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1. Literature 1964 Biography of sartre from the nobel page. sartre was awarded the 1964 nobel prize but declined to accept it. http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1964/ | |
2. Jean-Paul Sartre - Biography A biography of his childhood, Les Mots (The Words), appeared in 1964. FromNobel Lectures, Literature 19011967. jean-paul sartre died in 1980. http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1964/sartre-bio.html | |
3. Jean-Paul Sartre Winner Of The 1964 Nobel Prize In Literature Featured Internet Links Existentialist Jean Paul sartre (submitted by KatharenaEiermann) Google, Search WWW Search The nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/literature/1964a.html | |
4. Sartre, Jean-Paul sartre, jeanpaul. sartre, photograph by Gisèle Freund, 1968. Gisèle Freund. Hewas awarded the nobel Prize for Literature in 1964, but he declined it. http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/527_68.html | |
5. Sartre, Jean-Paul -- Encyclopædia Britannica Online Article He was awarded the nobel Prize for Literature in 1964 MLA style sartre, jeanpaul. Encyclopædia Britannica 2003 Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=67506&tocid=0 |
6. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Sartre, Jean-Paul (Featured Authors) BIOGRAPHY World Book Online Article on sartre, jeanpaul; Biography; Biography (Encarta);Brief Biography; Life Works; nobel Prize Biography. CRITICISM nobel Prize http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Lit | |
7. Sartre A brief discussion of the life and works of jean-paul sartre, with links to additional information.Category Society Philosophy sartre, jean-paul Biographies...... and at German universities, jeanpaul sartre taught philosophy sartre's personaland professional life was greatly Although he declined the nobel Prize for http://www.philosophypages.com/ph/sart.htm | |
8. Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980). A short discussion on the life and work of sartre.Category Society Philosophy sartre, jean-paul Biographies......jeanpaul sartre (1905-1980). sartre gave up teaching after the war and devoted allhis time to writing (he declined the '64 nobel Prize for Literature); he http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Biographies/Philosophy/Sartre.htm | |
9. Guardian Unlimited Books | Authors | Sartre, Jean-Paul a magnificent piece of writing and it earned him the nobel Prize for 15 Nov 1984,The observations of jeanpaul sartre Review of 'War Diaries Notebooks from a http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,5917,-124,00.html | |
10. Bomis: The Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/Sartre, Jean-Paul Ring 9. Biography of jeanpaul sartre. Extract from From nobel Lectures (Literature1901-1967) - a series in English of all the nobel lectures from 1901, with http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mphilosophers-sartre_jean-paul-society/ | |
11. Bomis Search Results: Jean-Paul Sartre 10. sartre, jeanpaul - nobel Prize Internet Archive. Presents biographical noteson this French writer who declined the nobel Prize for Literature in 1964. http://www.bomis.com/searchring.fcgi?request=Jean-Paul Sartre |
12. LE MONDE Diplomatique - Settembre 2000 Translate this page come l'ampiezza e il valore straordinario della sua opera letteraria (che gli valseroun premio nobel per la Firmato Simone de Beauvoir e jean-paul sartre». http://www.ilmanifesto.it/MondeDiplo/LeMonde-archivio/Settembre-2000/0009lm12.01 | |
13. Search-Info.Com - Directory Society Philosophy Philosophers Sartre, Jean-Paul Part of the tophistory.com site. url www.topbiography.com/9005-Jean%20sartre/.jean-paul sartre, nobel Laureate 1964 Biography of JeanPaul sartre. http://search-info.com/search/engine/index/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/Sartr | |
14. Jean-Paul Sartre, 1905-1980 dramatist, essayist and novelist, jeanpaul sartre, was both in sartre's politicalactivities, which provided numerous disputes to accept, the nobel Prize for http://www.historyguide.org/europe/sartre.html | |
15. Northwestern University Press: Other Nobel Prize Winners Published By NU Press, Writings of jeanpaul sartre Volume 1, The jean-paul sartre Cloth Text.Writings of jean-paul sartre Volume 2, The jean-paul sartre Paper Text. http://nupress.northwestern.edu/nobel_search_action.cfm?lastname=Sartre |
16. Jean-Paul Sartre, Philosophy Existentialism Bjorn's Guide to Philosophy sartre. Miscellaneous. Philosophers jeanpaul sartre.jean-paul sartre. Biography at nobel Foundation. Peter Landry's Biographies. http://members.aol.com/DonJohnR/Philosophy/Sartre.html |
17. Dialogus - Jean-Paul Sartre - Le Prix Nobel De Littérature Translate this page Le prix nobel de littérature. florian.bernadat@free.fr. Pourquoiavez-vous refusé le prix nobel de littérature en 1964? http://www.dialogus2.org/SAR/leprixnobeldelitterature.html | |
18. Dialogus / Jean-Paul Sartre Translate this page jean-paul sartre 1905/1980. Pour lui écrire. Lettre d'acceptation. L'enfantsartre. Simone - deuxième sexe. Les Mouches. Le prix nobel de littérature. http://www.dialogus2.org/sartre.html | |
19. Conversación Con Jean-Paul Sartre, Por Jorge Semprún / Cuadernos De Ruedo Ibé Translate this page Conversación con jean-paul sartre (Cuestionario y transcripción de Jorge Una entrevistacon sartre, a pesar de la fría usted rechazó el premio nobel que le http://www.filosofia.org/hem/dep/cri/ri03078.htm | |
20. Education Update - Books New York City, April 2001. jeanpaul sartre, 1964 nobel Laureate.by Lillian L. Shapiro. Those who have received the nobel Prize in http://www.educationupdate.com/archives/2001/april01/sartre.html | |
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