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21. CBBC Newsround | UNITED NATIONS | Introduction To The UN More Info. WorldUN wins nobel Peace Prize. Find OutGuide to the united nations.Web Links. Kofi Annan biography. united nations. Letters to Mrs Annan. http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/teachers/citizenship_11_14/subject_areas/unite | |
22. Nobel Prize For UN And Kofi Annan Background on united nations and the nobel Peace Prize awards. The united nationssystem has been awarded the nobel Peace Prize on five previous occasions http://www.una-uk.org/Comment/nobel.html | |
23. Time For Kids | News | A Peace Prize For The United Nations Kofi Annan, WORLD NEWS October 15, 2001 A Peace Prize for the united NationsThe UN and its Secretary General share this year's nobel Peace Prize. http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/news/story/0,6260,179640,00.html | |
24. United Nations Association Of Australia In this context UNAA supported the call by the present nobel Peace Laureates thatthe united nations hold an international conference on terrorism which will http://www.unaa.org.au/wn20011016.html | |
25. Online NewsHour -- United Nations 1999 7/99) Australia's ambassador to the united States, Indonesia's ambassador to theunited nations and nobel Peace Prize winner Jose RamosHorta discuss efforts http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/international/un_splash_10-18.html | |
26. Ralph Bunche | Educational Resources | Model United Nations Activity Bunche being part of the conference which created the united nations, working with continuingthrough the segment of Bunche being awarded the nobel Peace Prize http://www.pbs.org/ralphbunche/edu_model.html | |
27. Fulbright Web | Fulbrighters Of Note | United Nations and civilizations that the united nations is promoting around the world. unitednations SecretaryGeneral Kofi Annan, Recipient of the 2001 nobel Peace Prize. http://www.iie.org/fulbrightweb/fulbNotes_UN.htm | |
28. Kofi Annan, United Nations Receive Nobel Peace Prize - December Kofi Annan, united nations receive nobel Peace Prize After 12 years, Americansreturn to embassy in Kabul Cases of maid abuse rising in S'pore despite http://www.inq7.net/brk/2001/dec/10/brkafp_9-1.htm |
29. Nobel Peace Prize For 2001: United Nations And Secretary-General Kofi Annan Therefore, we must all applaud the granting of the nobel Prize for Peace to theUnited nations and to its SecretaryGeneral, Kofi Annan as recognition. http://www.ftlcomm.com/ensign/desantisArticles/2001_400/desantis452/annan.html | |
30. Permanent Mission Of Norway To The UN - UN & The Nobel Peace Price The nobel Peace Prize The united nations and its SecretaryGeneral KofiAnnan shared the nobel Peace Prize for 2001. The Prize Ceremony http://www.norway-un.org/cgi-bin/wbch3.exe?p=3797 |
31. Nobel Prize Winners For Peace 1953, Marshall, George C. US. 1954, united nations High Commissioner for Refugees,Office of the, (founded 1951). 1965, united nations Children's Fund, (founded 1946). http://www.britannica.com/nobel/table/peace.html | |
32. United Nations Peacekeeping Forces of the united nations Security Council to help establish or maintain peace in areasof armed conflict. The forces were awarded the 1988 nobel Prize for Peace http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/732_87.html | |
33. APC: United Nations > Articles > The Heidelberg Appeal them from troubles and dangers stemming from developed nations, and avoiding and Governments3,082 signers from 106 countries including 72 nobel Prize Winners http://www.americanpolicy.org/un/theheidelberg.htm | |
34. UNIS Vienna - Special News Item - Nobel Peace Prize nobel Peace Prize 2001 awarded to the united nations and to its SecretaryGeneral,Kofi Annan. VIENNA, 12 October (UN Information http://www.unis.unvienna.org/en/news/2001/special/prize.htm | |
35. FORMER UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury has been selected to deliver a message from united NationsSecretaryGeneral Kofi Annan during the nobel Peace Prize gala, at 630 http://www.cord.edu/dept/news/releases/03.036.html | |
36. UNDP - United Nations Development Programme In 1992, Rigoberta Menchu was awarded the nobel Peace Prize. Mrs. Menchu Tum workedhard to support the united nations Declaration of 1993 as the International http://www.undp.org/equatorinitiative/secondary/jury_bios.htm | |
37. UNDP - United Nations Development Programme Administrator, and Timothy E. Wirth, Chairman of the united nations Foundation, and SanchezArias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress nobel Peace Laureate. http://www.undp.org/equatorinitiative/secondary/jury.htm | |
38. Final Statement Of The Third Global Summit Of Nobel Peace Laureates General of the united nations, the Permanent Members of the united nations SecurityCouncil Italy, His Holiness Pope John Paul II, and all other nobel Laureates http://www.greencrossinternational.net/DigitalForum/digiforum/articles/article20 | |
39. United Nations Daily Highlights, 01-12-10 UN HEADQUARTERS, NEW YORK. Monday , December 10, 2001. ANNAN AND UNITEDNATIONS ACCEPT 2001 nobel PEACE PRIZE. In Oslo, Norway, today http://www.hri.org/news/world/undh/2001/01-12-10.undh.html | |
40. CNN.com - Carter Accepts Nobel Peace Prize - Dec. 11, 2002 Carter The united nations is the best place for nations to resolve the differencesthat always exist . Story Tools. more video VIDEO. Carter accepts nobel Peace http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/12/10/nobel.carter/ | |
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