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         Laue Max Von:     more books (56)
  1. Das Relativitatsprinzip Von M. Laue (1913) (German Edition) by Max Von Laue, 2010-02-23
  2. Theory of superconductivity by Max von Laue, 1952
  3. Das Relativitatsprinzip (1911) (German Edition) by Max Von Laue, 2010-02-23
  4. Das Relativitätsprinzip (German Edition) by Max von Laue, 1913-01-01
  5. Das Relativitatsprinzip Von M. Laue (1913) (German Edition) by Max Von Laue, 2010-09-10
  6. Das Relativitatsprinzip Von M. Laue (1913) (German Edition) by Max Von Laue, 2010-09-10
  7. Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers by Max Planck, Max von Laue, 1949-01-01
  8. Geschichte Der Physik by Max Von. (Nobel Prize Physics). Laue, 1950
  9. People From Koblenz: Valéry Giscard D'estaing, Klemens Wenzel, Prince Von Metternich, Max Von Laue, Sandy Mölling, Blackmail, Heros Von Borcke
  10. History of Physics by Max von Laue, 1950
  11. Theorie Der Supraleitung by Max Von Laue, 1947-01-01
  12. Gesammelte Schriften und Vorträge. by Max von. LAUE, 1961-01-01
  13. Materiewellen und Ihre Interferenzen. by Max von. LAUE, 1948
  14. Die Relativitätstheorie (German Edition) by Max von Laue, 2009-12-15

81. Theodore Von Laue
Born in Germany, Professor von laue was sent by his father, nobel physicistMax von laue, to study at Princeton University in 1937.
Theodore Von Laue Obituary
Theodore H. Von Laue, Frances and Jacob Hiatt Professor of European History, emeritus at Clark University, died Saturday Jan.22 at St. Vincent's Hospital, after a short illness. He leaves his wife Angela, two daughters by a previous marriage, Madeleine Von Laue, a Peace Corps volunteer in Lithuania, and Esther Bernard of Philadelphia; a sister, Hilde Lemcke of Munich, Germany; two grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Born in Germany, Professor Von Laue was sent by his father, Nobel physicist Max Von Laue , to study at Princeton University in 1937. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1944 and also served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps in World War II. Before coming to Clark University in 1970 he taught in the University of California, Riverside, and Washington University, St Louis. He was a specialist in Russian and Soviet history, but his wide-ranging interests included West African history, global history in the twentieth century, and the future. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Finland 1954-55, and a Guggenheim Fellow 1961-62 and 1974-75. He wrote innumerable articles and six books. His aim as a teacher and historian was to understand the world into which he had been born.

82. Nobel-díjasok
Sklodowska (18671934, Franciaország) Becqerel a nobel-díjat a spontán 1914Laue, max von (1879-1960, Német Birodalom) a kristályokon áthaladó
Nobel-díjasok az atomfizikában
Készítette : Porkoláb Tamás 1901 Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad (1845-1923, Német Birodalom): "a róla elnevezett sugarak fölfedezésével szerzett rendkívüli érdemeinek elismeréseként". 1903 Becquerel, Antoine Henri (1852-1908, Franciaország); Curie, Pierre (1859-1906, Franciaország) és Curie, Marie szül. Sklodowska (1867-1934, Franciaország): Becqerel a Nobel-díjat "a spontán radioaktivitás fölfedezésével nyújtott rendkívüli tejesítményének elismeréseként" nyerte el. Marie és Pierre Curie "a Henri Becquerel által fölfedezett sugárzási jelenségekre vonatkozó együttes vizsgálataikért kapták a díjat. 1905 Lenard, Philipp (1862-1947, Német Birodalom): "a katódsugarakkal összefüggõ munkáiért". 1906 Thomson, Sir Joseph John (1856-1940, Anglia) : "a gázokon áthaladó elektromosság elméleti és kísérleti vizsgálataival szerzett érdemei elismeréséül". 1914 Laue, Max von (1879-1960, Német Birodalom): "a kristályokon áthaladó röntgensugarak elhajlásának fölfedezéséért". 1915 Bragg, William Henry (1862-1942, Anglia);

83. Max Von Laue: Awards Won By Max Von Laue
Awards of max von laue.
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84. Bilimin öncüleri
L LANGMUIR, Irving (Lenmiyue) - laue, max Felix Theodor Friedrich - PAULl, VVolfgang- PLANCK, max Kari Ernst Cari Friedrich Freiherr von - WILSON, Charles onculeri/bilimin onculeri.htm
BÝLÝMÝN ÖNCÜLERÝ Bilim dünyasýna hizmet etmiþ bilim adamlarýnýn kýsa hayat hikayeleri, bilim dünyasýna kazandýrdýklarý, gaflarý, bilinmeyen yönleri... BÝYOGRAFÝ Ali Rýza Berkem
Cabir Bin Hayyan

Dimitri Ývanoviç Mendeleyev

Tanýmadýðýmýz Einstein
Oktay Sinanoðlu

Aþaðýda listesi verilen bilim adamlarý ile ilgili bilgileri incelemek için týklayýnýz
A B ... TW V Y Z
A- ANDERSON, Cari David - ARISTOTELE (Aristoteles, Aristo) - ASTON, Francis William - AVOGADRO, Lorenzo Romano Amadeo Graf
B- BALMER, Johann Jakob - BECQUEREL, Henri Antoine - BETHE, Hans Albrecht - BOHR, Niels Henrik David - BORN, Max - BÖYLE, Robert - BROGLIE, Louis - Victor de - BUNSEN, Robert Wilhelm
CÇ CHADWICK, James - COMPTON, Arthur Holly - COULOMB, Charles Augustin de - CURIE, Marie - CURlE, Pierre
D- DALTON, John - DAVISSON, Clinton Joseph - DEMOCRITUS - DIRAC, Paul Adrien Maurice

85. Physics 1914
b.1879 d.1960. The nobel Prize in Physics 1914 Presentation Speech Maxvon laue Biography nobel Lecture Swedish nobel Stamps. 1913, 1915.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1914
"for his discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals" Max von Laue Germany Frankfurt-on-the Main University
Frankfurt-on-the Main, Germany b.1879
d.1960 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1914
Presentation Speech
Max von Laue
Swedish Nobel Stamps
The 1914 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Find a Laureate: Last modified June 16, 2000 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

86. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici_e_Ricercatori: Laue,_Max_von -
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87. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901
Nobel Prize in Physics since 1901 Year Winners Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Zeeman, Pieter Becquerel, Antoine Henri; Curie, Marie; Curie, Pierre Rayleigh, Lord John William Strutt Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Thomson, Sir Joseph John Michelson, Albert Abraham Lippmann, Gabriel Braun, Carl Ferdinand Marconi, Guglielmo Van Der Waals, Johannes Diderik Wien, Wilhelm Dalen, Nils Gustaf Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike Laue, Max Von Bragg, Sir William Henry; Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Barkla, Charles Glover Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Stark, Johannes Guillaume, Charles Edouard Einstein, Albert Bohr, Niels Millikan, Robert Andrews Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg Franck, James; Hertz, Gustav Perrin, Jean Baptiste Compton, Arthur Holly; Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees Richardson, Sir Owen Willans De Broglie, Prince Louis-Victor Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Heisenberg, Werner Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice; Schroedinger, Erwin Chadwick, Sir James

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