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61. Letter From Nobel Laureates To Congress Supporting CTBT Hans A. Bethe CORNELL UNIVERSITY 1967 nobel Prize, leon M. lederman ILLINOISINSITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1988 nobel Prize, J. Robert Schrieffer FLORIDA STATE http://www.ceip.org/files/projects/npp/resources/ctbtnobel.htm | |
62. Science Fair Draws World's Brightest - 05/10/00 leon M. lederman. lederman, 78, won the nobel Prize in Physics in 1988, forsupervising the construction and utilization of the first superconducting http://poncelet.math.nthu.edu.tw/disk6/intel-isef/2000/c03-53480.htm | |
63. Nobel For Physics: All Laureates Wolfgang Paul 1988 leon M. lederman, Melvin Schwartz Bloembergen, Arthur leonardSchawlow, Kai M. Siegbahn 1980 Josephson 1972 John Bardeen, leon Neil Cooper http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/phy-list.html | |
64. UFO Enigma -Chat- -Message Board- Dest Space Escape Velocity Skepticism is an essential attribute of good thinking. Sincerely, leon M.lederman nobel LaureatePhysics 1988. Ooo, I felt better already. http://www.destinationspace.net/ufo/ufomag/ufomag1008.asp | |
65. NOBEL LAUREATES WARN AGAINST MISSILE DEFENSE DEPLOYMENT STANFORD UNIVERSITY 1959 nobel Prize in medicine Edwin G. Krebs UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON1992 nobel Prize in medicine leon M. lederman ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF http://www.fas.org/press/000706-letter.htm | |
66. Premi Nobel Fisica Translate this page 1989, NORMAN F. RAMSEY - HANS G. DEHMELT - WOLFGANG PAUL. 1988, leon M. lederman- MELVIN SCHWARTZ - JACK STEINBERGER. 1987, J. GEORG BEDNORZ - K. ALEXANDER MULLER. http://www.econofisica.com/premi nobel fisica.htm | |
67. News - Encyclopedia Of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) a larger scientific and global perspective, it also carries messages from RichardR. Ernst, nobel LaureateChemistry, leon M. lederman, nobel Laureate-Physics http://www.environmental-center.com/pressrelease/press31.htm |
68. Simpson Communications - Science, Math, Humanities, And Foreign Language Web Res lederman Science Education Center The leon M. lederman Science Education Center,named for nobel Laureate and former Fermilab Director, leon M. lederman, is http://www.edbriefs.com/resources/ss.html | |
69. John Polanyi Official Website Nobel Statement, Signatories, Statement By Nobel L Signatores, Statement by nobel Laureates on the occasion of the onehundredth anniversaryof the nobel Prize. leon M. lederman (Physics, 1988); Yuan T http://www.utoronto.ca/jpolanyi/nobelstatement/signatures.html | |
70. John Polanyi Official Website Nobel Statement, Statement By Nobel Laureates Statement by nobel Laureates on the occasion of the onehundredth anniversary ofthe nobel Prize. THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS. leon M. lederman (Physics, 1988 http://www.utoronto.ca/jpolanyi/nobelstatement/statement.html | |
71. The Scientist November 29, 1993 COMMENTARY nobel Prizewinning physicist leon M. lederman laments Congress' rejectionof the superconducting supercollider, observing that the megaproject's http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1993/nov/index_931129.html | |
72. Release: Mar 5, 1998 nobel Prize recipient in Physics, Dr. leon M. lederman, will speak at the 40th BasterfieldLecture in the University Theatre on March 12 at 8 pm lederman will http://www.uregina.ca/commun/news/1997 & 1998/mar0598.html | |
73. Encyclopedia Of Life Support Systems larger scientific and global perspective, it also carries messages from Richard R.Ernst, nobel LaureateChemistry, leon M. lederman, nobel LaureatePhysics http://www.brookes.ac.uk/eie/mboard/messages/78.html | |
74. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physics Advertisement. nobel Prize Winners for Physics. 1988, leon M. lederman MelvinSchwartz Jack Steinberger, United States United States United States. http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelphysics.htm | |
75. Prêmio Nobel De Física Lista dos ganhadores do Prêmio nobel de Física. E. Taylor 1989 Norman F. Ramsey,Hans G. Dehmelt, Wolfgang Paul 1988 leon M. lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Jack http://www.ahistoriadafisica.hpg.ig.com.br/nobel.htm | |
76. Chemistry Department - Division Of Science - CCNY leon M. lederman, '43 Shared the 1988 nobel Prize in Physics with Melvin Schwartzand Jack Steinberger for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of http://www.sci.ccny.cuny.edu/chemistry/alumni.html | |
77. PhysicsWeb - Nobel Laureates Oppose War Against Iraq Fortyone American nobel laureates have signed a declaration opposing war with Iraq. JamesW Cronin, Val L Fitch, Sheldon L Glashow, leon M lederman, Arno A http://physicsweb.org/article/news/7/1/14 | |
78. Nobel Prize For Physics nobel Prize for Physics. and J. Georg Bednorz (Germany), for their discovery of hightemperaturesuperconductors 1988 leon M. lederman, Melvin Schwartz, and http://www.factmonster.com/ipa/A0105785.html | |
79. Online NewsHour: Young Scientists -- May 27, 2002 Also on hand was leon lederman, who won the nobel Prize for leon lederman Kids areborn scientists you know, I'm interested in this personally, because one of http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/science/jan-june02/scientists_5-27.html | |
80. April-02_13 1985 Arthur Kornberg nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1959 Edwin G. Krebsnobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1992 leon M. lederman nobel Prize in http://www.ascb.org/news/vol25no4/ie/April-02_13.html | |
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