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Pire Georges Henri: more detail |
81. Famous Belgians - The Complete List sold 10 million CD's) Lafontaine, henriMarie, winner of of Belgium (1961-65) Lemaître,georges, astronomer who of Belgium (1939-45) pire, Dominique, winner http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Tielemans/hp104.htm |
82. Ficha 2 Translate this page La Fontaine, henri (1913). pire, Dominique G. (1958). DINAMARCA. LITERATURA. QUÍMICA.Moissan, henri (1906) Gennes, Pierre Gilles de (1991). Charpak, georges (1992). http://www.euro.mineco.es/guiadidactica/guia4/FCHAU2.htm | |
83. Biographies On The History Of Belgium, By Period Ministers, illustrated, 7 lines Theunis, georges, 18731966 Prime Ministers, 7 linesWiart, henri Carton de Belgian Prime Ministers, 6 lines pire, Dominique, 1910 http://www.zum.de/whkmla/biographies/lowcountries/bioxbelper.html | |
84. Il Mondo In Cui Viviamo - Premi E Riconoscimenti - Vincitori Del Premio Nobel Translate this page 1959 Philip J. Noel-Baker, Gran Bretagna. 1958 georges pire, Belgio. 1913 Henrila Fontaine, Belgio. 1912 Elihu Root, USA. (alla memoria di Alfred B.nobel). http://www.adnkronos.com/fatti2002/713/713b.htm | |
85. Archives Translate this page Luc pire. 4 mars 1998 georges-henri Dumont Histoire de 9 décembre 1998 Christian Delcourt georges Rodenbach proses et poésies complètes, éd. http://www.brunette.brucity.be/bib/bibp1/archives.htm | |
86. Buddhaline, Le Bouddhisme Et Ses Valeurs (amour, Sagesse, Compassion, Paix, Libe Translate this page Chine et le Dalaï-Lama, prix nobel de la Pierre BRANA, Richard CAZENAVE, henri CHABERT,Gérard CHARASSE V ANNE, Jean-François CHOSSY, georges COLOMBIER, Jean http://www.buddhaline.net/article.php3?id_article=405 |
87. Letture N.590 Ottobre 2002 - La Pace Dobbiamo Sempre Impararla Translate this page Cè chi si occupa di profughi, come il reverendo belga georges henri pire (Nobelnel 1958) e chi come il vescovo Hélder Cámara in Brasile sceglie di stare http://www.stpauls.it/letture/0210let/0210le08.htm | |
88. Nobel E-Museum: The Nobel Peace Prize - Laureates The nobel Peace Prize Laureates. John Lutuli 1959 Philip J. Noel-Baker 1958 GeorgesPire 1957 Lester Special Fund of this prize section 1913 henri La Fontaine http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/ | |
89. Peace In Europe Germany Great Britain France; Question 9 Who was awarded the nobel peace prize GeorgesHenri pire, Belgium, Father of the Dominican Order, Leader of the relief http://strony.wp.pl/wp/p036/test.html | |
90. NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNERS nobel PEACE PRIZE WINNERS. 19012001. 2001 Kofi Annan and UN. 1958 GeorgesPire. 1957 Lester Bowles Pearson. 1913 henri La Fontaine. 1912 Elihu Root. http://www.anarchy.no/nobel.html | |
91. Justice And Peace Commission Of The English Dominican Province many other important examples, for example, the work of the Belgian Dominican, GeorgesHenri pire for refugees for which he was awarded the nobel Peace Prize http://english.op.org/djp/ | |
92. Peace Awards a List of all the nobel Peace Prize Awards, Found at The nobel Prize Internet GEORGESHENRI pire , Belgium, Father of the Dominican Order, Leader of the relief http://www.dm.net.lb/tazdevil/2awards.html | |
93. Human Rights Internet - The Human Rights Databank and shared equally among the 5 nobel prizes 1959 Philip J. NoelBaker; 1958 GeorgesPire; 1957 Lester Eliho Root awarded the 1912 prize and henri La Fontaine http://www.hri.ca/doccentre/docs/handbook97/nobel.shtml | |
94. NOTAS & ARTÍCULOS Translate this page Pon a paginadigital en tu sitio Sugiere esta página a un amigo Responsabilidad Tel 54-11-4710-1222 info@paginadigital.com.ar. http://www.paginadigital.com.ar/articulos/entartp.html | |
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