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         Lorentz Hendrik Antoon:     more books (33)
  1. Lehrbuch Der Physik Zum Gebrauche Bei Akademischen Vorlesungen, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Lodewijk Hendrik Siertsema, 2010-01-10
  2. The Einstein Theory Of Relativity: A Concise Statement (1920) by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2010-09-10
  3. Versuch Einer Theorie der Electrischen und Optischen Erscheinungen in Bewegten Körpern. by Hendrik Antoon (1853-1928). LORENTZ, 1895-01-01
  4. The Einstein theory of relativity; a concise statement by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2010-09-12
  5. The Einstein Theory of Relativity; A Concise Statement by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2010-07-24
  6. The Einstein Theory Of Relativity: A Concise Statement (1920) by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2010-09-10
  7. Naissance à Arnhem: Mirjam Melchers, Theo Janssen, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Rini Coolen, Nacer Barazite, Guillaume-Frédéric de Nassau-Dietz (French Edition)
  8. Hochschullehrer (Leiden): Jan Hendrik Oort, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Nikolaas Tinbergen, Madjid Samii, Johan Huizinga (German Edition)
  9. Versuch einer Theorie der electrischen und optischen Erscheinungen in bewegten K?rpern by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2010
  10. On the Theory of the Reflection and Refraction of Light by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 1996-01
  11. Versuch einer Theorie der electrischen und optischen Erscheinungen in bewegten Kärpern by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 1895-01-01
  12. Lehrbuch Der Differential- Und integralrechnung Und Der Anfangsfründe Der Analytischen Geometrie, Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Bedürfnisse Der Studierenden ... Lorentz. Unter Mitwirkung Des Verfassers Ü by H. A. (Hendrik Antoon) Lorentz, 2006-09-13
  13. The Einstein Theory of Relativity by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, 2009-07-17
  14. Lehrbuch Der Differential- Und Integral-rechnung Und Der Anfangsgründe Der Analytischen Geometrie, Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Bedürfnisse Der ... Der Naturwissenschaften (German Edition)

21. Genealogy - Famous Relatives
hendrik antoon lorentz. lorentz is also known for first postulating the existenceof the electron His nobel Prize was awarded to him specifically for this work.
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Our Famous Relatives
It's always exciting to receive new information from distant relatives. But when I received an e-mail from an eighth cousin, it brought some especially interesting news that he and I were related to, not just one but, two Nobel Prize winners! Although they certainly knew each other, Hendrik Lorentz and Heike Kamerlingh Onnes likely did not know they were fifth cousins.
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Second cousin, twice removed. When asked who were the greatest men, the most powerful thinkers he had known, Albert Einstein answered without hesitation, "Lorentz". The influence of Lorentz's work in the world of physics can't be overestimated. His work in understanding why objects shorten as they travel faster was fundamental to Einstein's relativity theory. Lorentz is also known for first postulating the existence of the electron as well as determining the hydraulic effects of the land reclamation project in the Zuyder Zee.
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22. Jhproject
lorentz, hendrik antoon (18531928). Dutch theoretical physicist; nobel laureate;developed key foundations for the laws of special relativity, the most
Time Stars Black Holes ... Sources
I've decided to list some of the most important scientists who worked on the topics I discuss on this web site. So please take your time to read at least those few words I put together for you and please honor these men's work. And remember, they are legends...
Bardeen, James Maxwell (b. 1939)
American theoretical physicist; showed that many or most black holes in our Universe should be rapidly spinning and, with Petterson, predicted the influence of the holes' spins on surrounding accretion disks; with Carter and Hawking, discovered the four laws of black-hole mechanics.
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Bohr, Niels Hendrik David
Danish theoretical physicist; Nobel laureate; one of the founders of quantum mechanics; mentor for many of the leading physicists of the middle twentieth century, including Lev Landau and John Wheeler; tried to save Landau from prison; with Wheeler developed the theory of nuclear fission.
Einstein, Albert

23. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Translate this page hendrik antoon lorentz. Arnheim 18.7.1853 - Haarlem 4.2.1928. Premio nobel per lafisica nel 1902, è uno scienziato di grande versatilità, noto soprattutto per

