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61. Premio Nobel De Química - Wikipedia Translate this page Ver enlace http//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/index.html. G MacDiarmid, HidekiShirakawa 1999 Ahmed H. Zewail 1998 Walter Kohn, john A. pople 1997 Paul D http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel/Química | |
62. Past Winners Of The Harrison Howe Award the Cori's, 1947). Longest length of time between a Harrison Howeaward and a nobel Prize 27 Years (john pople). Average age of http://www.chem.rochester.edu/~rocacs/howe/previous.htm | |
63. AAS-Media Releases-15.10.98 added his warm congratulations to the many that have been showered on the distinguishedchemist, john A. pople, who has been awarded the 1998 nobel Prize for http://www.science.org.au/academy/media/pople.htm | |
64. Pictures Of Nobel Laureates - Chemistry This is an index of photographs of the winners of the nobel Prize in Chemistry. 1998 Walter Kohn; 1998 - john A. pople; 1999 - Ahmed H. Zewail; 2000 - Alan J http://chemistry.about.com/library/blchemists.htm | |
65. 1998 Nobel Prize In Chemistry of the densityfunctional theory and to john pople for his development of computationalmethods in quantum chemistry. . For details visit http//www.nobel.se. http://chin.icm.ac.cn/news/nobel-98.htm |
66. Physics News Update Number 397 - Story THE 1998 NOBEL PRIZE FOR CHEMISTRY at Santa Barbara and john A. pople of Northwestern University for their contributionstoward establishing computational chemistry. The nobel citation quoted http://www.aip.org/enews/physnews/1998/split/pnu397-2.htm | |
67. Sandia National Laboratories - Sandia Nobel Connection 8345, has been watching the nobel Prize announcements ever since his chemicalphysics thesis advisor john pople told him a few years ago that he'd been http://www.sandia.gov/LabNews/LN10-23-98/chemistry_story.htm | |
68. Nobel Prize For Chemistry Welcome to the Reference Homepage of the World, nobel Prize for Chemistry Name, Year,The Work. Walter Kohn, USA john A. pople, Great Britain, 1998, to Walter Kohn http://www.planet101.com/nobel_chemistry.htm | |
69. Premio Nobel De Química 2000 - Diario De Yucatán john A.pople, por su desarrollo de métodos computacionales en química cuántica . 1997. http://www.yucatan.com.mx/especiales/nobel2000/quimica.asp |
70. Nobel Laureate To Chair EXegenics Advisory Board - 2002-01-14 - john A. pople, a 1998 nobel Laureate in chemistry, has been named chairman ofDallasbased eXegenics Inc.'s (Nasdaq EXEG) scientific advisory board. http://dallas.bizjournals.com/dallas/stories/2002/01/14/daily4.html |
71. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Química john A. pople; http://atelier.uarte.mct.pt/fq/quem/nobelqui.htm | |
72. Nobel For Chemistry: All Laureates Zewail 1998 Walter Kohn, john A. pople 1997 Paul D Robinson 1946 James BatchellerSumner, john Howard Northrop The nobel Prize A History of Genius, Controversy http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/chem-list.html | |
73. 005 1998 nobel Prize in Chemistry in the area of quantum chemistry to Walter Kohn, Universityof California at Santa Barbara, USA and john A. pople, Northwestern http://members.tripod.com/~chem7/005.html | |
74. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry http//www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/. nobel PRIZE CHEMISTRY. YEAR. NAMES OF SCIENTISTS. theoretical.1998. john A. pople. BritishAmerican. theoretical. 1999. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/CHEM/ |
75. Burnham And Highbridge Directory His father, Keith pople, owned the men's clothing store in Burnham. Having receivedthe nobel prize john made the following generous statement about his http://www.burnham-highbridge.co.uk/pople.html | |
76. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Quimica Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, QUÍMICA. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000.1976. Santa Barbara, CA, Estados Unidos. pople, john A. (Estados Unidos). http://caminantes.metropoliglobal.com/web/nobel/quimica4.htm |
77. Welcome To IOrganik.com-Nobel Kohn (USA, *1923) john A. pople (United Kingdom/USA, *1925) to Walter Kohn forhis development of the densityfunctional theory and to john pople for his http://www.iorganik.com/nobelprizes.htm | |
78. Prémios Nobel Translate this page . Prémios nobel de Química. 1998 - Walter Kohn (Áustria), pelo desenvolvimentoda teoria da densidade-funcional e john A. pople, (Grã-Bretanha), pelo http://luisperna.com.sapo.pt/nobel_quimica.htm |
79. Argonne News 09/13/99 More information is available on the ACA home page. Click here to return tothe index. nobel Prize winner john pople to speak at Sept. 23 colloquium. http://www.anl.gov/OPA/local/news99/an990913.html | |
80. Welcome To King's College London studies of molecular Rydberg dynamics'. Previous winners of the Medalinclude nobel Prize winners john A pople and john C Polanyi. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/phpnews/wmview.php?ArtID=18 |
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