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61. FÍSICA - RAIOS-X-5 LAUE, OS BRAGG E A DIFRAÇÃO DE RAIOS-X Translate this page raios-X. Foi então que o alemão max von laue deu a foi feita pelos assistentes devon laue, W. Friedich Por esse trabalho ganharam o prêmio nobel de Física http://www.fisica.ufc.br/raiosx-6.htm | |
62. FÍSICA - 100 Anos De Nobel - Prêmios De Física Translate this page 1914 - max von laue Pela descoberta da difração de raios-X por cristais.1915 - Sir William Henry Bragg - Sir William Lawrence Bragg Pai e filho. http://www.fisica.ufc.br/donafifi/nobel100/nobel8.htm | |
63. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physics Advertisement. nobel Prize Winners for Physics. 1912, Nils G. Dalen, Sweden.1913, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Netherlands. 1914, max von laue, Germany. http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelphysics.htm | |
64. Thomas's Glassware Tour - Göttingen (D) max PLANCK (18581947, nobel Prize for Physics 1918), Johannes STARK (18741957,nobel Prize for Physics 1919), max von laue (18791960, nobel Prize for http://www.thomasgraz.net/gl-711.htm |
65. Prémios Nobel Translate this page . Prémios nobel de Física. 2002 - Masatoshi X. 1914 - max von laue( alemão ) Estudo dos raios X por difracção em cristais. 1913 http://luisperna.com.sapo.pt/nobel_fisica.htm | |
66. Diffraction Nobel Prizes Some nobel Prizes for Diffraction and Crystallography. 1901 WC Roentgen, Discoveryof xrays. 1914 max von laue, Discovery of diffraction of X-rays by crystals. http://www.chemistry.gatech.edu/faculty/williams/xtallography/nobel.html | |
67. Nobel Prize For Physics nobel Prize for Physics. light buoys 1913 Heike KamerlinghOnnes (Netherlands), forwork leading to production of liquid helium 1914 max von laue (Germany), for http://www.factmonster.com/ipa/A0105785.html | |
68. Physics Nobel Laureates 1901 - 1924 Physics 1901. The first nobel Prize was awarded to Physics 1914. von laue,max, Germany, Frankfurton-the Main University, * 1879, + 1960 http://www1.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~gammel/matpack/html/Chronics/physics_laureate | |
69. Les Grands Chimistes :: Département De Chimie :: Université Laval Translate this page au moyen des rayons Xa été originalement suggérée par l'Allemand max von laue(1879-1960) peu de Reçurent conjointement le Prix nobel de physique en 1915, http://www.chm.ulaval.ca/grandschim/b.html | |
70. Nobel Prize Winners In Physics 1914, max von laue, 18791960, for his discovery of the diffraction of x-rays incrystals. 1915, William Henry Bragg. William Lawrence Bragg. 1862-1942. 1890-1971. http://empl.ksc.nasa.gov/nobelwin.htm | |
71. Laue Translate this page max von laue (1879 - 1960). En 1912 laue y sus colaboradores demostraron que estosrayos extremadamente penetrantes, descubiertos Premio nobel de Física en 1914 http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/fisicos/laue.htm | |
72. PREMIOS NOBEL DE FISICA Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE FISICA. AÑO, PREMIADO. 1901, WILHELM CONRAD ROENTGEN. 1914,max von laue. 1915, SIR WILLIAM HENRY BRAGG - WILLIAM LAWRENCE BRAGG. http://es.geocities.com/historalia/premios_nobel_fisica.htm | |
73. Nobel, Alfred Bernhard Translate this page Alfred nobel starb am 10 1914 wurde dann max von laue ?für seine Entdeckung derBeugung der Röntgenstrahlen in den Kristallen und 1915 William Bragg und http://www.nobelalfred.de/ | |
74. Géniesenherbe.org - Prix Nobel De Physique Translate this page Le prix nobel de physique est attribué par l'Académie royale des sciences deSuède, à Stockholm. Année, Récipiendaire. 1914, max von laue (Allemagne). http://www.geniesenherbe.org/theorie/prix/nobphys.html | |
75. Prize Presentation - Physics 1914 with the letter of the Testament as on this occasion in deciding to award the NobelPrize for Physics for the year 1914 to Professor max von laue, for his http://physics.uplb.edu.ph/laureates/1914/press.html |
76. Max Von Laue Along with Otto Hahn, Werner Heisenberg, Carl von Weizsacker and Walter Gerlach,and other German In 1951 laue became director of the max Planck Institute http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERlaue.htm | |
77. EddNet - The Home Of Dave Edmonds.....X-Ray Crystallography his doctorate at Berlin in 1903, von laue spent two offered the post of assistantto max Planck at von laue worked out the mathematical formulation of it and http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/webprojects2000/dedmonds/Dave's Documents/chemistry/xr | |
78. Nobelpreisträger Der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft von http://www.mpg.de/deutsch/ueber/nobel.html | |
79. Museum Of Tolerance Multimedia Learning Center of Theoretical Physics at the University of Berlin (1919 43), von laue's pioneering Deputydirector of the max Planck Institute of Physics (1921 - 51) he http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/text/x14/xr1413.html | |
80. Max Von Laue Translate this page erhielt er den Nobelpreis und am 1. Oktober 1914 berief ihn die StiftungsuniversitätFrankfurt als Ordinarius. 1916 begann max von laue eine Zusammenarbeit http://www.ph.tum.de/~kressier/Bios/Laue.html | |
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