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21. Basic Terms And Fun Facts (LinguaMOO) UNICEF (UN childrens fund)Formerly known as the united nations International childrensEmergency fund, UNICEF was created in 1946 to http://lingua.utdallas.edu:7000/12119/ |
22. Landmine Action | The Campaign Against Landmines Landmines, Landmine Action was jointly awarded the nobel Peace Prize united nationsChildrens fund (UNICEF) UK UNICEF, the united nations Children's fund, is a http://www.landmineaction.org/members.asp | |
23. CBBC Newsround | UNITED NATIONS | What Does The UN Do For Children? The UN Children's fund (UNICEF) is the lead UN organization working for the longtermsurvival, protection and united nations. Summary of childrens rights. http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/teachers/citizenship_11_14/subject_areas/unite | |
24. Performance History united nations International childrens Education (UNICEF) Sports the First Earth Run united nations International Children Educational fund (UNICEF). http://members.lycos.nl/africanight/Performance History.htm | |
25. éÎÔÅÒíÅÄ. îÁÛÉ ÐÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÙ. Network International Christian childrens fund (CCF) Christian Foundation Sisterfund Sister Kenny Turner Foundation united nations Headquarters Internship http://www.intermed.spb.ru/programs.php?q=grants&act=contentbook |
26. The WWW VL Public Health: Selected Topics - Children fund (USA) The Children's Defense fund exists to European childrens Network -a coalition of networks and united nations Convention on the Rights of the http://www.ldb.org/vl/top/top-chil.htm | |
27. Tours study by the united nations childrens fund (UNICEF). understand development issues,united nations agencies often Many developing nations are also experiencing http://www.global-issues.net/issues/richpoor.html | |
28. Shalom - The Jewish Peace Fellowship Newsletter Advised c/o The New Israel fund, PO Box all member countries of the General Assemblyof the united nations. for Peace A site collecting childrens' drawings for http://www.jewishpeacefellowship.org/Resources.htm | |
29. Press Centre - UNICEF Princess' childrens book benefits environment and UNICEF Monday Bank and InternationalMonetary fund fall meetings conviction by a united nations tribunal for http://www.unicef.org/newsline/newsold1998b.htm | |
30. Thomas A. Goldwasser Rare Books Site Map childrens BOOK; childrens LIT; CHIMOT; CHINA; CHINESE; PIANO; PICASSO; PINKERTONS;PIOUS fund; PLANTATIONS; PLAY; US HISTORY; US SOUTH; UFW; united nations; UTAH;UTENSILS; http://www.goldwasserbooks.com/cgi-bin/gwb455.cgi/sitemap.html |
31. Boys Clothing: Belgian Royalty--Albert II childrens' Clothing. of a large international consultancy firm, as well as at theInternational Monetary fund, the united nations Development Programme and http://histclo.hispeed.com/royal/bel/royal-bela2.htm | |
32. Amnesty International Burma Group International newsletter January 2000; childrens action Appeals the 57th sessionof the united nations Commission on Myanmar nobel laureate still under house http://www.angelfire.com/al/homepageas/ | |
33. Peace; War; Violence; Abuse Foundation and The National childrens Coalition's Center for Ploughshares fund supportingefforts to build global tank located in the united nations backyard; http://www.angelfire.com/hi/TheSeer/antivlinks.html | |
34. January 30 - April 4 - A Season For Nonviolence Bright Ring Publishing. A childrens Garden of Yoga by Baba Hari Dass. Inassociation with Unicef and The united nations Childrens fund. http://www.seasonfornonviolence-cs.org/pages/P606-6.html | |
35. Progressive Secretary - Progressive Letter Writing Cooperative for the Violence Don't Cut childrens' Health Insurance Rights Patients' Rights Paythe united nations Dues Pay Iraq Religious Freedom Peace Tax fund Bill Renew http://www.progressivesecretary.org/letters.php3 | |
36. WOMEN AND SOCIETY: An Encyclopaedic Internet Dictionary And Bibliography Of Idea united nations childrens fund (UNICEF) http//www.unicef.org/. distributor of publicationsfrom the united nations Development fund for Women (UNIFEM http://www.womenandsociety.buffalo.edu/webliography/ALPHAB_SZ.htm | |
37. The Global Academy to serve as a delegate to the united nations Prep conference of novels, short storiesand childrens' books Ph.D., partner Life Sciences Venture fund, has joined http://www.theglobalacademy.org/advisors.asp |
38. Suffer Not The Little Children setback on June 4th when the united nations Children's fund (UNICEF) released a www.unicef.org/specialsession/documentation/childrensstatement.htm http://www.zerowaste.ca/articles/column153.html | |
39. TOPIC INFORMATION Union of International Associations (UIA), The united nations. A Guide to WorldConflict, The Ploughshares fund. with childrens use of laptop Anytime Anywhere http://debate.uvm.edu/infotopics9900.html | |
40. OLD NEWS LETTERS The roman Catholic church now had a pope advocating socialism from the podium ofthe united nations. The childrens Defence fund. Defenders of Wildlife. http://www.thehourwelivein.com/OLD NEWS LETTERS.htm | |
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