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81. A-Infos Hyper-Archive: (en) Jose Ramos Horta The joint 1996 nobel Peace Prize winner, jose Ramos Horta, spoke to a largeand diverse gathering in Adelaide, Australia last Friday (7/2/97) night. http://www.ainfos.ca/A-Infos97/1/0230.html | |
82. Democracy NOW! East Timor. Guest jose Ramos Horta, 1996 nobel Peace Prize Winnerand East Timor's first Foreign Minister. Story EAST TIMORESE http://www.webactive.com/pacifica/demnow/dn20020514.html | |
84. Who And What Is Ramos Horta Committee of the Fretilin at the time of the atrocities, jose Ramos Horta has yet theFretilin's reign of terror should be the recipient of the nobel Prize for http://www.prica.org/khusus/hottopics/whoNwhat.html | |
85. PROFILE: Jose Ramos Horta The Indonesian government reacted angrily to the awarding of the nobel Peace Prize,saying it was REMOTE DOCUMENT jose Ramos Horta Timor's leader in exile. http://www.sjc.uq.edu.au/projects/East Timor project/vote/reference/hortaref.htm | |
86. Article In this generous statement the UDT speaks openly about the past, andembraces nobel Peace Prize winner jose Ramos Horta. The Supreme http://www.insideindonesia.org/edit49/udt.htm | |
87. The Leaders THE LEADERS jose RAMOS HORTA, In December 1996, José ramos-horta shared the NobelPeace Prize with his fellow countryman, Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes http://www.solidamor.org/english/content/leader/horta.htm |
88. Untitled Document rakyat kecil. Komite nobel juga mempertimbangkan jose Ramos Horta sebagaijuru bicara Timor Timur di luar negeri sejak tahun 1975. http://www.solidamor.org/content/solid/solid5/berita/profil.htm |
89. Negative International Press Reports About Ramos Horta, A Nobel Prize Recipient Abilio jose Osorio Soares, Governor, Province of East Timor José Ramos Horta andhis brothers and sisters were born that to be awarded the nobel Peace Prize ? http://members.tripod.com/~timor-east/ramoshorta.html | |
90. Interview: Jose Ramos Horta --- Asia Pacific Media Service independence since the Indonesian invasion in December 1975, jose Ramos Horta isnow His relentless efforts earned him the 1996 nobel Peace Prize, which he http://www.asiapacificms.com/articles/jose_ramos_horta/ | |
91. Nov97 Responding to an invitation by the World Taiwanese Association, 1996 nobel PeacePrize cowinner Dr. jose Ramos Horta made a special visit to Taiwan in August. http://www.pctpress.com.tw/obdir/Nov97.htm | |
92. Strategic Update '99 - Jose Ramos Horta jose Ramos Horta is an internationallyrenowned spokesman for the East Timoresecause, and He received the nobel Peace Prize in December 1996 for 'sustained http://idun.itsc.adfa.edu.au/ADSC/Strat99/j_horta.htm | |
93. East Timor And UN Volunteers Linked For Life Senior Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs jose Ramos Horta, nobel Peace Prizelaureate of 1996 acknowledges volunteer contributions during visit in Bonn. http://www.unvolunteers.org/infobase/news_releases/2002/02_11_26DEU_jrh.htm | |
94. Belo, Horta, Gusmao Freedom Fighters jose Ramos Horta Timor's leader in exile BBC 9/99; jose Ramos Horta Speech 12/98;CNN - 2 accept nobel Peace Prize for East Timor work 12/96; nobel Peace Prize http://www.betterworldlinks.org/book82c.htm | |
95. Nike Campaign: Interview With Jose Ramos-Horta San Francisco Dr. jose ramoshorta is the most recent recipient of the NobelPeace Prize (shared with Bishop Belo) for his leadership of the movement for http://www.globalexchange.org/economy/corporations/nike/joseRamosHorta.html | |
96. Focus On East Timor: Profiles work for peace was recognised by the nobel Committee in 1996 when he was a jointrecipient of the nobel Peace Prize with exiled journalist jose Ramos Horta. http://www.rte.ie/news/archive/easttimor/profiles.html | |
97. The Nobel Prize What the Indonesian Government finds difficult to understand is the choice of JoseRamos Horta as recipient of the nobel Peace Prize alongside Bishop Belo. http://www.dfa-deplu.go.id/english/prnobel.htm | |
98. Raise Your Voice On Behalf Of East Timor, 8.11.97 One year ago the catholic Bishop Carlos Ximenes Belo and his fellow countrymanJose Ramos Horta received the nobel Peace Prize for their engagement for a http://home.snafu.de/watchin/7December.htm | |
99. PJCC: Notes From PeaceJam 1999 900 Family Groups 1000 Service Activities 100 Family Groups 200 Break/Snack 215Jose Ramos Horta, nobel Laureate Presentation and Conversation 400 Family http://peacejamnw.org/programs/pj99.html | |
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