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61. Ilya Prigogine - Milestones In World History- World History Timeline Chart ilya prigogine. (1917 ). ©Belga The nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977 for hiscontributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of http://users.pandora.be/worldhistory/pages/prigogine.htm | |
62. Ilya Prigogine - Home Page De Fabián L. Translate this page ilya prigogine, premio nobel de química en 1977, cuyos trabajos en termodinámicay sistemas inestables y su cuestionamiento de las leyes fundamentales de la http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/1034/prigogin.htm | |
63. HomePage Gejota: Capitulos Alfabetización Translate this page Capítulo 28. La nueva causalidad. (parte 2 de 3). La Ciencia de laComplejidad. El premio nobel de ilya prigogine. El premio nobel belga http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Forum/7053/capitulos/capitulo28.html | |
64. Ilya PRIGOGINE Director of the ilya prigogine Center for Studies in Statistical Mechanics, Thermodynamicsand Complex Systems, University of nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1977. http://archives.cicv.fr/council/participants/prigogine.html | |
65. C'est Du Belge ! - Ilya Prigogine Translate this page Moscou 1917. belge d'origine russe. ilya prigogine, chimiste, physicien et philosophe,prix nobel de chimie en 1977, est titulaire de 37 doctorats honoris causa. http://califice.net/belge/notes/prigogine.html | |
66. Ilya Prigogine Translate this page VITA ilya prigogine è nato a Mosca il 25 gennaio 1917 e dal 1929 risiede a Bruxelles Nel1977 ha ricevuto il premio nobel per la chimica, grazie ad una teoria http://www.emsf.rai.it/biografie/anagrafico.asp?d=312 |
67. TecaLibri: Ilya Prigogine: Opere Translate this page scienze naturali TecaLibri. ilya prigogine opere. 1917 Nasce a Mosca.1977 Riceve il premio nobel per la chimica. 1979 La Nouvelle alliance. http://web.infinito.it/utenti/t/tecalibri/P/PRIGOGINE-I_OPE.htm | |
68. The Free University Of Brussels alumni, including Jules Bordet, nobel Prize for Medicine in 1919, Albert Claude,nobel Prize for Medicine in 1974, ilya prigogine, nobel Prize for Chemistry in http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/VUBULB.html | |
69. Cybernetics And Systems Thinkers ilya prigogine nobel Prize in chemistry; studied thermodynamicalselforganization, irreversibility and dissipative structures. http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/CSTHINK.html | |
70. Dave's Comments On Books And Articles A general book on complexity by the nobelPrize winner physicist (quarks prigogine,ilya and Isabela Stengers, The End of Certainity, Time, Chaos, the New Laws http://users.viawest.net/~keirsey/bookeval.html | |
71. ULB - A.Sc.Br. Translate this page . site ULB sommaire . .. Communiqué. Hommage au Professeur ilya prigogine àloccasion du 25 e anniversaire de lattribution du Prix nobel de Chimie. http://www.ulb.ac.be/assoc/ascbr/PrixNobel.html | |
72. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry http//www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/. nobel PRIZE CHEMISTRY. YEAR. NAMES OF SCIENTISTS.NATIONALITY. American. organic. 1977. ilya prigogine. RussianFrench. physical. 1978. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/CHEM/ | |
73. Network Physics ilya prigogine, recipient of the 1977 nobel Prize for his work in nonequilibriumthermodynamics and a leading thinker in the fields of chaos and complexity. http://www.networkphysics.com/press/press-12032001.shtml | |
74. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Quimica, El Club De Los Caminantes Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, QUÍMICA. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000.1976. Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos. 1977. prigogine, ilya (Bélgica). http://caminantes.metropoliglobal.com/web/nobel/quimica4.htm | |
75. Acceptance Speech Of Ilya Prigogine Translate this page ilya prigogine. La ragione per cui ho ricevuto il premio nobel ventidue anni fa èche ho mostrato che lontano dallequilibrio, la stabilità rispetto alle http://www.icra.it/Publications/Books/Prigogine/Discorso.htm | |
76. News Current News News Releases By Date News Releases By Topic This was the first discovery that a gas can act as a signal molecule in theorganism. ilya prigogine, UT Austin, nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1977. http://www.utsystem.edu/News/Nobels.htm | |
77. Prof. Ilya Prigogine @ Prigogine Center http://order.ph.utexas.edu/people/Prigogine.htm | |
78. Books By Ilya Prigogine 82) Vol 82; CheukYiu Ng, et al; Hardcover; $209.00. Chaos The New Science (NobelConference, 26); ilya prigogine, et al; Paperback; $19.50 (Back Ordered);. http://www.lucifer.com/~sasha/books/Prigogine.html |
79. Ilya Prigogine Translate this page attività, riconoscimenti, pubblicazioni. In lingua inglese. prigogine/NobelAutobiografia on line di ilya prigogine. In inglese. http://www.ildiogene.it/EncyPages/Ency=Prigogine.html | |
80. Ãíùñéìßá ìå ôï Ýñãï ôïõ Ilya Prigogine The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.physics4u.gr/chaos/prig1.html | |
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