24. International: Italiano: Società: Strutture_Sociali: Persone: Biografie: Prem
Italiano nobel Overview. 1902, hendrik antoon lorentz Pieter Zeeman, HermannEmil Fischer, Ronald Ross, Christian Matthias Theodor Mommsen, Élie Ducommunà/Strutture_Sociali/Persone
Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina Principale In tutta la Directory Solo in Biografie/Premio_Nobel Top International Italiano Societ  ... Biografie : Premio Nobel
Italiano>Nobel Overview Name Fisica Chimica Medicina e fisiologia Letteratura Pace anno Wilhelm Conrad R¶ntgen Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff Emil Adolf von Behring Sully Prudhomme ... Henri La Fontaine non assegnato Theodore William Richards Robert B¡r¡ny non assegnato non assegnato Sir William Henry Bragg William Lawrence Bragg Richard Martin Willst¤tter non assegnato Romain Rolland non assegnato non assegnato non assegnato non assegnato Verner von Heidenstam non assegnato Charles Glover Barkla non assegnato non assegnato Karl Adolph Gjellerup Henrik Pontoppidan Comitato Internazionale Croce Rossa Max Karl Planck ... Fritz Haber non assegnato non assegnato non assegnato Johannes Stark non assegnato Jules Bordet Carl Friedrich Spitteler Thomas Woodrow Wilson Charles Edouard Guillaume ... Frederick Soddy non assegnato Anatole France Karl Hjalmar Branting Christian Lous Lange ... William Butler Yeats non assegnato Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn non assegnato Willem Einthoven Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont non assegnato James Franck Gustav Ludwig Hertz Richard Adolf Zsigmondy non assegnato George Bernard Shaw Sir Austen Chamberlain Charles Gates Dawes Jean Baptiste Perrin ... Sigrid Undset non assegnato Prince Louis-Victor de Broglie Arthur Harden Hans Karl August von Euler-Chelpin Christiaan Eijkman ... Lars Olof Jonathan S¶derblom non assegnato Carl Bosch Friedrich Bergius Otto Heinrich Warburg Erik Axel Karlfeldt ... John Galsworthy non assegnato

25. LbTa0a0a5::Història: Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
hendrik antoon lorentz 18531928. El 1902 quan ja no hi havia cap dubte, lorentzi Zeeman compartiren els honors de rebre el premi nobel de Física.
Hendrik Antoon
Físic holandès, nascut a Arnhem el 18 de juliol de 1853 i mort a Haarlem el 4 de febrer de 1928. Fill de Gerrit Frederick Lorentz i Geertruída Van Ginkel, que morí quan Lorentz tenia 4 anys. Lorentz assistí a la Universitat de Leiden (1870), on obtingué el seu doctorat amb honors. El 1875 tornà a la mateixa universitat com a professor de física teòrica, lloc que conservà fins a la mort. La seva tesi doctoral "La teoria de la reflexió i refracció de la llum" versà sobre les radiacions electromagnètiques que Maxwell havia donat a conèixer deu anys abans. Lorentz millorà la teoria en tenir en compte la reflexió i la refracció de la llum, cosa que en el treball de Maxwell quedava una mica imprecís. Sobrepassà les deduccions de Maxwell, ja que segons ell la radiació electromagnètica es produïa per oscil·lació de càrregues elèctriques. Aquest fet li va fer guanyar la plaça a la Universitat de Leiden a 24 anys. Hertz demostrà que això era cert per a les ones de ràdio que havia aconseguit produir el 1887 fent oscil·lar càrregues elèctriques. A la seva tesi, Lorentz dilucidà els lligams i les condicions que calia imposar a les equacions de Maxwell en una superfície discontínua entre dos materials. Al començament de 1892, solucionà problemes com la dispersió o la convexitat de la llum en medis en moviment (els estudis ja comentats de Fresnel) mitjançant la teoria elèctrica que desenvolupà. Però si la llum era una radiació electromagnètica com les ones de ràdio, on estaven les ones oscil·lants?

26. Short Biographies: Lorentz
lorentz, hendrik antoon Before the existence of electrons was proved, lorentz proposedthat light of the electron for which he received the nobel Prize in 1902
Lorentz , Hendrik Antoon
18 July 1853 - 4 Feb 1928
He refined Maxwell 's electromagnetic theory in his doctoral thesis (1875) and was appointed professor of mathematical physics at Leiden University in 1878. He is best known for his work on electromagnetic radiation and the Fitzgerald -Lorentz contraction, which is a contraction in the length of an object at relativistic speeds. Before the existence of electrons was proved, Lorentz proposed that light waves were due to oscillations of an electric charge in the atom. He developed his mathematical theory of the electron for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1902. Lorentz transformations, which he introduced in 1904, form the basis of Einstein 's special theory of relativity.
JOC/EFR February 1995

27. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1996)
The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards, from the 1901 WilhelmKonrad Roentgen Xrays 1902 hendrik antoon lorentz Magnetism in radiation
[Physics FAQ] updated 9-OCT-1996 by PEG
updated 12-OCT-1994 by SIC
original by Scott I. Chase
The Nobel Prize for Physics (1901-1996)
The following is a complete listing of Nobel Prize awards, from the first award in 1901. Prizes were not awarded in every year. The description following the names is an abbreviation of the official citation.

28. Physics 1902
nobel Prize in Physics 19011999 http//, The nobel Prize in Physics1902. hendrik antoon lorentz, Pieter Zeeman. the Netherlands, the Netherlands.

