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The United Nations Peace-keeping Forces: more books (43) |
61. The ProgressiveConservative, An Online Journal, IV-130 in the Middle East; Norway, a nation whose nobel Committee just Consider that it wasthe united nations that pulled its peace keeping forces from the http://www.poliedu.net/PCVol4Is130bUNFailure.shtml | |
62. United Nations And Peacekeeping Peacekeeping Links While a member of the Canadian forces I served four In 1988 allthose who served as united nations Peacekeepers won the nobel Peace prize http://members.kingston.net/va3kgb/un.html | |
63. Professor Michel Chossudovsky: THE UNITED NATIONS APPOINTS AN ALLEGED WAR CRIMIN to lands taken by Croatian HVO forces in the of KFOR and of the UN peacekeeping apparatusin The donor agencies, the united nations and Western governments in http://www.iacenter.org/warcrime/chossudovsky.htm | |
64. Manson, General Paul D., Peace-Keeping In A Changing World of this award, given the role that their Armed forces have played over the yearsin united nations and other multinational peacekeeping operations http://www.empireclubfoundation.com/details.asp?SpeechID=1539&FT=yes |
65. I. Preface the monitoring of ceasefires by international peacekeeping forces. conflict on theundertaking of peace-keeping operations by the united nations and also http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/un/pko/pamph96/01.html | |
66. ORGANIZATIONS - United Nations At 50 1988 united nations Peacekeeping forces, for its peace-keeping operations.List all Organizations articles . Organizations. http://edie.cprost.sfu.ca/gcnet/ISS4-17b.html | |
67. MILS News, 23.10.95 forces have been awarded the nobel Peace Prize are presently 16 active peacekeepingforces in operation One of them is the united nations Preventive Deployment http://www.soros.org.mk/mn/mils/en/95/10/23-13.html | |
68. Polish Participation In UN Peacekeeping Missions And Researches In PTSD of Polish personnel serving in peacekeeping missions the history and conventionsof the united nations, the background members of the Armed forces for service http://skmponz.w.interia.pl/baereia.htm | |
69. 990908 Timor (UNAMET), the home of nobel Peace Prize laureate Bishop Belo. for.* united nations peace keeping forces to be sent to restore peace and. http://www.geocities.co.jp/WallStreet/7143/990908.htm | |
70. Resume nobel Peace Prize cowinner (6 months service in the united nations peacekeeping forces in Cyprus, October 1978 - March 1979). REFERENCES. http://www.nt.net/~charles/resume.htm | |
71. PEACE-MAKING OR FRIGATE BUILDING? New Zealand actively contributing to united nations Peacekeeping forces. is an alternativeto peacekeeping and that s defence from outside forces, because we http://www.converge.org.nz/hrag/frigat.html | |
72. Statement By Senator Douglas Roche On The Kosovo Crisis former SecretaryGeneral of the united nations, Boutros Boutros the many instancesof UN peace-keeping, which was Such forces should be supplied by member states http://www.peace.ca/senatorrochekosovo.htm | |
73. HOME Our Team Peace Peace Pact Peace Oraganization Nobel Established by the united nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946 and originallyknown as the united nations International Children's Emergency Fund http://strony.wp.pl/wp/p036/p_o_8.html | |
75. Nobel Prize For UN And Kofi Annan In awarding the 1988 prize, the Norwegian nobel Committee stated that the PeacekeepingForces of the united nations have, under extremely difficult conditions http://www.una-uk.org/Comment/nobel.html | |
76. Nobel Peace Prize Laureates http//www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/2001/index.html. 1988. united nations PeacekeepingForces. http//www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1988/index.html. 1982. http://www.belenjesuit.org/clubs/un/np.htm | |
77. FORMER UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES WILL GIVE FRIDTJOF NANSEN MEMORIAL LECT Previous UNrelated nobel Peace Prize laureates include the united nations Peace-keepingForces, the Office of the united nations High Commissioner for Refugees http://www.unu.edu/hq/rector_office/press-archives/press2001/pre34.01.html | |
78. Conflict Prevention And Resolution you think that the united nations represents almost the In recent years, however,peace keeping has gained differences between UN peacekeeping forces and other http://www.turnerlearning.com/efts/un/conflic.htm | |
79. Wine Country Film Festival - Press Room He shared the 1996 nobel Peace Prize with refugee camps before Australian peacekeepingforces and international a half, since the united nations stepped in http://www.winecountryfilmfest.com/pressroom.html | |
80. SOSIG: International Peace-keeping resource, Conflict, Peace Keeping and Reconstruction, Observance by united nationsForces of International resource, UNSCOM united nations Special Commission to http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/Europe-cat/intpeace.html | |
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