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         Laxness Halldor Kiljan:     more detail
  1. World Light by Halldor Kiljan Laxness, Halldor Laxness, 2002-10
  2. Atom Station by Halldor Kiljan Laxness, 1976-01
  3. Knut Hamsun und Halldor Kiljan Laxness by Wilhelm Friese, 2002-01-01
  4. Asmundur Sveinsson. by Halldor Kiljan (text). Laxness, 1961
  5. Asmundur Sveinsson by Halldor Kiljan and Formali EFTIR LAXNESS, 1961
  6. The Honour of the House by Halldor Kiljan Laxness, 1959-01-01
  7. Begegnungen mit Halldór Kiljan Laxness by Wilhelm Friese, 2008-01-01
  8. Skaldatimi. by Halldor [Kiljan] [1902-1998]. LAXNESS, 1963
  9. Hid Ljosa Man. by Halldor Kiljan [1902-1998]. LAXNESS, 1944
  10. I Tuninu Heima. by Halldor [Kiljan] [1902-98]. LAXNESS, 1975
  11. Saga des Fiers a bras by Halldor Kiljan Laxness, 2006-05-15
  12. Asmundur Sveinsson (text is in Icelandic, French, and English) by Formali and Halldor Kiljan Laxness Eftir, 1961
  13. Vettvangur Dagsins by H. K. (Halldor Kiljan) Laxness, 1942

81. Wikipedia: 1955
halldor kiljan laxness? per la Medicina Axel Hugo Theodor Theorell?

82. Celsius Centre For Scandinavian Studies
The diminutive pop star, Bjork, a regular chart topper with phenomenal success andHalldor kiljan laxness, a winner of the nobel Prize for Literature in 1955
Iceland, Greenland and Lapland - Scandinavian Afterthoughts K. J. Anderson When addressing Scandinavia it seems, more often than not, as though Iceland, Greenland, and Lapland are simply forgotten in the broad scheme of things. In this essay I will address how similar these three regions are, not only to each other, but also to the other so called Scandinavian entities - those being Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland - and discuss whether or not the three in doubt should be included in the generalised grouping under the said title 'Scandinavia'.. In answering this question we have to first ask ourselves what, whether it be in regards to the region or its people, constitutes a Scandinavian nation. Is it a cultural phenomenon? Historic? Does being Scandinavian mean that you have to prescribe to certain beliefs and laws? Would it be fair to say that a nation, or region, can only belong to the geographical position that it lies in? Despite all of this rhetoric, however, for the purpose of this essay, I shall concentrate on the social, historical, and political links that I feel tie all seven in question together and make them undeniably Scandinavian.

83. Literature 1955
Biography and acceptance speech.Category Arts Literature World Literature Icelandic...... b. 1902 d. 1998. The nobel Prize in Literature 1955 Presentation Speech HalldórKiljan laxness Biography Banquet Speech Swedish nobel Stamps Other Resources.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1955
"for his vivid epic power which has renewed the great narrative art of Iceland" Halldór Kiljan Laxness Iceland b. 1902
d. 1998 The Nobel Prize in Literature 1955
Presentation Speech


Banquet Speech
Other Resources
The 1955 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Find a Laureate: Last modified June 16, 2000 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

84. Helsingin Sanomat: Tiistaina 10. Helmikuuta 1998
Islantilainen kirjailija, vuoden 1955 kirjallisuuden nobelpalkinnon saaja HalldorKiljan laxness kuoli Reykjavikissa 9. helmikuuta 95-vuotiaana sairastettuaan
Tiistaina 10. helmikuuta 1998 NAGANON KISAPAKETTI
Tuoreet uutiset, kattavat taustat, tulokset
ja tunnelmat omassa paketissaan.
Maaseudun apteekkeja
uhkaa sulkeminen
Pahimmassa tapauksessa jopa sataa pikkuapteekkia uhkaa Apteekkariliiton mukaan lopettaminen, jos sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön ja Kelan suunnitelmat leikata voimakkaasti lääkkeiden hintoja toteutuvat.
"Lappu on ehkä pantava luukulle"
Saksassa vaaditaan
taas Emun lykkäystä
Euroopan rahaliiton vastustus Saksassa jatkuu. Nyt asialla on yhteensä 150 taloustieteilijää, jotka katsovat, että rahaliittoa tulisi lykätä muutamalla vuodella taloudellisen tilanteen vuoksi. Poliittinen johto kiirehti kumoamaan väitteen.
Hägglund kiirehtii
Jos Suomi haluaa tehdä helikopterikaupoissaan yhteistyötä Ruotsin kanssa, eduskunnan pitäisi tehdä pian päätöksensä kopterien tilausvaltuuksista. Näin muistutti puolustusvoimain komentaja, kenraali Gustav Hägglund maanantaina politiikan toimittajien lounaalla.
* Ministeriö yrittää yhä jakaa helikopterien hintariskiä
* Ruotsin armeijalta mittava säästöohjelma
Valkovenäläisen televisio-ohjelman
ydinaseväitteet säikyttivät venäläiset
Valko-Venäjän hallussa on riittävästi ydinaseisiin tarvittavaa materiaalia ja tietämystä, Valko-Venäjän presidentin äänitorvena pidetty ajankohtaisohjelma kertoi sunnuntai-iltana. Raportin mukaan Valko-Venäjä voisi halutessaan saada samanlaisen kynnysvaltion statuksen kuin Intia, Israel ja Pakistan, joiden katsotaan kykenevän valmistamaan ydinpommeja.

