wien.htm |
77. Behind The Name: Nobel Prize Winners By Category Behind the Name the etymology and history of first names. nobel Prize Winners byCategory. Johannes Diderik van der Waals, 1910, Physics, wilhelm wien, 1911, Physics, http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/nobelchro.html | |
78. Életrajzok wilhelm wien (1864198) nobel díjas (1911) németelméleti és kísérleti fizikus. http://www.tfk.elte.hu/tanszekek/fizika/webfiz/erajz/wien.htm | |
79. The Nobel Lauriates Of Germany. metabolism. wilhelm wien 1911 nobel Laureate in Physics for his discoveriesregarding the laws governing the radiation of heat. | |
80. O Premio Nobel Da Física Translate this page Os premios nobel são atribuídos pela Academia Real das Ciências alimentação automáticade gás aos faróis 1911- wilhelm wien (alemão) - Investigação http://orbita.starmedia.com/alfred_nobel/fisica-ok.htm | |
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