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Shirakawa Hideki: more detail |
61. Two UCSB Engineering Faculty Win Nobel Prizes UCSB's Alan Heeger shared the 2000 nobel Prize in Chemistry with Alan MacDiarmidand hideki shirakawa for the discovery and development of conductive polymers http://www.engineering.ucsb.edu/Announce/nobel/chemistry.html |
62. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry http//www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/. nobel PRIZE CHEMISTRY. YEAR. NAMES OF SCIENTISTS.NATIONALITY. TYPE OF CHEMISTRY. polymer. 2000. hideki shirakawa. Japanese. polymer. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/CHEM/ | |
63. Nobel, Plastiki I Pr±d - Ró¿ne Nowinki - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat nobel, plastiki i prad. w Santa Barbara (USA), Alan G. MacDiarmid (73 lata), profesorchemii na Uniwersytecie Pensylwanii (USA), oraz hideki shirakawa (64 lata http://www.wiw.pl/nowinki/rozne/200010/20001011-001.asp | |
64. Nobel, Plastiki I Pr¹d - Ró¿ne Nowinki - Wirtualny Wszechwiat profesor chemii na Uniwersytecie Pensylwanii USA, oraz hideki shirakawa 64 lata WirtualnyWszechswiat Rózne nowinki Jestes tutaj nowinka nobel, plastiki i http://www.wiw.pl/fiszki/nowinki-rozne-200010-20001011-001.html | |
65. EDUCyT #137 - 2da. Seccíon [17 De Octubre De 2000.] Translate this page Su colega hideki shirakawa, de 64 años, nació en Tokyo y es catedrático de Química Comoen todas las modalidades, los Premios nobel de Física y de Quimica http://web.fcen.uba.ar/prensa/educyt/2000/ed137b.htm | |
66. Embassy Newsletter 1981, frontier orbital theory) and hideki shirakawa (2000, discovery and developmentof conductive polymers). Susumu Tonegawa received the nobel Prize in http://www.embjapan.dk/info/Japan Brief etc2002/pas110102.htm | |
67. ³çC^[lbgET~bg|Ûð¬©çÛ I am so glad to do session with you all. First of all, we, Korea, also congratulateon Mr. shirakawa hideki's nobel Prize in chemistry section this time. http://www.cec.or.jp/es/E-square/books/H12/2/kyoudou/summit/03.html | |
68. Bottomquark: Science And Technology News And Discussion Next up is the nobel Prize for Chemistry and surprise, surprise, it's of the Universityof Pennsylvania and a Japanese fellow named hideki shirakawa (sorry, no http://www.bottomquark.com/article.php?sid=722 |
69. Bandiere Del Giappone - About Japan Translate this page Vincitori giapponesi di Premio nobel YUKAWA hideki, 1949, Fisica. TOMONAGA Shinichiro,1965, Fisica. OE Kenzaburo, 1994, Letteratura. shirakawa hideki, 2000, Chimica. http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/bandiere/giapponemenu/abjp.htm | |
70. Admiroutes: Actualité Scientifique - Octobre 2000 - Par Christophe Jacquemin Translate this page macdiarmid.html Alan MacDiarmid. hideki shirakawa http//www.ims.tsukuba.ac.jp/Eng/nobel.htmhideki shirakawa. Ces trois chercheurs http://www.admiroutes.asso.fr/action/theme/science/actu/2000/octobre.htm | |
71. PhysicsWeb - Physicist Shares Nobel Prize For Chemistry The nobel Prize for Chemistry has been jointly awarded to a physicist Barbara, AlanMacDiarmid of the University of Pennsylvania, and hideki shirakawa of the http://physicsweb.org/article/news/4/10/6 | |
72. Tokyo Institute Of Technology Topics At Tokyo Tech Dr. hideki shirakawa, Chemical Engineering alumnus, won nobel Prize inChemistry 2000(00/10/10). BACK. Dr. shirakawa, a Ph.D. graduate http://www.titech.ac.jp/about-titech/e/2000101001.html |
73. Chemistry Nobel Prize Winners Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid and hideki shirakawa each hold US patents forthe work for which they were honored with the 2000 nobel Prize for Chemistry. http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/com/speeches/00-63.htm | |
74. Nobel Prize In Chemistry 2000 Innehållsförteckning. PPTbild nobel prize in Chemistry 2000. Misunderstandingsin the development of conducting polymers. hideki shirakawa. Alan G. McDiarmid. http://www.pol.chalmers.se/Pages/nobellect/ |
75. Alan Macdiarmid - Nobel Prize In Chemistry 2000 Alan MacDiarmid. Our most recent entry into the nobel pantheon is chemist AlanMacDiarmid. The work really took off when they met hideki shirakawa in Japan. http://www.phil.canterbury.ac.nz/HPS/halloffame/macdiarmid.html | |
76. 2000 Nobel Prizes Announced In Physics, Chemistry And Medicine The nobel Prize in Chemistry goes to Alan J. Heeger (University Barbara), Alan G.MacDiarmid (University of Pennsylvania), and hideki shirakawa (University of http://www.aps.org/apsnews/1200/120003.html | |
77. The Nobel Prize In Chemistry The 2000 nobel Prize in Chemistry goes to Alan J. Heeger (UCSanta Barbara), AlanG. MacDiarmid (University of Pennsylvania), and hideki shirakawa (University http://www.aip.org/physnews/update/507-1.html | |
78. Gi¶i Nobel N¨m 2000 Cã ba ngêi ch©u ¸ ®îc trao gi¶i nobel hideki shirakawa ®îc traonobel ho¸ häc; nhµ v¨n Cao Hµnh KiÖn ®o¹t gi¶i nobel v¨n ch¬ng v http://www.cpv.org.vn/anpham/khoagiao/baiviet/032001/14_nobel.htm | |
79. Harapan's Bookshelf: Nobel 2000 Chemical and Electronic Structure Proceedings of the EightyFirst nobel Symposiuby Links Alan J. Heeger; Alan G. MacDiarmid; hideki shirakawa; www.ameriplas.org http://www.harapan.co.jp/amazon/English/nobel_2000.htm | |
80. NYT Archives Article The nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded yesterday to three scientists who MacDiarmid,73, of the University of Pennsylvania; and Dr. hideki shirakawa, 64, of http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~david/alan-nobel/NYT-10-11-2000/NYT-10-11-2000.html | |
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