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61. LitWeb.net biblion.com Pulitzer Prize Booker Prize nobel Prize. LEM Stanislaw LENNON JohnLESSING Doris LEVI Carlo LEVI Primo lewis CS lewis Cecil Day lewis sinclair. http://www.biblion.com/litweb/l.html | |
62. Argus Aktuella Länkar [www.aktuella.nu] Maria (sve) Leonard, Elmore (eng) Leroux, Gaston (eng) Lethem, Jonathan (eng), Levi,Primo (eng) lewis, CS 2 3 4 (eng) lewis, sinclair (nobel 1930) (eng) Leyner http://www.argus.nu/aktuella/index.php?forfattare=L&visa=forfattarel.php |
63. Guide To The Lewis Family Papers: Misc. Publications Two copies. One hundred ninetyseven numbered copies printed. Copies held 169and 174. 7 Why sinclair lewis Got the nobel Prize. Harcourt, Brace, 1930?. http://lrs.stcloudstate.edu/archives/lewis5.html | |
64. Guide To The Lewis Family Papers: Books & Plays the nobel Prize Edition. 2 Babbitt. Harcourt, Brace, c1922. Autographed To Claude Mary with the love of their brother. sinclair lewis. Grosset http://lrs.stcloudstate.edu/archives/lewis4.html | |
65. The Babbitt Booster | Csmonitor.com , sinclair lewis Homepage. , Autobiography of sinclair lewis(Written for acceptance of nobel Prize in Literature 1930). Please http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0110/p20s1-bogn.html | |
66. Countrybookshop.co.uk - Nobel Prize For Literature nobel Prize for Literature. Winners Year, Winner, Nationality. 1931, Karlfeldt,Erik Axel (1864 1931), Sweden. 1930, lewis, sinclair (1885 - 1951), USA. http://www.countrybookshop.co.uk/books/awards/nobel.phtml | |
67. Nobel Prize Winners nobel Prize Winners for Literature. Year, Author, Country. 2000, Gao Xingjian, China. 1931,Karlfeldt, Erik, Sweden. 1930, lewis, sinclair, US. 1929, Mann, Thomas, Germany. http://www.chilibsys.org/librarianship/bookstore/nobel.html | |
68. Stories On Sinclair Lewis works are relevant, including works written after he won the nobel prize. A memberof a historical society suggested Koblas write on book on sinclair lewis. http://www.saukherald.com/ftp/lewis/stories.html | |
69. One Moment Please... first nobel Prize Winner for his achievements in literature and as a youngster.Boyhood Home Interpretive Center Stories about sinclair lewis sinclair lewis http://www.saukherald.com/lewis/ |
70. Nobel Prize Winners The first nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. 2001, Sir VS Naipaul, Great Britain.2000, Gao Xingjian, France. 1931, Karlfeldt, Erik, Sweden. 1930, lewis, sinclair,US. http://www.twicesoldtales.com/udist/biblioref/nobel.html | |
71. Main Street Studyguide Section 4. Appendix. sinclair lewis autobiography (from the nobel Prizewebsite). http//www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1930/lewisautobio.html. http://www.historytheatre.com/mainstreet_study_appendix.htm | |
72. Book Review: It Can't Happen Here By Sinclair Lewis sinclair lewis, the first American to receive the nobel Prize For Literature, wrotethis satirical political novel in 1935, a time when the United States and http://www.motherbird.com/Can'tHap.htm | |
73. Nobel Prize Literature Seminar: English 680 BRITISH/IRISH nobel Laureates AMERICAN nobel Laureates Kipling, Rudyard(1907) lewis, sinclair (1930) (?Tagore, Rabindranath? 1913 http://www.radford.edu/~jolanta/syllabi/eng680Nobel99.htm | |
74. Authors On The Web An extensive, alphabetically sorted selection of links to noted author-related websites on the web.Category Arts Literature Authors...... Halldor Kiljan Laxness (nobel 1955) Harper Lee - Ursuala K. LeGuin - MadeleineL'Engle - Dorris Lessing 1, 2, - CS lewis - sinclair lewis (nobel 1930) 1, 2 http://www.people.virginia.edu/~jbh/author.html | |
75. LiteraryCritic.com -- Nobel Prize nobel Prize winners 1901 Armand, René François. (France) titles1902 - Mommsen, Theodor. (Germany) titles 1930 - lewis, sinclair. http://www.literarycritic.com/nobel.htm | |
76. English Language Nobel Prize For Literature Winners Story/poem Of The Week Learn Read their short biographies from the nobel Prizes web site and, in many cases,examples of their work as sinclair lewis (1930) Biography Read sinclair lewis. http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/stories/poem_act/nobel_prizes.html | |
77. Ken Lopez - Bookseller: Catalog 106, L lewis, sinclair. after the 1912 Hike and the Aeroplane by Tom Graham. lewis, theauthor and Arrowsmith, all published in the 1920s, won the nobel Prize for http://www.lopezbooks.com/106/106-06.html | |
78. Ken Lopez - Bookseller: Catalog 119, L American to win the nobel Prize. Inscribed by the author in the year of publication To Joseph Margulis/ with the regards/ of his friend/ sinclair lewis/ Aug. http://www.lopezbooks.com/119/119-05.html | |
79. The Academy Bookstore: Audiobooks sinclair lewisf (18851951) An American novelist, whose work is particularlynoted for its lewis was the first American to win the nobel prize for http://radicalacademy.com/bkaudiobookslit127.htm | |
80. Sinclair Lewis Both books were wellreceived and in 1930 lewis became the first American novelistto be awarded the nobel Prize for Literature. sinclair lewis died in 1951. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/Jsinclair.htm | |
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