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Lehn Jean-marie: more detail | ||||||||
61. 100 Ans De Prix Nobel - Dossier Dactualité - Encyclopédie Webencyclo Translate this page Quelle est la position de la France dans le palmarès des nobel ? de Gennes (physique,1991), Georges Charpak (physique, 1992) et jean-marie lehn (chimie, 1987 http://www.webencyclo.com/dossiers/contenu/D46-0001032C.asp?IDDossier=46 |
62. Books/Livres EDP Sciences Translate this page jean-marie lehn, Prix nobel de Chimie 1987, est Professeur au Collège de Franceet Directeur des laboratoires de Chimie des Interactions Moléculaires à http://books.edpsciences.com/articles_books/textes/sa_aspects.html | |
63. Novartis Foundation For Sustainable Development Board Of Trustees jeanmarie lehn has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation since1991. Born in France in 1939, he was awarded the nobel Prize for Chemistry http://www.foundation.novartis.com/board_trustees.htm | |
64. Kimyaokulu - Nobel ödülü Kazanan Bilim Adamlarý nobel ÖDÜLÜ KAZANAN BILIM ADAMLARI VE YAPTIGI ÇALISMALAR. ABD KaliforniyaÜniversitesi, Los Angeles, CA, d. 1919; lehn, jeanmarie, Fransa, Universite http://kimyaokulu.com/bilimin onculeri/nobel/nobel_odulu_kazananlar02.htm | |
65. Nobel Laureates - 7. Lectures And Nobel Laureates - NIH 1998 Almanac Content nobel Laureates. Susumu Tonegawa, Japan, ..do, 1987, NIAID. Donald J. Cram, USA(shared with CJ Pederson, USA, and jeanmarie lehn, France), Chemistry, 1987, NIGMS. http://www.nih.gov/about/almanac/1998/lectures/nobel.html | |
66. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Chemistry - Chemists - Oth 27. lehn, jeanmarie - 1987 nobel Autobiography http//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1987/lehn-autobio.ht jean-marie lehn http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=554801 |
67. Dateline_98 jeanmarie lehn, who was awarded the 1987 nobel Prize in Chemistry, lectured on Supramolecular Engineering through Programmed Self-Organization. lehn, who http://www.ictp.trieste.it/~sci_info/News_from_ICTP/News_98/dateline.html | |
68. Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents The three who were named recipients of the 1987 nobel Prize for chemistry J. Cramof the University of California at Los Angeles and jeanmarie lehn of the http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1987/1987o.html | |
69. Therascope jeanmarie lehn (Founder), Prof. JM lehn, nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry in 1987,researches and teaches at the University of Straßburg and the College de http://www.therascope.de/english/neues/neues50.htm | |
70. Pôles D'excellence Les Principaux Domaines Dexpertise En Translate this page Interface Chimie/ Biologie Institut de sciences et dingénierie supramoléculaires(ISIS) du Prof. jean-marie lehn (Prix nobel 1987). http://www.alsace-biovalley.com/biotech/recherche2.html | |
71. Les Visions Du Futur (Colloque Du 30 Novembre 1995) Translate this page Exposé introductif jean-marie lehn, Prix nobel de chimie, professeurau Collège de France. Table ronde n°1 L'homme, sa santé, son http://www.adminet.com/elus/visions/ | |
72. Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria Hitzaldi ona eta erraz emanda. Horrelakoa entzun ondoren norberak ondo ulertzendu Kimikako nobel Saria Jean Marie lehni 1987. urtean zergatik eman zioten. http://www.zientzia.net/artikulua.asp?Artik_kod=478 |
73. American Scientific Publishers very wide range of scientists. . Professor jeanmarie lehn, NobelPrize Laureate in Chemistry. The Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and http://www.aspbs.com/html/a1600enn.htm | |
74. Università Di Milano Bicocca - Corso Di Laurea In Scienza Dei Materiali Translate this page Questo non è il caso di Jean Marie lehn, studioso dell'Università di Strasburgo nel1987), in compartecipazione con altri due studiosi, il Premio nobel per la http://www2.mater.unimib.it/cdl/nobel/lehn.html | |
75. Sandoz Lectures In Der NWF IV 1995 Translate this page für Studierende im Anschluß an einen spannen- den Vortrag mit einem nobel-Preisträgerdiskutieren zu können. Prof. Dr. Jean- Marie lehn, einer der drei http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Universitaet/RUZ/archiv/ruz-9503/sandoz95.htm | |
76. Discours De Mme Haigneré : Inauguration De L'Institut De Science Et D'Ingénier Translate this page pluridisciplinaire par excellence, la science des systèmes supramoléculaires, fondéeà partir des travaux du prix nobel de chimie Jean Marie lehn que j'ai http://www.recherche.gouv.fr/discours/2002/disis.htm | |
77. Pagina Principal Lección 7 Translate this page Jean Marie lehn (1939- ) Químico francés, profesor de la Universidad Louis Pasteurde Compartió con Cram y Pedersen el premio nobel de Química de 1987. http://www.uam.es/departamentos/ciencias/qorg/docencia_red/qo/l7/pral.html | |
78. Jean-Marie Lehn: Awards Won By Jean-Marie Lehn Awards of jeanmarie lehn. http://www.123awards.com/artist/1692.asp | |
79. International Recognition Of Croatia, Nobel Prize An Appeal by 104 nobel Laureates. FOR PEACE IN CROATIA. Willis E. Lamb Jr., physics,1955; Yuan T. Lee, chemistry, 1986; JeanMarie lehn, chemistry, 1987; http://www.hr/darko/etf/nobel.html | |
80. Federación Empresarial De La Industria Química Española - FEIQUE Translate this page Jean Marie lehn, Premio nobel de Química, y la Ministra de Ciencia y Tecnología,Anna Birulés, entre los firmantes del documento. 16 de abril de 2002. http://www.feique.org/index.php?p=art&num=36 |
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