85. Authors On The Web
An extensive, alphabetically sorted selection of links to noted author-related websites on the web.Category Arts Literature Authors...... L. Par Fabian Lagerkvist (nobel 1951) Selma Lagerloef (nobel 1909) - halldor KiljanLaxness (nobel 1955) - Harper Lee - Ursuala K. LeGuin - Madeleine L'Engle
A Collection of Biographical Sketches
This page is an attempt to bring together literary author biographies available on the World Wide Web. The biographies vary in quality, timeliness, length, and authority. If you don't find a biography here and know of one, please send it along. If there is no biography available, write one and send it along. It will take time for this page to become one of substance. And, in keeping with the beauty of the medium, it will continually grow and change. Credit for this page must go to Dr. Gretchen Whitney at The University of Tennessee where I was a graduate student in the School of Information Science . Dr. Whitney's "dead German" assignment gave me inspiration for this page. She also taught me HTML. She may have created a monster. Last revised: August 17, 2002. As a new dimension to this page, I am attempting to locate biographies on Nobel Prize winners in Literature. Those I include will include a notation, (Nobel, year). Much of the information for this portion comes from The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
A B C ... Z
Chinua Achebe Maria Gaetana Agnesi Shmuel Yosef Agnon (Nobel 1966) - Anna Akhmatova: Louisa May Alcott - Vicente Aleixandre (Nobel 1977) - Isabel Allende - Hanan al-Shaykh Ivo Andriic (Nobel 1961) - Maya Angelou Louis Aragon Isaac Asimov - Miguel Angel Asturias (Nobel 1967) Margaret Atwood W.H. Auden

86. Directories And English
L. Par Fabian Lagerkvist (nobel 1951) Selma Lagerloef (nobel 1909) - HalldorKiljan laxness (nobel 1955) - Ursuala K. LeGuin - Madeleine L'Engle - Dorris

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An excellent web starting point.
Links to a variety of useful sites and content! The Big Eye- Education! A great uncatagorized site, full of useful information of all kinds. Martindale's : The Reference Desk A huge categorized site. Go there and wonder around for a while. Oh, and remember to check your watch from time to time. Info-s Another great directory! My Virtual Reference Desk! Excellent! research and reference materials for student essays and projects. Also be sure to visit a great homework resource page on this site: My Homework Helper! EDSITEMENT! This site, sponsored by: the National Endowment for the Arts, features online courses, syllabi, and tutorials for students, as well as complete lesson plans for teachers. Humanities only, no math or science. Cool and Useful Student Information. Links to direct student help and information. The National Academy Press.

her magnificent epic writing has in the words of Alfred nobel - been of 1955, HALLDORKILJAN laxness, Iceland, For his vivid epic power which has renewed the
V.S. Naipaul Imre Kertesz

Imre Kertesz Hungary For writing that upholds the fragile experience of the individual against the barbaric arbitrariness of history. V. S. Naipaul Great
Britain For having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories. Gao Xingjian China An oeuvre of universal validity, bitter insights and linguistic ingenuity, which has opened new paths for the Chinese novel and drama. GUNTER GRASS Germany Whose frolicsome black fables portray the forgotten face of history. JOSE SARAMAGO Portugal Who with parables sustained by imagination, compassion and irony continually enables us once again to apprehend an illusory reality. DARIO FO Italy Who emulates the jesters of the Middle Ages in scourging authority and upholding the dignity of the downtrodden. WISLAWA SZMBORSKA Poland For poetry that with ironic precision allows the historical and biological context to come to light in fragments of human reality. SEAMUS HEANEY Ireland For works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past.

88. Western_Europe
Oslo . Liv Lundberg poetry Jens Bjorneboe. writings. Iceland halldor KiljanLaxness nobel Prize Acceptance Speech. biography. Bragi Olafsson poetry.

