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41. 1Up Info > Pregl, Fritz (Chemistry, Biographies) - Encyclopedia pregl, fritzfr ts pr ´g l Pronunciation Key, 18691930, Austrian physiologist ofquantitative organic microanalysis he received the 1923 nobel Prize in http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/P/Pregl-Fr.html | |
42. Tous Les Prix Nobel De Chimie Prix nobels, Alfred nobel. A. Kurt Alder. Sydney Altman. Christian B. Anfinsen. JohnCharles Polanyi. George Porter. fritz pregl. Vladimir Prelog. Ilya Prigogine.R. http://membres.lycos.fr/xjarnot/Chimistes/Prix_Nobel_alphabetique.html | |
43. Prix Nobel De 1920 à 1924 Translate this page 1922 Francis William Aston (1877 - 1945). 1923 fritz pregl (1869 - 1930). 1924 Le prix nobel de chimie n'a pas été attribué. 1920. Hermann Walther Nernst. http://membres.lycos.fr/xjarnot/Chimistes/Nobel_1920.html | |
44. Fritz Pregl Translate this page fritz pregl (1869 - 1930) Químico austríaco nascido em Laibach, Áustria, hojeLjubljana, Slovênia, que ganhou o Prêmio nobel de Química (1923) por http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/FritzPre.html | |
45. So Biografias: Nobel Quimica Translate this page 1923 fritz pregl Por desenvolver um método de microanálise de substâncias orgânicasatravés de pesagens microanalíticas. Fonte principal Museu nobel. http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/RolNobQu.html | |
46. Pregl pregl, fritz (szül. 1869. szept. 3. Laibach ma Ljubljana, Szlovénia Ausztria? megh. 1930. dec. 13. Graz), osztrák vegyész; 1923ban nobel-díjjal http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/bh6/pregl.html |
47. Nobel Peace Prize William Aston, physicist and inventor of the mass spectrograph, wins nobel Prizefor 1923 fritz pregl for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of http://din-timelines.com/1920s-npp.shtml | |
48. Pictures Of Nobel Laureates - Chemistry is an index of photographs of the winners of the nobel Prize in 1923 fritz pregl;1924 - No Prize Awarded; 1925 - Richard A. Zsigmondy; 1926 - Theodor Svedberg; http://chemistry.about.com/library/blchemists.htm | |
49. Alfred B. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry - Winners Here is the list of the nobel laureates in Chemistry Year, Laureate, Country,Research. 1923, fritz pregl, Austria, Microanalysis of organic compounds. http://chemistry.about.com/library/weekly/aa120202a.htm | |
50. Result Of Desired Function nobel Laureats in Chemistry. nobel Foundation. Year. Name. 1923. pregl, fritz. forhis invention of the method of microanalysis of organic substances . 1924. 1925. http://chemistry.sogang.ac.kr/ChemInfo/Nobeleng.html | |
51. Wanadoo Translate this page PRIX nobel. Année. Discipline. Nom. Pays. 1901. CHIMIE. Van't Hoof (Jacobus Henricus).Pays-Bas. Bohr (Niels). Danemark. 1923. CHIMIE. pregl (fritz). Autriche. 1923. PHYSIQUE. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/christian.fabien/prix nobel.htm | |
52. Prix Nobel Translate this page Les prix nobel de chimie. 1901, Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff, Pays-Bas,30.8.1852 - 1.3.1911. 1923, fritz pregl, Autriche, 3.9.1869 - 13.12.1930. http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/chimie/nobel.htm | |
53. Famous Chemists Translate this page John Pople (nato circa 1926). Premio nobel nel 1998. fritz pregl (1869-1930).Chimico austriaco. Premio nobel nel 1923. Q. R. Tadeus Reichstein (1897-1996). http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-General/d-Chemistry/d-The-chemist/t-Chemists-A-Z | |
54. Welcome To IOrganik.com-Nobel isotopes, mass spectrograph. 1923 fritz pregl (Austria, 186909-03 -1930-12-13) Microanalysis of organic compounds. 1924 - 1925 Richard http://www.iorganik.com/nobelprizes.htm | |
55. Nobel Prize For Chemistry nobel Prize for Chemistry. 1923 fritz pregl (Austria, 3.9.1869 13.12.1930) Austria,Graz University, for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of http://lem.ch.unito.it/chemistry/nobel_chemistry.html | |
56. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Química fritz pregl; 1922 Francis William Aston; 1921 Frederick http://atelier.uarte.mct.pt/fq/quem/nobelqui.htm | |
57. Biographies - Praditphairo To Pythagoras pregl, fritz (18691930) Austrian chemist, author, educator Austria, he invented themethod of micro-analysis of organic substances and won the 1923 nobel Prize http://www.philately.com/philately/bioprpz.htm | |
58. Nobel Prize Winners: Chemistry nobel Prize Winners Chemistry. The descriptions in green are for work that is relevantto high school chemistry Year. Article. Country*. 1923. pregl, fritz. Austria. http://www.emsb.qc.ca/laurenhill/science/nobelcm.html | |
59. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry of the wholenumber rule 1923 fritz pregl (Austria) for his invention of themethod of micro-analysis of organic substances 1924 - The nobel Prize for http://www.nidlink.com/~jfromm/nobel.htm | |
60. Untitled Document Translate this page eine Stiftung ein, aus der jährlich am Todestag von Alfred nobel die Preisgelder 1923fritz pregl (1869-1930), Österreich fritz pregl bekam 1923 für die von http://www.jahr-der-chemie.de/HTML/Spiel&Wissen/ChemieRekorde.htm |
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