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Penzias Arno A: more books (21) | ||||||||
61. AliceNews Translate this page e verrà premiato il 16 luglio nella cittadina in provincia di Belluno alla presenzadi Werner Arber, nobel per la Medicina 1978, e arno penzias, nobel per la http://www.alice.it/news/news/n20020605.htm | |
62. Gihon Foundation With AT T from 19611996, arno penzias is currently Chief in satellite communicationsresearch and radio astronomy, penzias shared the 1978 nobel Prize for http://www.gihon.com/pages/council/1994/penzias.html | |
63. Arno Penzias arno penzias. (1933 ). arno penzias was born in 1933 in Munich, Germany.While Bang. His discovery earned a 1978 nobel Prize for Physics. http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/biography/Penzias.html | |
64. Untitled Translate this page 23/10/2001 - Il nobel arno penzias all'Università Cattaneo Due concetti-chiavequelli emersi dalla lezione magistrale del Premio http://nt-notes.liuc.it/servizi/ComunicatiStampa.nsf/d339fd0b9019ee58c12569c9003 |
65. Untitled Translate this page 19/10/2001 - Lezione magistrale del nobel arno penzias all'UniversitàCattaneo Con una lezione magistrale del Prof. arno penzias http://nt-notes.liuc.it/servizi/ComunicatiStampa.nsf/d339fd0b9019ee58c12569c9003 |
66. Hinman CEOs Program Schedule Of Events Monday, February 17, 2003 CHARLES AND HELEN WHITE SYMPOSIUM Featuring Keynote Speaker,nobel Laureate arno penzias 10 am to Noon GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY begins http://www.hinmanceos.umd.edu/schedule_events.html | |
67. Science Circus For those wondering if this show is worthy of their venue, here's a shot of Rhysdiscussing gyroscopics with nobel laureatte arno penzias (discoverer of the http://jugglemania.com/ScienceCircus.html | |
68. Arno Penzias Dr. arno penzias began his scientific career in 1961 when he joined Bell Laboratoriesas a best known for his work in radio astronomy, winning a nobel Prize in http://www.govtech.net/magazine/visions/1997/sept/apenzias/apenzias.phtml | |
69. Nobel Winner Speaks To Satz School Students By Darlene Diebold Staff Writer Bob Wilson, who jointly won the nobel Prize in 1978 with arno penzias, addressedthe 30 students and explained how they came up with the theory, using the http://independent.gmnews.com/News/2002/0529/Front_Page/033.html | |
70. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Fisica, El Club De Los Caminantes Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, FISICA. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000. 1976. Academiade Ciencias de Moscu. URSS. penzias, arno A. (Estados Unidos). http://caminantes.metropoliglobal.com/web/nobel/fisica4.htm | |
71. Untitled New Frontiers Interdependence, Integration and Interconnectedness Moderator FrankFukuyama, George Mason University arno penzias, nobel Laureate, Bell Labs http://csf.colorado.edu/peace/calendar/1997/usip.html |
72. UPNE | Generation Exodus Thanks to Walter Laqueur's thoughtprovoking biography, we have a chance to findout. arno penzias, nobel Laureate, author and former Bell Labs Chief http://www.upne.com/JS-1-58465-106-7.html | |
73. AT&T News Release, 1990-06-12, AT&T Horn Antenna Named As National Landmark discovery, made by arno penzias and Robert Wilson, helped confirm the Big Bang theory of the creation of the universe and earned them the nobel Prize for http://www.att.com/press/0690/900612.bla.html | |
74. Base Economia Translate this page arno penzias, Premio nobel per la Fisica nel 1978 e attualmente venture capitalist,prende avvio oggi, martedì 23 ottobre 2001, alle ore 10.30, la seconda http://www2.varesenews.it/articoli/2001/ottobre/economia/23-10.htm | |
75. Nettime: !: Virtual Diplomacy Conference Interconnectedness Moderator Francis Fukuyama, George Mason University, author, The End of History and Trust Panelists arno penzias, nobel Laureate, Bell http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9702/msg00065.html | |
76. News 1998 Translate this page Interverranno D.Lini, A.Detheridge, G.Dioguardi, R.Maiocchi, F.Drugman.23 ottobre 1998 VIDEOCONFERENZA CON IL PREMIO nobel arno penzias. http://www.museoscienza.org/news/news1998.html | |
77. Ref: Scientists Of The Second Half Of The 20th Century - By Miles Hodges Links to other information on penzias arno A. penzias (The nobel Foundation) Linksto other information on Wilson Robert W. Wilson (The nobel Foundation). http://www.newgenevacenter.org/reference/20b-science2.htm | |
78. A Science Odyssey: People And Discoveries: Penzias And Wilson Discover Cosmic Mi By the mid 1970s, astronomers called it the standard model. arno Penziasand Robert Wilson received the nobel Prize in physics in 1978. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/databank/entries/dp65co.html | |
79. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901 penzias, arno A.; Wilson, Robert W. 1979. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_physics_hist.htm | |
80. Virtual Diplomacy Conference Moderator Francis Fukuyama, George Mason University, author, The End of History and Trust Panelists arno penzias, nobel Laureate, Bell Labs/Lucent http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/idom/irlist/new/1997/IR-L_Digest,_Vol.XIV,_No.10,_Issue | |
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