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21. The New York Review Of Books: AN OPEN LETTER TO GENERAL JARUZELSKI Simon Kuznets, nobel Prize in Economics (1971). czeslaw milosz, nobel Prize in Literature(1980). Daniel Nathans, nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1978). http://www.nybooks.com/articles/5411 | |
22. Tiscali - Search 5. czeslaw milosz, The nobel Prize in Literature 1980 nobel Prize press release,writer biography, nobel lecture, selected poems, other resources. http://directory.tiscali.co.uk/Arts/Literature/Authors/M/Milosz,_Czeslaw | |
23. Argus Aktuella Länkar [www.aktuella.nu] Thomas (eng) Miller, Henry (eng) Miller, G. Wayne (eng), Miller, Walter M. (eng)Milne, AA (Nalle Puh) *** (eng) milosz, czeslaw (nobel 1980) (eng) Milton, John http://www.argus.nu/aktuella/index.php?forfattare=M&visa=forfattarem.php |
24. Wislawa Szymborska Prix Nobel De Littérature 1996 Poésie Pologne Czeslaw Milos Translate this page elle a estimé, dans sa première réaction au prix nobel de littérature que celuiayant couronné l'oeuvre poétique de son compatriote czeslaw milosz en 1980 http://www.republique-des-lettres.com/s1/szymborska.shtml | |
25. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Czeslaw Milosz Translate this page Derek Walcott (nobel 1992) déclare, dans une conférence de presse avec OctavioPaz (nobel 1990) et czeslaw milosz (nobel 1990) qu'il préférerait de loin http://agora.qc.ca/mot.nsf/Dossiers/Czeslaw_Milosz | |
26. Zeal.com - United States - New - Lifestyle - Books - By Country - North America msn.com/find/concise.asp?ti=761581185 Read a profile of nobel Prize winning Polishwriter czeslaw milosz, author of Three Winters and Bells in Winter. . http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=530555 |
27. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection Biographical sites about czeslaw milosz. The nobel Prize in Literature 1980 http//www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1980/index.htmlBiorgaphical information on http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=mil-749 |
28. Milosz, Czeslaw He was awarded the nobel Prize for Literature in 1980. for SelfDefinition (1968)and A Year of the Hunter (1994); Conversations with czeslaw milosz (1987), E http://www.factmonster.com/ce5/CE034500.html | |
29. Literature & Fiction / Poetry / Poets, A-Z / ( M ) / Milosz, Czeslaw 16. nobel Lecture by czeslaw milosz. 17. Unattainable Earth by czeslaw milosz.Ecco Press Paperback (October 1987), 18. Bells in Winter by czeslaw milosz. http://hallpoets.com/poets_a-z/146.shtml | |
30. 01.19.00 - Nobelist Czeslaw Milosz Gives Rare Reading Of His Own Poetry Berkeley's own nobel Prizewinning poet czeslaw milosz gives a rare publicreading Thursday, Feb. 3 as part of the campus's Lunch Poems Series. http://www.berkeley.edu/news/berkeleyan/2000/01/19/milosz.html | |
31. 10.17.2001 - Berkeleys Nobel Tradition Poet and man of letters czeslaw milosz became the milosz themes include lost homelands,the search for The nobel committee cited the Berkeley professor of http://www.berkeley.edu/news/berkeleyan/2001/10/17_time.html | |
32. Robert Fulford's Column About Czeslaw Milosz A complex writer who enjoys plain statements, czeslaw milosz begins his recent book,RoadSide Dog, with the milosz, the 1980 winner of the nobel Prize, 88 http://www.robertfulford.com/Milosz.html | |
33. Milosz, Czeslaw milosz, czeslaw. March April 1984. Recipient of the nobel Prize forLiterature in 1980. He is an internationally honored poet, essayist http://www.dartmouth.edu/~montfell/biographies/g_n/miloszc.html | |
34. Czeslaw Milosz Biography Biography of Czeslow milosz, recipientof the 1980 nobel Prize for Literature. Copyright 2001 by PageWise, Inc....... Title czeslaw milosz biography http://riri.essortment.com/czeslawmiloszb_rtnk.htm | |
35. Czeslaw Milosz nobel Prizewinning poet czeslaw milosz spoke of his life, his poems and his philosophiesduring a poetry reading held at the Library on April 3. From his work http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/970421/milosz.html | |
36. Quién Es Czeslaw Milosz CzeslawMilosz recibió en 1980 el Premio nobel de Literatura, casi nadie en España http://www.iponet.es/casinada/02milosz.htm | |
37. Science In Poland - Nobel Prize Laureates 1978, Menachem BEGIN, Peace. 1980, czeslaw milosz, Literature. 1981, Roald HOFFMANN,Chemistry. ? ? ? ? Results from searching of The nobel Foundation's database. http://main.amu.edu.pl/~zbzw/ph/sci/pl-nobel.html | |
38. Czeslaw Milosz Translate this page Home_Page czeslaw milosz (1911), Nació en 1911 en Lituania California enBerkeley. En 1980 recibió el Premio nobel de Literatura. Su poesía http://www.epdlp.com/milosz.html | |
39. Czeslaw Milosz czeslaw milosz, Born in Szetejnie, Lithuania in 1911, milosz is a poet, novelist,essayist and translator. He won the nobel Prize for Literature in 1980 and has http://www.polska2000.pl/en/authors/milosz_czeslaw.html | |
40. Czeslaw Milosz 2001; milosz's nobel Lecture, 1980; The poets of Poland University of Californialecture that includes discussion of the poems by czeslaw milosz selected here. http://www.liv-coll.ac.uk/pa09/europetrip/brussels/milosz.htm | |
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