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41. Biografía - Pauling, Linus Carl pauling, linus carl Nacionalidad Estados yCrick encontraron en pauling una fuente en 1954 del Premio nobel de Química http://www.artehistoria.com/historia/personajes/7805.htm | |
42. LINUS PAULING Since his second nobel Prize, Dr. pauling has researched the chemistry 5. pauling,linus carl , SP Parker, ed., McGrawHill Encyclopedia of Chemistry , Volume http://www.woodrow.org/teachers/chemistry/institutes/1992/Pauling.html | |
43. About Linus Pauling linus carl pauling was born in Portland, Oregon, on February 28 At Caltech paulingalso trained many of Xray crystallographers, among them, nobel Prize winner http://www.internetwks.com/pauling/alp.html | |
44. Pauling Centenary Celebration - Lecture Series In the end, he was rewarded with a nobel Peace Prizeonly to have even thathonor impugned by his political enemies. linus carl pauling, Jr. top. http://pauling.library.oregonstate.edu/lectureseries.htm | |
45. Pauling Centenary Celebration - Speaker Biographies 1999, Zewail was the recipient of the nobel Prize for Academy of Arts and Sciences,carl Zeiss Award Chemical Society, the Nichols Medal, linus pauling Medal, E http://pauling.library.oregonstate.edu/speakerbios.htm | |
46. An Overview Of Linus Pauling And His Work linus carl pauling was an American chemist who applied quantum mechanics to thestudy of molecular In 1954 he won a nobel Prize in Chemistry and in 1962 he http://www.imsa.edu/~sieffer/old/science/lpauling/ | |
47. 1Up Info > Pauling, Linus Carl (Chemistry, Biographies) - Encyclopedia pauling, linus carlpô´l ng Pronunciation Key, 190194, American chemist, b.Portland, Oreg. He was one of the few recipients of two nobel Prizes, winning http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/P/Pauling.html | |
48. Linus Pauling Translate this page linus carl pauling. Biografia. linus pauling é o único indivíduo a ter conquistadodois premios nobel em sua vida Um por química em 1954 e outro pela Paz em http://www.exatas.com/quimica/pauling.html | |
49. Linus Carl Pauling Translate this page linus carl pauling (1901-1994). linus pauling é o único indivíduo a ter conquistadodois prêmios nobel em sua vida Um por química em 1954 e outro pela Paz http://www.pensamentolivreceticismo.hpg.ig.com.br/personalidades/linus_pauling.h | |
50. Educational Outreach: 50th Anniversary Of The Double Helix is the only person ever to receive two unshared nobel Prizes The nobel Prize inChemistry (1954) and The nobel Peace Prize (1962). linus carl pauling was born http://www.phy.cam.ac.uk/camphy/outreach/dna/profile_linus_pauling.htm | |
51. Pauling pauling, linus, teljes nevén linus carl pauling (szül. Két alkalommal kapott nobeldíjat;egy kémiait 1954-ben, valamint egy nobel-békedíjat 1962-ben. http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/bh9/pauling.html |
52. Linus Pauling Translate this page linus carl pauling (1901-1994) do Journal of Chemical Education Janeiro/1996, linuspauling nasceu em a única pessoa a receber o famoso Prêmio nobel por duas http://www.cdcc.sc.usp.br/quimica/galeria/pauling.html |
53. Caltech Nobel Site linus carl pauling (19011994) linus pauling was the only winnerof two unshared nobel Prizes in different categories. He is also http://pr.caltech.edu/events/caltech_nobel/ | |
54. Dr Dr. linus carl pauling. work in chemistry, and the second was the nobel Peace Prize Dr.linus pauling Biography http//www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/pau0bio http://www.ceemast.csupomona.edu/nova/paul.html | |
55. 3 Translate this page 3. linus carl pauling. Por seus trabalhos científicos recebeu, em 1954, o Prêmionobel de Química e, em 1962, por sua ação pacifista o Prêmio nobel da Paz http://www.secrel.com.br/usuarios/alexquimica/pauling.htm | |
56. Les Grands Chimistes :: Département De Chimie :: Université Laval Translate this page pauling (linus carl) Chimiste américain Portland 1901 - près de Big Sur, Californie1994 Prix nobel de chimie en 1954 Prix nobel de la paix en 1962, http://www.chm.ulaval.ca/grandschim/p.html | |
57. Alpha Chi Sigma Nobel Laureates The nobel Peace Prize 1962. linus carl pauling. 1901 1994. Sigma 1940. for hiscontributions to an international ban on nuclear weapons testing . Full Prize. http://www.hexagongirl.com/y/09-Nobel Laureates.html | |
58. Russel-Einstein Manifesto Authors linus carl pauling. 1954 nobel Laureate in Chemistry for his research intothe nature of the chemical bond and its application to the elucidation of the http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3778/signes.html | |
59. Cronoloxía De Feitos Na Química Translate this page 1954. Concédeselle o premio nobel a linus carl pauling polas súas pesquisas nanatureza do enlace químico ea súa aplicación para comprender a estructura de http://web.usc.es/~qimaneir/files/crono.htm | |
60. Oregon Bioscience Online By James D. Watson. Published by New American Library. 1991. 1954 linus carl pauling, Awarded nobel Prize in Chemistry. linus http://www.oregon-bioscience.com/milestones.htm?pp=1 |
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