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61. Prix Nobel De La Paix - Wikipedia nobel de la paix 1901. Nations.1935. carl von ossietzky (Allemagne), journaliste pacifiste. 1936. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prix_Nobel_de_la_paix | |
62. Apprendere E Insegnare La Storia DEuropa Del XX Secolo è Un Progetto Di O Translate this page le giovani generazioni, Edizioni Sapere 2000, Milano 2002 in ragione della qualeil premio nobel per la pace 1935, il tedesco carl von ossietzky, sarebbe stato http://triangoloviola.interfree.it/lecosa02.html | |
63. Studyabroad carl von ossietzky was awarded the nobel Peace Prize in 1935 after internationalpressure led to his release from the concentration camps. http://www2.uwsuper.edu/acaddept/german/studyabroad.htm | |
64. The Norwegian Nobel Institute - List Of Laureates 1933 The prize money for 1932 was allocated to the nobel Institute's SpecialFund. 1936 The prize for 1935 ossietzky, carl von, Germany, 18891938. http://www.nobel.no/eng_lau_list.html | |
65. The Norwegian Nobel Institute- The Norwegian Nobel Committee Director of the nobel Institute serves as secretary to the committee. In 1936, inconnection with the award of the Peace Prize to carl von ossietzky, there was http://www.nobel.no/eng_com_mem.html | |
66. Sans Papier Translate this page En 1934 ils menèrent une campagne internationale qui devait aboutir à l'attributiondu Prix nobel de la Paix à carl von ossietzky alors interné dans un http://www.bok.net/pajol/international/allemagne/liga/liga-intro.html | |
67. Aufbau Deutsch-jüdische Zeitung In New York carl von ossietzkys daughter was 80 years old and until her last breath she ofher heroic, antimilitarist and anti-fascist father, the nobel Peace Prize http://aufbauonline.com/2000/issue4/pages4/14.html | |
68. Géniesenherbe.org - Prix Nobel De La Paix Translate this page Le prix nobel de la paix est attribué par le Comité nobel Norvégien, situé àOslo, en Norvège. Année, Récipiendaire. 1935, carl von ossietzky (Allemagne). http://www.geniesenherbe.org/theorie/prix/nobpaix.html | |
69. Sonstige Forschungsfördernde Institutionen (Stiftungen) Translate this page ACLS - American Council of Learned Societies Adolf Martens-Fonds eV Akzo nobel Stiftungzur Zurück C carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft carl-von-ossietzky-Preis Cern http://www.verwaltung.uni-mainz.de/dez1/forschungsfoerderung/stiftung.html | |
70. Dokumentiert: Translate this page Industriellen Alfred nobel, den norwegischen Friedensnobelpreisträger FridtjofNansen, die deutschen Friedensnobelpreisträger carl von ossietzky und Ludwig http://www.berlinische-monatsschrift.de/bms/bmstext/9807doka.htm | |
71. Peace Project: Biographies Of Peace Prize Winners carl von ossietzky was a German pacifist him to the prison hospital shortly beforethe announcement was made that he was the winner of the 1935 nobel peace prize http://www.edu.pe.ca/birchwood/peace/cvo.htm | |
72. Archiv - Exponate nobel-Festakt in Photoossietzky, carl von, 1933-1938; Photo ossietzky, carl von, um 1910; Photo http://www.dhm.de/lemo/suche/exponatephotoko.html | |
73. Hijas De La Caridad. Prov.Barcelona. NOBEL DE LA PAZ Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE LA PAZ. 1999, MÉDICOS SIN FRONTERAS. 1998, JOHN HUME DAVID TRIMBLE. 1936,carlOS SAAVEDRA LAMAS. 1935, carl von ossietzky. 1934, ARTHUR HENDERSON. http://hijascaridad.org/barcelona/varis/e_nobelpau.htm | |
74. PersianVillage - Newsletters nominated for the nobel Prize in Literature in 1997.She was also awarded a HumanRights Watch HellmanHammet grant in 1998,and the carl von ossietzky Medal in http://www.persianvillage.com/multinl/story.cfm?ID=70&NLID=393 |
75. Enseigner L'Holocauste Au 21e Siècle Translate this page Arrêté dans les tout derniers jours de février, carl von ossietzky connaît la voir,lui, le pacifiste, pour lui annoncer la nouvelle le prix nobel de la http://www.droitshumains.org/Racisme/shoah/holo/09.htm | |
76. Gazeta.pl : Czasopisma : Wiedza I ¯ycie Byc moze, ustanawiajac nagrode, Alfred nobel chcial uniknac takich Wilson (1919),niemiecki dzialacz pacyfistyczny carl von ossietzky (1935), lekarz i http://www.wiedzaizycie.pl/2001/2001_03_45.html | |
77. Schweden Translate this page Alfred nobel war einer der ersten großen internationalen Geschäftsleute, der global Derdeutsche Publizist und Pazifist carl von ossietzky wurde 1936 mit dem http://www.ludgerusschule.de/eurorap/schweden/spezialnobel.htm | |
78. Staatliche Europaschulen Berlin (SESB) Translate this page Neukölln. Alfred-nobel-Oberschule. Staatliche Europaschule Berlin Deutsch/Italienisch. 0611122.Grundschule. Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. carl-von-ossietzky-Oberschule. http://bebis.cidsnet.de/faecher/feld/europa/links_dateien/staatliche_europaschul | |
79. Vinc41oz Translate this page Ejercito Brasilero, 33º. ossietzky, carl von - nobel de la Paz. Oswald,Wilhem - Químico, Premio nobel. Otis, James Famoso http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/1824/O.htm | |
80. Nobel Peace Prize for Refugees) 1937 Cecil of Chelwood, Viscount (Lord Edgar Algernon Robert GascoyneCecil) 1936 carlos Saavedra Lamas 1935 carl von ossietzky 1934 Arthur http://www.geocities.com/azizamjon/peaceprize.htm | |
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