89. Conference ECAD, Reykjavik
This is a quote from The bell of Iceland , a famous novel written by HalldorKiljan laxness, our nobel prize author whose centenary is currently being
Ms. Guðdrún Agnarsdóttir
Dr. Agnarsdóttir is a medical doctor and has as a specialist been engaged in research in the virology and immunology of Visna-maedi at The Institute for Experimental Pathology University of Iceland, Keldur from 1981. She has served as a Director, from 1992, of The Icelandic Cancer Society Consultant and co-ordinator of The Rape Trauma Service. Dr. Agnarsdóttir is a member of the steering committee of a Nordic research network on violence against women, has since 1999 been a member of the External Advisory Group, EAG, in Key Action Control of Infection within the 5th Framework programme of the European Union. She served as a chairperson of an expert committee for the protection of women and young girls against violence EG-S-FV at the Council of Europe from 1998-2000. Human rights - a modern day slavery
An Address by Guðrún Agnarsdóttir
to the Conference of the European Cities Against Drugs
Reykjavik, Iceland
April 25, 2002
"My friend, why do you bring me into this terrible house?", Snaefridur Islandssol, the young daughter of the supreme judge of Iceland asked her friend Arni Magnusson, a 17th century passionate book collector, who had brought her on a visit to a very poor farm looking for an important manuscript. This is a quote from "The bell of Iceland", a famous novel written by Halldor Kiljan Laxness, our Nobel prize author whose centenary is currently being celebrated. The quote illustrates the heroine´s horror at being confronted with the squalid conditions of poor people sharing the same society, a reality that had escaped her or she had been sheltered from.

90. Midnight Special Bookstore
The nobel Prize for Literature. France. 1956. Juan Ramon Jimenez. Spain. 1955. HalldorKiljan laxness. Iceland. 1954. Ernest Hemingway. US. 1953. Winston Churchill. England.
Your Shopping Cart The Nobel Prize for Literature You can order any of these books by checking the boxes next to the titles you want and clicking on the "ORDER" button at the bottom of the page. Use the arrow buttons (also at the bottom of the page) to navigate through the other award categories. This listing differs from the others in that it contains authors and the country they are from instead of titles. You can bring up books by any of the authors by selecting the radio button on the left and clicking the "Search" button at the bottom of the page. YEAR AUTHOR COUNTRY Wislawa Szymborska Poland Seamus Heaney Ireland Kenzaburo Oe Japan Toni Morrison U.S. Derek Walcott The Antilles/US Nadine Gordimer South Africa Octavio Paz Mexico Camilo Jose Cela Spain Naguib Mahfouz Egypt Joseph Brodsky U.S.

91. Nobel Prize Course: Books
MAJOR RESOURCE, the website of the Nobel Foundation, with much more information on each author (use the search button to get the list of authors) Some of the materials in the Copy Package for this course come from that website (in its old and new web designs, sorry for the disparity). COPY PACKAGE AVAILABLE AT IT COPY MLK AND LAVACA! BOOKS ORDERED AND ON RESERVE * = recommended for purchase (copies of others provided) The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum . Trans. Leila Vennewitz. Viking Penguin, 1994. ISBN 0140187286 paper
Canetti, Elias. Auto-da-Fe
*Gordimer, Nadine. Burger's Daughter . Viking Penguin, 1980. ISBN 0140055932 paper
The Danzig Trilogy. Trans. Ralph Manheim. Pantheon Books, 1987. ISBN 0151238162
*Hamsun, Knut. Hunger. Trans. Sverre Lyngstad. Viking Penguin, 1998. ISBN 0141180641 paper; or trans. Robert Bly. NY: Noonday Press, 1998, ISBN 0374525285
*Hauptmann, Gerhart. Plays: Before Daybreak, The Weavers, The Beaver Coat. Ed. Reinhold Grimm. The German Library. Continuum, 1993. ISBN 0826407277
*Hesse, Hermann.

92. English 101
Naguib Mahfouz , 2881. Nadine Gordimer , 2919. These authors are also onthe list of nobel Prize winners. Choices from a List of nobel Prize Winners.
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English 201
Masterpieces of World Literature
Dr. Gainer
Spring 2000
Catalog Description of English 201
Survey of literature that has most influenced thought and writing of Western Culture.
Policy on Amending this Course Description
Any changes, additions, or deletions to this course description will be announced in class and made available in writing on this web page as well as through an e-mail announcement using the class alias.
Required Texts, Supplies, and Equipment
Mack, Maynard, ed. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Expanded Ed. in One Vol. NY: Norton, 1997. Manila folders, sized for 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. Spiral notebook or three-ring binder. Computer disk(s). A computer with access to the web. (If you do not own a computer, you may use a computer in one of the RU computer labs.)
Class Philosophy
This course is based on the premise that active learning is preferable to passive learning. It is also based on the premise that students need to contribute to a course if that course is to be successful. As a result of these premises, you can expect very little in the way of lectures; you can, however, expect a lot of discussion and hands-on activities. Obviously, this course will place a lot of responsibility on you and your fellow classmates. You can expect me as an instructor to carefully select readings and to design appropriate activities to illustrate the issues raised by those readings. For your part, however, you will need to attend regularly, prepare thoughtfully, and shoulder your share of classroom discussions and activities. In this classin all your classes your progress and that of your classmates depends on your willingness to attend, prepare, and participate.

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