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61. Who2 Profile: Richard Feynman Extra credit Feynman shared the 1965 nobel Prize with Julian Schwinger ofHarvard University and sinitiro tomonaga of Japan; all three had worked http://www.who2.com/richardfeynman.html | |
62. Julian Schwinger BA 1936; Ph.D. 1939; Columbia nobel Prize in physics (1965) with Richard P. Feynmanand sinitiro tomonaga for fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics. http://www.chemistry.mcmaster.ca/faculty/bader/aim/schwinger.html | |
63. Richard Feynman BA 1939, MIT; Ph.D. 1942, Princeton nobel Prize in physics (1965) with Julian Schwingerand sinitiro tomonaga for fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics. http://www.chemistry.mcmaster.ca/faculty/bader/aim/feynman.html | |
64. FÝZÝK NOBEL ÖDÜLLERÝ FIZIK nobel ÖDÜLLERI. 1901. RÖNTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD. 1965. tomonaga, sinitiro.Japonya, Tokyo, Üniversitesi, Tokyo, d. 1906, ö. 1979;. SCHWINGER, JULIAN. http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/nobel/fizik-nodul.html | |
65. (Type A Title For Your Page Here) List of nobel Laureates. Sciences, 1979, with Sir Arthur Lewis Julian Schwinger,Physics, 1965, with Richard P. Feynman and sinitiro tomonaga Glenn Theodore http://www.realuofc.org/history/nobel.html | |
66. SearchUK - Finds It Fast! A biography of Richard Feynman; Julian Schwinger A biography fromthe nobel prize museum; sin-itiro tomonaga - A short biography http://www.searchuk.com/TOP/Science/Physics/Quantum_Mechanics/People/ | |
67. ÅôÞóéïò Ïäçãüò Ðåñéïäéêþí ôçò ÖõóéêÞò t S?d?a( nobel Foundation) st? site http//www.nobel.se G. BasovAlexander M. Prochorov 1965 1948 sinitiro tomonaga Quantum electrodynamics http://www.physics4u.gr/indexnobel.html | |
68. Directory :: Look.com from the nobel prize museum Richard Feynman A biography of Richard Feynman JulianSchwinger A biography from the nobel prize museum sinitiro tomonaga A short http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=209723 |
69. Maglab: Alpha Interface nobel Prize Winners in Magnetism. 1987 Johannes Bednorz Karl A. Muller. 1965-Richard Feynman, sin-itiro tomonaga Julian Schwinger. http://education.magnet.fsu.edu/maglabalpha/html/library/nobel.html | |
70. Nobel Physics Prize nobel Peace Prize for Physics. 1965, Richard P. Feynman Julian S. SchwingerSinitiro tomonaga, USA USA Japan. 1966, Alfred Kastler, France. http://www.geocities.com/Axiom43/nobelphysics.html | |
71. Prize Presentation - Physics 1965 One important result of the work of this year's nobel Prize winners Sinitiro tomonaga,JulianSchwinger and Richard Feynman was the explanation of the Lambshift http://physics.uplb.edu.ph/laureates/1965/press.html | |
72. The Story Of Spin [Review] Takeshi Oka from a 1974 book, Spin wa meguru , this series of lectures by Sinitirotomonaga, a renowned tomonaga, who died in 1979, won the nobel Prize in http://www.library.ucsb.edu/istl/98-spring/review1.html | |
73. Feynman Los Angeles), amerikai elméleti fizikus, az amerikai Julian S. Schwinger és a japánTomonaga sinitiro társaságában 1965-ben fizikai nobel-díjat kapott http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/bh2/feynman.html |
74. The Story Of Spin First English translation of nobel Prize winner tomonaga's tale of the pioneers Sinitirotomonaga's The Story of Spin remains the most complete and accessible http://hallphysic.com/physics/1246.shtml | |
75. A List Of References For Doug's Review Of Clifford Geertz' Available Light brackets to remove thelogos.), Hesse, Hermann nobel prize winning author of MagisterLudi, Steppenwolf, et al. works;, tomonaga, Sin Itiro - Superb Japanese http://www.quantonics.com/Review_Available_Light_Extended_References.html | |
76. Quantum Electrodynamics - Wikipedia sinitiro tomonaga, Julian Schwinger, and Richard Feynman received the 1965Nobel Prize in Physics for its development. Literature RP Feynman. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_electrodynamics | |
77. So Biografias: Nobel Fisica 3 Translate this page Lista dos Ganhadores dos Prêmio nobel de Física (continuação 1965 Três ganhadoresSIN-ITIRO tomonaga / JULIAN SEYMOUR SCHWINGER / RICHARD PHILLIPS FEYNMAN http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/RolNobF3.html | |
78. Columbia Fact Book, 1995-96: The Faculty Columbia nobel Laureates. 1965, Julian S. Schwinger (BA, 1936; Ph.D., 1939), withSinItiro tomonaga and Richard P. Feynman for their fundamental work in http://www.columbia.edu/cu/udar/factbook/14.html | |
79. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici_e_Ricercatori: Tomonaga,_Sin-It Translate this page In tutta la Directory. http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Scienze/Fisica/Fisici_e_Ricercatori/ | |
80. Richard P. Feynman Winner Of The 1965 Nobel Prize In Physics by or about Richard Feynman. Featured Internet Links Prize corecipient Sin-ItiroTomonaga; nobel News Links Obituary. Links added by nobel Internet Archive http://www.webone.com.au/~bnc/1965c.html | |
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