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41. LitWeb.net biblion.com Pulitzer Prize Booker Prize nobel Prize. biblion.com. by All. forAuthor Index. quasimodo salvatore QUENEAU Raymond QUINCEY http://www.biblion.com/litweb/q.html | |
42. Nobel Prize Winners nobel Prize Winners for Literature. Year, Author, Country. 2000, Gao Xingjian,China. 1960, Pers, Stjohn, France. 1959, quasimodo, salvatore, Italy. http://www.chilibsys.org/librarianship/bookstore/nobel.html | |
43. Salvatore Quasimodo - [NetDoors/M.O.W.] - Translate this page La città che ha dato i natali al nobel per la letteratura salvatore quasimodo,non poteva che festeggiare in modo solenne e sobrio al contempo il poeta http://www.netdoors.it/mow/quasimodo.html | |
44. Nobel Italiani nobel Italiani. Fisica 1909. Il premio é stato attribuito congiuntamentea. More Literature 1959. quasimodo, salvatore, Italy, b. 1901, d. 1968 http://www.embitalia.org.br/tec32Nobelitaliani.htm | |
45. Nobel Prize Winners The first nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. 2001, Sir VS Naipaul, GreatBritain. 1960, Perse, Stjohn, France. 1959, quasimodo, salvatore, Italy. http://www.twicesoldtales.com/udist/biblioref/nobel.html | |
46. Nobel Prize Winners 1961, Andric, Ivo, Yugoslavia. 1960, Perse, Stjohn, France. 1959, quasimodo,salvatore, Italy. 1958, Pasternak, Boris, USSR. 1957, Camus, Albert, France. http://www.twicesoldtales.com/biblioref/nobel.html | |
47. Salvatore Quasimodo - Wikipedia Translate this page Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. salvatore quasimodo (1901-1968), écrivain italien, obtint le Prix nobel de littérature en 1959. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvatore_Quasimodo | |
48. LiteraryCritic.com -- Nobel Prize nobel Prize winners 1901 Armand, René François. (France) titles 1902- Mommsen, Theodor. (USSR) titles 1959 - quasimodo, salvatore. http://www.literarycritic.com/nobel.htm | |
49. Nobel Prize For Literature, 1901-2002 nobel Prize for Literature, 19012002. 1959, salvatore quasimodo (1901-1968), Italy,Nuove Poesie (1942); The Selected Writings of salvatore quasimodo (1960). http://www.hycyber.com/CLASS/nobel.html | |
50. I Grandi Poeti Italiani Del '900 salvatore (premio nobel per la letteratura)Inserito 6 luglio 97; quasimodo salvatore ( La poesia come momento della http://www.club.it/autori/elencograndi.html | |
51. Salvatore Quasimodo Italian poet, critic, and translator, who was awarded the nobel Prize for SalvatoreQuasimodo was born in Modica, a small town near Syracuse, Sicily, as the http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/quasimod.htm | |
52. The Ensemble Sospeso - Salvatore Quasimodo salvatore quasimodo (19011968), the Italian poet, critic, and translator,was awarded the nobel Prize for Literature in 1959. quasimodo's http://www.sospeso.com/contents/composers_artists/quasimodo.html | |
53. Nobel Prize Alphabetical Alphabetical Listing of nobel Laureates 19012000. Click on a link and see the shortbiographical notes on this site Name, Year Awarded. quasimodo, salvatore, 1959. http://literature.school.dk/frame_NobelPrize05.htm | |
54. Nobel Prize Winners For Literature nobel Prize Winners for Literature. Year, Author, Country*, Literary Area. 1960,SaintJohn Perse, France, poet. 1959, quasimodo, salvatore, Italy, poet. http://www.worksonline.org/awards/nobel.htm | |
55. Argus Aktuella Länkar [www.aktuella.nu] David R (eng)¤ Quiroga, Horacio (eng) Qvarnström, Emanuel (sve) poet Quarles, Francis2 (eng)¤ Quarrington, Paul (eng) quasimodo, salvatore (nobel 1959) 2 3 http://www.argus.nu/aktuella/index.php?forfattare=Q&visa=forfattareq.php |
56. Lynn Public Library - Nobel Prize Winners - Literature WINNERS OF THE nobel PRIZE FOR LITERATURE. Click on the links below to findtheir works in the catalog. 1959 quasimodo, salvatore (Italian). http://www.noblenet.org/lynn/nobellist.htm | |
57. Nove18 - Tripodaro - Bonghi - Salvatore Quasimodo Translate this page salvatore quasimodo. i numerosi riconoscimenti a lui tributati dalla cultura internazionale,che culminarono nel 1959 con l'assegnazione del premio nobel per la http://www.classicitaliani.it/letter/nove18.htm | |
58. Any Amount Of Books: Authors Q-R quasimodo, salvatore. DEBIT AND CREDIT. Anvil, L 1972. 1st UK ed. Hardback. Poetrypp 53. Translated with intro by Jack Bevan. Sicilian poet who won nobel http://www.anyamountofbooks.com/q-r.html | |
59. I SITI DI SALVATORE QUASIMODO A ROCCALUMERA Translate this page le origini ei principali passaggi delle esperienze di salvatore quasimodo la famiglia,gli studi, i primi impieghi, Milano, il premio nobel, i ritorni in http://www.siciliajonica.it/impegnocivile/parco_letterario/i__siti_di_Roccalumer | |
60. ICARITO Translate this page Los nobel de Literatura en la historia. AÑO, PREMIO nobel. 1957, Camus, Albert(Francia). 1958, Pasternak, Borís L.* (URSS). 1959, quasimodo, salvatore (Italia). http://icarito.tercera.cl/enc_virtual/castella/nobel/pnobeles.htm | |
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