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41. Charles physiologist. Winner of the 1913 nobel Prize for Medicine of Physiology.sir charles scott sherrington (18571952) English physiologist. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/c/charles.html | |
42. Dr.Tarek Said's Homepage-Nobel Prize Winners nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine WHIPPLE , GEORGE RICHARDS MINOT WILLIAM PARRYMURPHY 1933 THOMAS HUNT MORGAN 1932 sir charles scott sherrington LORD http://www.geocities.com/tsaid3/nobel.html | |
43. 1579-MEIS.htm (MEIS-S) (In 1932 sir charles scott sherrington was awarded the nobel Prise in Physiologyor Medicine for their discoveries regarding the function of neurons. ) (BOBE http://www.iris-ward.com/_HTM/MEIS/S/1579-MEIS.htm | |
44. Ragnar Granit - By Yrsa Neuman/Gunnar Damström to work at the lab of sir charles scott sherrington, famous neural In the fall of1932 sherrington and Edgar Douglas Adrian shared the nobel Price in http://sfhs.eget.net/Q_artiklar/Q_Granit.html | |
45. WIEM: Adrian Edgar Douglas (encyklopedia.pl)Category World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia encyklopedia.pl A...... neuronów. Odwiedz w Internecie. The nobel Foundation. Powiazania.Nobla Nagrody, 19311935, sherrington sir charles scott, wiecej ». http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/0038cf.html | |
46. November 27 On this day in 1857, sir charles scott sherrington, 1932 nobel Laureatein Medicine and Physiology; was born. He was the author http://www.nortexinfo.net/McDaniel/1127.htm | |
47. Ragnar Granit, Suomalainen Tiedenobelisti ajan merkittävin hermofysiologi sir charles scott sherrington, jota kutsuttiin sherrington(1857 1952) oli Tukholmaan Lääketieteellisen nobel-Instituutin http://www.tut.fi/~malmivuo/granit/granitsu.htm | |
48. Sintitul1 Translate this page La contribución de charles scott sherrington a la neurofisiología fue Mencionamosfinalmente a sir John C. Eccees galardonado con el Premio nobel de Medicina http://www.femi.com.uy/revista/junio_01/los_reflejos.htm | |
49. Contenido Home Translate this page lo hicieron merecedor de un segundo Premio nobel que Warburg, siendo judío ybajo la amenaza del nazismo, rechazó. 1932 sir charles scott sherrington. http://www.antioxidantes.com.ar/12/Art066.htm | |
50. Ragnar Granit nerve physiologist of the time, sir charles scott sherrington, was then After leavingsherrington and returning home to Laboratory of the nobel Institute of http://butler.cc.tut.fi/~malmivuo/granit/granit.htm | |
51. RGI News, Vol 7. No 2, 2000 100 years from the birth of the Finnish born nobel Prize winner. The most notablenerve physiologist of the time, sir charles scott sherrington, was then http://butler.cc.tut.fi/~malmivuo/news/2000/02/02.htm | |
52. Laureáti Nobelovy Ceny Za Fyziologii A Lékaøství Jejich plné znení je uverejnováno v publikaci Les Prix nobel. 1931, Otto HeinrichWarburg. 1932, sir charles scott sherrington. 1932, Edgar Douglas Adrian. http://mujweb.atlas.cz/www/nobellekarstvi/ | |
53. Scientists' Bookshelf:Lead Reviews In the early 1940s, for example, sir charles scott sherrington, a British neurophysiologistand nobel laureate, proposed his millionfold democracy theory http://www.americanscientist.org/Bookshelf/Leads95/Gazzaniga95-09.html | |
54. VBS - MyEurope - Nobel Prizes had been compelled to instruct the Swedish bank in Stockholm to transfer the NobelPrize money sir charles scott sherrington and Lord Edgar Douglas ADRIAN (1932 http://www.univie.ac.at/Romanistik/Sprachwst/site/spratscher/vbs_myEurope_spring | |
55. Lunar Crater Statistics Anton Pavlovich; Russian Chekhov writer (18601904). sherrington. 11.1S. 118.0E.18. sir charles scott; British neurophysiologist; nobel laureate (1856-. Shi Shen. http://lunar.arc.nasa.gov/science/atlas/text/cratertex_s.html | |
56. Medicina Translate this page e dois terços, para o fundo especial do nobel de Medicina William Parry Murphy 1933- Thomas Hunt Morgan 1932 - sir charles scott sherrington, Edgar Douglas http://www.klickeducacao.com.br/Conteudo/Referencia/CDA/Item_View/1,1655,2378--- | |
57. Mercedes-Benz - Services - Mercedes Magazine number of others, such as the British physiologist sir charles scott sherrington,became 'regulars Besides, the long history of the nobel Prize has not escaped http://www.mercedes-benz.com/e/service/magazin/kultur_002_2.htm | |
58. Mercedes-Benz - Services - Mercedes-Magazin Translate this page sein Lebenswerk, hintergangen von einer Institution namens nobel-Stiftung, eine wiezum Beispiel der britische Physiologe sir charles scott sherrington, der in http://www.mercedes-benz.com/d/service/magazin/kultur_002_2.htm | |
59. +SALUD Translate this page 1945, sir Alexander Fleming, sir Howard Walter Florey Otto Loewi Química entre dosPremios nobel. 1932, Edgar Douglas Adrian charles scott sherrington El sistema http://www.canalsalud.com/massalud/miscelanea/historia.htm | |
60. What Happened All Those Years Ago - November 1857 Born this day, sir charles scott sherrington, 1932 nobel Laureate in Medicine Physiology; author of the classic The Integrative Action of the Nervous http://www.andibradley.com/whatya/nov27.htm | |
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