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Wieman Carl E: more detail | |||||||
41. International Conference On Materials For Advanced Technologies nobel Laureate Roald Hoffmann, Public Lectures3. nobel Laureate carl E. wieman 4. nobel Laureate Alan MacDiarmid, Banquet at The Ritz carlton Singapore. http://www.mrs.org.sg/icmat2003/programme.html | |
42. Scientific American: Nobel Prize In Physics Awarded For Discovery Of Bose-Einste new state of mattertermed the BoseEinstein condensate (BEC)has earned EricA. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle and carl. E. wieman this year's nobel Prize in http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=0003B5EC-DF80-1C63-B882809EC588ED9F |
43. CNN.com - Nobel Physics Trio Made 'atoms Sing' - October 9, 2001 won the nobel physics prize for discovering a new state of matter that could leadto supersmall machines. Americans Eric A. Cornell and carl E. wieman and http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/10/09/nobel.physics/ | |
44. CNN.com - Drugs Work Leads To Nobel Awards - October 10, 2001 and carl E. wieman and Germanborn Wolfgang won the physics award for discoveringa new state of matter that could lead to super-small machines. All nobel http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/10/10/nobel.chemistry/ | |
45. Nobel Prize Winner Carl Wieman To Speak At U-M - UM News Lowest Temperature in the Universe. He won the nobel Prize in carl wieman and thenew form of matter Contact Judy Steeh Phone (734) 6473099 E-mail jsteeh http://www.umich.edu/news/Releases/2003/Mar03/r032603a.html | |
46. Nobel Prize Winner Carl Wieman Was An Assistant Professor From 1979 To 1984 of the role Michigan played in carl's research wieman and Cornell produced the firstBoseEinstein Condensate in Judy Steeh Phone (734) 647-3099 E-mail jsteeh http://www.umich.edu/~newsinfo/Releases/2001/Oct01/r101001f.html | |
47. Since 1901 The Nobel Prize Is Annually Awarded For Achievements The nobel Prize in Physics Laureates. 2001 - Eric A. Cornell, WolfgangKetterle, carl E. wieman. 2000 - Herbert J. Kroemer, Zhores I. Alferov. http://www.aro.army.mil/accomplish/nobel/nobelprize02.htm | |
48. The Nobel Prize In Physics 2001 The nobel Prize in Physics 2001. For the achievement of BoseEinstein condensation Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, carl E. wieman. USA, Germany, USA. http://www.aro.army.mil/accomplish/nobel/2001npphy.htm | |
49. Nobelova Nagrada Za 2001 Eric A. Cornell (na slici lijevo)i carl E. wieman , desno. Sve o nagradi i dobitnicimamoete naci na stranicama nobel muzeja http//www.nobel.se/. http://eskola.hfd.hr/informacije/komentar_2.htm | |
50. Kimya Okulu - Bor Içinde Yokluk adami kazandi. Amerikali Eric A. Cornell, carl E. wieman ve AlmanWolfgang Ketterle, nobel Fizik Ödülü'nün sahibi oldu. Cornell http://www.kimyaokulu.com/haber/nobel_odulleri.htm | |
51. Cyberpresse Éléments Biographiques Sur Les Trois Lauréats Translate this page Voici quelques éléments biographiques sur les lauréats du prix nobel de physique2001, Eric A. Cornell (Etats-Unis), carl E. wieman (Etats-Unis) et Wolfgang http://www.cyberpresse.ca/reseau/sciences/0110/sci_101100022682.html |
52. Red Escolar / Actividades Permanentes / Conciencia / Premio Nobel 2001 / Fisica Translate this page La Real Academia Sueca de las Ciencias concedió este año el premio nobel de Físicaa Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle y carl E. wieman por obtener un http://redescolar.ilce.edu.mx/redescolar/act_permanentes/conciencia/nobel2001/fi | |
53. Stanford's Nobel Connection Continues: 10/01 a physics professor at MIT, and carl E. wieman, a wieman received his doctoratefrom Stanford in 1977 with a Arthur L. Schawlow, who won the nobel Prize in http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/report/news/october10/physics-1010.html | |
54. 2001 Physics Nobel Laureate To Give Hofstadter Lecture: 2/02 balls and more like waves, says Cornell, who shared the 2001 nobel Prize in physicsfor the formation of BoseEinstein condensate with carl E. wieman of the http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/pr/02/cornelladvance26.html | |
55. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-Il Manifesto-10 OTTOBRE 2001 Translate this page YURIJ CASTELFRANCHI. L'atomo che venne dal freddo nobel per la fisica agliamericani Eric Cornell e carl wieman e al tedesco Wolfgang Ketterle. http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/rassegna/011010a.htm | |
56. Physics Group: News The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the nobel Prize in Physicsfor 2001 jointly to. carl E. wieman JILA and University of Colorado http://enterprise.sct.gu.edu.au/physics/new.html | |
57. SLAC Library Conferences Experiments Institutions wieman, carl E. (JILA, Boulder Colorado U.) PAPERS STUDENTS Update your recordPh.D. institution Stanford U., Phys. Dept. (1977) Undergrad MIT nobel http://usparc.ihep.su/spires/find/hepnames/www?note=nobel prize&sequence=note(d) |
58. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Física carl E. wieman; http://atelier.uarte.mct.pt/fq/quem/nobelfis.htm | |
59. News Release: Nobel Winner Addresses "Quantum Weirdness" In Thomas Lecture Dr. carl E. wieman, 2001 nobel Laureate in physics and distinguished professorof physics at the University of Colorado, will deliver the annual LH Thomas http://www.ncsu.edu/news/press_releases/03_03/75.htm | |
60. Terra - Cultura Y Ciencia- Libros - Premios Nobel Translate this page a las 1145 de los galardonados con el Premio nobel de Física de 2001, galardón,dotado como el resto de los nobel con 10 carl E. wieman de 50 años http://cultura.terra.es/cac/libros/nobel/portada.cfm?idpersona=728&idpremio=554 |
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