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41. Israelinsider: Shimon The Shrewd? and lost more public offices in the State of Israel than shimon peres. peres needsto face the fact that Arafat never deserved the nobel Peace Prize http://www.israelinsider.com/views/authors/mason.htm | |
42. P Translate this page shimon peres a obtenu le prix nobel de la paix en 1994. Il est membredu Conseil cuménique judéo-chrétien. Marié à Sonia http://medintelligence.free.fr/bioPQRS.htm | |
43. Shimon Peres - Wikipedia shimon peres was born in Poland. He moved to Tel Aviv, Israel with his family in1934. He was awarded the nobel Peace Prize in 1994 together with Yasser Arafat http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimon_Peres | |
44. Introduction Of Shimon Peres He served as Prime Minister in the 1980s, won a nobel Peace Prize in the 1990s it'san honor for us here at the Milken Institute to have shimon peres join us http://www.mikemilken.com/mike_speeches_peres_intro.html | |
45. Nobel Committee Regrets Peace Prize For Peres - Apr. 05, 2002 selects the recipients of the nobel Peace Prize said Friday they regretted bestowingthe prestigious honor on Israeli Foreign Minister shimon peres and would http://www.inq7.net/brk/2002/apr/05/brkafp_5-1.htm | |
46. Shimon Peres Présente Son Programme Pour La Paix [Réseau Voltaire] Translate this page shimon peres est ancien Premier ministre travailliste israélien (1995-96) etrécent ministre des Affaires Il a reçu le Prix nobel de la paix en 1994. http://www.reseauvoltaire.net/article8699.html | |
47. CNN.com - Nobel Laureate Peres Weighs Running For Israeli Prime Minister - Decem JERUSALEM (CNN) Israelis waited on Wednesday to learn whether nobel PeacePrize laureate shimon peres would enter the battle for prime minister. http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/meast/12/20/israel.peres/ | |
48. CNN In-Depth Specials - Israel Elections 1999 - Election Guide shimon peres. shimon peres, A nobel Peace Prize laureate who has twice servedas Israel's prime minister, shimon peres has never won a major election. http://www.cnn.com/interactive/specials/0012/israel.players/peres.html | |
49. The American School Foundation, A.C. selected children from other schools. The special guest was nobel PeacePrize winner, shimon peres. We were all invited to participate http://www.asf.edu.mx/bearbulletinjan_feb/studentspeace.html | |
50. An Official Request To Annul The Nobel Peace Prize Awarded To Mr. Shimon Peres. Dear Sir,. On behalf of Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc, I hereby submit anofficial request to annul the nobel Peace Prize awarded to Mr. shimon peres. http://www.gush-shalom.org/archives/nobel_eng.html | |
51. Shimon Peres, Israel's Eighth Prime Minister, 1923 - As a protege of David Ben Gurion, shimon peres originally entered the In recognitionof his efforts, peres, Rabin and Arafat received the nobel Peace Prize http://www.jajz-ed.org.il/100/people/BIOS/peres.html | |
52. Shimon Peres - Biographical Perspectives - Vision Journal hawk is now earning the title of dove and he has a nobel Peace Prize shimon Pereshas come to understand that the peace that is enduring cannot come at the http://www.vision.org/jrnl/0001/bvsperes.html | |
53. Shimon Peres July 1992, after the election of the new Labor Government, shimon peres was appointedMinister of Foreign Affairs. In 1994 he was awarded the nobel Peace Prize http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/9361/peres.htm | |
54. Online NewsHour: Israel Election -- 2001 Twotime prime minister shimon peres could have run for a peres ranks with Sharonas one of the only political A 1994 nobel Peace Prize laureate for his work http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/middle_east/jan-june01/election/peres.html | |
55. Online NewsHour -- Profile: Shimon Peres In 1994, he was awarded the nobel Peace Prize along with Prime Minister Yitzhak ShimonPeres continued to serve as chairman of the Labor Party for a year after http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/middle_east/conflict/keyplayers_9.html | |
56. Chamish - Shimon Peres And His European Nazi Pals All we can say to them is; Go Le Pen, Go. shimon peres' reputation in that the moneywas a payoff for Larsen's intervention to get peres a nobel Prize in http://www.rense.com/general24/nz.htm | |
57. The Norwegian Nobel Institute - Press Release 07.05.2002 discussed the many responses it has received concerning recent statements madeby certain committee members about shimon peres and the nobel Peace Prize. http://www.nobel.no/eng_com_press.html | |
58. Islam Online- News Section nobel Committee Regrets Peace Prize for shimon peres. As foreign minister,shimon peres right fully and wholly supports the warring http://www.islamonline.net/english/News/2002-04/05/article04.shtml | |
59. The World Intellectual Forum 2000. Participants Federation HRH Prince Michael of Kent peres, shimon, Member of the Knesset of Israel,former Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, nobel peace prize http://www.wiforum.org/participants.html | |
60. Shimon Peres - Author Details And Biography - The Quotations Page Full Name, peres, shimon. acting prime minister of Israel 1977; prime minister ofIsrael 19841986; Israeli foreign minister 1986-1988, 1992; nobel Prize in http://www.quotationspage.com/author.php?author=Shimon Peres |
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