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21. Peace Response: Statements Joint Statement (american friends service committee, Philadelphia Yearly Meetingof the Statement by the friends committee on National From nobel Laureates. http://www.peaceresponse.org/statements.shtml | |
22. Peace Response: Resources - Peace And War Eight nobel Laureates' Statement on Terrorism. is an effort to share ideas, strategies,and resources within the american friends service committee and peace http://www.peaceresponse.org/911.shtml | |
23. Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/02/2002 | S. Cary, 86, Activist, College Vice Preside was directing the efforts of the american friends service committee to clean up andrebuild wartorn Europe when the committee was awarded the nobel Peace Prize http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/obituaries/3785204.htm | |
24. PBS - The Nobel: Visions Of Our Century organizations as part of the outreach for The nobel Visions of american friendsservice committee http//www.afsc.org The american friends service committee http://www.pbs.org/kqed/nobel/outreach_peace.html | |
25. Dg002.AFSC Introduction The american friends service committee (AFSC) was set up in June ofthe Religious Society of friends in the A cowinner of the nobel Peace Prize http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/peace/DG001-025/dg002.AFSC/afsc.htm | |
26. OtherPeaceRes of his works on the nobel Peace Prize) Agape Foundation AJ Muste Memorial InstituteAlternet News service american friends service committee Another Mother for http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/peace/OtherPeaceRes.html | |
27. Nobel Prizes upon a name you will be connected with relative page of nobel Prizes Archive. Name,Year Awarded. Addams, Jane, 1931. The american friends service committee, 1947. http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/LG_WebPace/nobel.htm | |
28. Premi Nobel Translate this page connettersi alle relative pagine dell'Archivio dei Premi nobel. Name, Anno diconferimento. Addams, Jane, 1931. The american friends service committee, 1947. http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/LG_WebPace/premi.htm | |
29. The Times Argus Online - Women In Black Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize of women opposed to violence and war, for the 2003 nobel Peace Prize. I didnt knowthey were nominated by the american friends service committee, she said http://timesargus.nybor.com/Local/Story/59879.html | |
30. Centennial Symposium Programme service Council/The american friends service committee, Institute of InternationalLaw. Saturday, December 8. Session 9, The world and the nobel Peace Prize in http://www.nobel.no/eng_jub_symp.html | |
31. Laureates Attending The Centennial International committee of the Red Cross, 19171944, The friends service Council,1947, The american friends service committee, 1947, Chairperson Donald S.Gann. http://www.nobel.no/eng_jub_lau.html | |
32. Become A Member In The Albert Schweitzer Insitute A recipient of the nobel Peace Prize, the american friends service committee isa Quaker organization supported by people who represent a number of faith http://www.chapman.edu/schweitzer/2000_award.html | |
33. Yarnall Involvement In A Nobel Peace Prize in 1947, when the nobel PRIZE FOR PEACE was awarded to the London Yearly Meeting'sservice Council and the american friends service committee in the United http://www.geocities.com/ricky_yarnell/webtext/nobelprize.htm | |
34. Organizations 1999 Recipient of nobel Peace Prize. american friends service committee (AFSC) (Foundedin 1917) Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who http://collegeten.ucsc.edu/organizations.shtml | |
35. ACLU Press Release 03-27-02 ACLU Of Colorado Seeks To Close Those labeled criminal extremists include the american friends service committee,an 85year-old pacifist Quaker group that has won the nobel Peace Prize http://www.aclu.org/news/2002/n032802a.html | |
36. Nobel Peace Prize Speech Of 1947 At its conclusion he gave the nobel diplomas and medals to Miss Margaret A. Backhouse HenryJ. Cadbury, representing the american friends service committee. http://www2.gol.com/users/quakers/nobel_prize_speech.htm | |
37. NOBEL PRIZE For Peace ! nobel Prize for Peace Acceptance Speech, Oslo, Norway, 1989 by The friends serviceCouncil 1947; The american friends service committee 1947; International http://www.betterworldlinks.org/book07.htm | |
38. SANCTIONS Humanitarian Crisis ! Kathy Kelly (USA). american friends service committee nominates DenisHalliday and Kathy Kelly for the nobel Peace Prize; american http://www.betterworldlinks.org/book60g.htm | |
39. WoYaa Search Engine - Africa References Online - SCIENCES AND NATURE Amazon.fr nobel Prize Women in Science Their Lives, Struggles and Momentous Discoveries(Added Thu Feb 27 2003 Hits 0 american friends service committee. http://www.woyaaonline.com/links/SCIENCES_AND_NATURE/more8.html | |
40. WoYaa! Premier Moteur De Recherche Et Répertoire De Sites Internet En Rapport A Translate this page Lives, Struggles and Momentous Discoveries Amazon.fr nobel Prize Women americanfriends service committee The american friends service committee (AFSC) is a http://www.woyaaonline.com/linksfr/SCIENCES_ET_NATURE/more8.html | |
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