29. Nobel Peace Prize
nobel Peace Prizes. 1902, hendrik antoon lorentz Neth Pieter Zeeman Neth, HermannEmil Fischer Ger, Ronald Ross UK, Christian Matthias Theodor Mommsen Ger
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30. Biografía De Hendrik Lorentz
Translate this page hendrik antoon lorentz, recibió, en el año 1902, el Premio nobel en física,compartido con un discipulo suyo, Pieter Zeeman, quién había hecho las
« Hendrik Antoon Lorentz »
Nacido el
18 de julio de 1853,
Arnhem, Holanda,
Fallecido el
4 de febrero de 1928,
Haarlem, Holanda.
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz físico matemático holandés, y último gran representante de la física clásica y precursor de la nueva, reunía a la lúcida lógica del matemático virtuoso la aguda intuición que le permitía ver escondidas realidades en los símbolos de las teorías. Profundidad y claridad a la vez distinguen las ideas de este eminente innovador. Profesor a los veinticinco años de la Universidad de Leyden, en Holanda, se convirtió, durante los dos primeros decenios del siglo, en inspirador-guía de toda una generación de investigadores. Nació en Arnhem, Holanda (Países Bajos), el 18 de julio de 1853. Hijo de Gerrit Frederik Lorentz propietario de una guardería infantil y su esposa Geertruida van Ginkef. Cuando él contaba con cuatro años de edad, su madre murió, y en 1862 su padre se volvió a casar con Luberta Hupkes.
En aquellos años, la enseñanza que se impartía a los niños y jóvenes era bastante rigurosa y sacrificada, ya que los horarios de clases muchas veces se extendían hasta el anochecer (se aplicaba en algún sentido el método de Dalton) y, fue bajo ese régimen de estudios, que Hendrik Antoon Lorentz adquirió los conocimientos de la enseñanza básica. Por ello, cuando en 1866 se inauguró el primer establecimiento de enseñanza media (H.B.S) en Arnhem, Lorentz, como alumno talentoso que era, ingresó a ese establecimiento de inmediato al tercer año. Al finalizar su quinto año de estudios medios y de haber recibido durante un año formación sobre los clásicos, se incorporó a la Universidad de Leyden en 1870, donde obtuvo su licenciatura en matemáticas y física, recibiendo el correspondiente título en el año 1871.

31. Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria
lorentz, hendrik antoon. prozedurarik gertatzen zela aurreratu zuten, baina lorentzizan zen Aurkikuntza hori zela media, 1902an Fisikako nobel Saria eman

32. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
hendrik antoon lorentz. (Arnhem, Gelderland, The Netherlands, 18.7.1853 Haarlem,Noord-Holland, The Netherlands, 4.2.1928). nobel Prize (Physics 1902).
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (Arnhem, Gelderland, The Netherlands, 18.7.1853 - Haarlem, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands, 4.2.1928) Nobel Prize (Physics 1902)

33. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Translate this page hendrik antoon lorentz, 18/07/1853(Arnhem, Holanda) - 4/02 lorentz desenvolveu suateoria matemática para o elétron agraciado com o Prêmio nobel de Física em
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 18/07/1853(Arnhem, Holanda) - 4/02/1928(Haarlem, Holanda)
Lorentz Filho de Gerrit Frederik Lorentz e Née Geertruida van Ginkel. Quando tinha quatro anos sua mãe morreu, e em 1862 seu pai casou com Luberta Hupkes. Naquele tempo, segundo o currículo, havia aulas não só de manhã e à tarde, mas também à noite. Lorentz frequentou o ensino primário em Arnhem até seus 13 anos, quando passou para o segundo grau. Em 1870 ele foi para a Universidade de Leiden, mas em 1872 voltou para Arnhem, lecionando à noite. Enquanto professor, Lorentz trabalhou em seu doutorado. Em 1875 apresentou sua tese: a teoria da reflexão e refração da luz , refinando a teoria eletromagnética de Maxwell. Lorentz foi indicado para lecionar física na Universidade de Leiden em 1878, e só saiu quando aposentou, em 1912. Em seguida, foi indicado para ocupar o cargo de diretor de pesquisas no Instituto Teyler, em Haarlem. Antes da comprovação da existência do elétron, Lorentz propôs que as ondas de luz eram devidas a oscilações de cargas elétricas no átomo. Lorentz desenvolveu sua teoria matemática para o elétron, sendo agraciado com o Prêmio Nobel de Física em 1902. Lorentz foi agraciado junto com seu aluno Pieter Zeeman, que havia verificado experimentalmente o estudo teórico de Lorentz sobre a Teoria Atômica, demonstrando o efeito de campos magnéticos fortes em oscilações através da medida de alterações no comprimento de onda da luz emitida. Lorentz é lembrado também pelo seu importante trabalho conhecido como

34. Zeeman, Lorentz & The Electron
hendrik antoon lorentz modified and completed Maxwell's theory of lorentz was ableto explain the new the two researchers jointly received the nobel Prize in
Stained glass windows by Harm Kamerlingh Onnes (a nephew of the physicist), depicting the experimental discovery by Zeeman (top and bottom) and the theoretical explanation by Lorentz (center). H.B.G. Casimir, Haphazard Reality ...more info...

35. Lorentz
hendrik antoon lorentz. The nobel prize was awarded jointly to lorentz andPieter Zeeman, a student of lorentz. Honours awarded to hendrik lorentz.
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Born: 18 July 1853 in Arnhem, Netherlands
Died: 4 Feb 1928 in Haarlem, Netherlands
Hendrik Lorentz attended primary school in Arnhem until he was 13 years of age when he entered the new High School there. He entered the University of Leiden in 1870 but, in 1872, he returned to Arnhem to take up teaching evening classes. He worked for his doctorate while holding the teaching post. Lorentz refined Maxwell's electromagnetic theory in his doctoral thesis The theory of the reflection and refraction of light presented in 1875. He was appointed professor of mathematical physics at Leiden University in 1878. He remained in this post until he retired in 1912 when Ehrenfest was appointed to his chair. After retiring from this chair, Lorentz was appointed director of research at the Teyler Institute, Haarlem. He retained an honorary position at Leiden, where he continued to lecture. Before the existence of electrons was proved, Lorentz proposed that light waves were due to oscillations of an electric charge in the atom. Lorentz developed his mathematical theory of the electron for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1902. The Nobel prize was awarded jointly to Lorentz and Pieter Zeeman, a student of Lorentz. Zeeman had verified experimentally Lorentz's theoretical work on atomic structure, demonstrating the effect of a strong magnetic field on the oscillations by measuring the change in the wavelength of the light produced.

36. Sample Draw Transmitter At
site . 9. hendrik antoon lorentz nobel Lecture hendrik antoon lorentz– nobel Lecture. nobel Lecture, December 11, 1902. The
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37. Teylers Museum
hendrik antoon lorentz 23 February through 30 June 2002. The famous scientisthendrik antoon lorentz (18531928) won the nobel Prize for physics in 1902.
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
23 February through 30 June 2002
The famous scientist Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1853-1928) won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1902. In 1910 he was appointed curator of the Teyler physics laboratory, a position he held until his death. At the time of his appointment Lorentz was at the height of his scientific career and was a central figure in the international community of physicists. The Teyler laboratory achieved extremely high standards under his leadership. A great deal of scientific research was done and published in such diverse fields as optics, electromagnetism, radio waves and atom physics. The exhibition concentrates on Lorentz's work as well as that of a team of physicists selected by him, who were also connected to the Teyler laboratory.

38. 1Up Info > Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (Physics, Biographies) - Encyclopedia
lorentz, hendrik antoonh n´dr k än´t nl ´r nts Pronunciation Key, 1853–1928 field),for which he shared with Pieter Zeeman the 1902 nobel Prize in
You are here 1Up Info Encyclopedia Physics, Biographies Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon ... News Search 1Up Info
Physics, Biographies Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Related Category: Physics, Biographies Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon [h n l nts] Pronunciation Key Lorentz contraction The Theory of Electrons (1909) and Problems of Modern Physics
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39. Lorentz Medal Awarded To American Physicist Frank Wilczek
fiftieth anniversary of the awarding of a doctorate to hendrik antoon lorentz (18531928 In1902 lorentz and Pieter Zeeman were awarded the nobel Prize for

40. Nobel Prize Winners In Physics
nobel Prize Winners in Physics. lorentz, hendrik antoon, the Netherlands, LeydenUniversity, * 1853, + 1928; and ZEEMAN, PIETER, the Netherlands, Amsterdam
Nobel Prize Winners in Physics
Physics 1901
R~NTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD, Germany, Munich University,* 1845, + 1923: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him".
Physics 1902
The prize was awarded jointly to: LORENTZ, HENDRIK ANTOON, the Netherlands, Leyden University, * 1853, + 1928; and ZEEMAN, PIETER, the Netherlands, Amsterdam University, * 1865, + 1943: "in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena".
Physics 1903
The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: BECQUEREL, ANTOINE HENRI, France, äcole Polytechnique, Paris, * 1852, + 1908: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity"; the other half jointly to: CURIE, PIERRE, France, äcole municipale de physique et de chimie industrielles, (Municipal School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry), Paris, * 1859, + 1906; and his wife CURIE, MARIE, n»e SKLODOWSKA, France, * 1867 (in Warsaw, Poland), + 1934: "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel".

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