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21. Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria herbert kroemer. 2000ko fisika nobel saridunaren biografia. 1928anjaio zen Alemanian eta 1952an Gottingen Unibertsitatearen eskutik http://www.zientzia.net/artikulua.asp?Artik_kod=30 |
22. Tech - Fizikai Nobel-díj Informatikai Fejlesztésekért orosz kutató pedig utoljára 1978ban kapott fizikai nobel-díjat. AF Joffe muszaki-fizikaikutatóintézet igazgatója és herbert kroemer egyaránt a http://index.hu/tech/tudomany/nobel1010/ | |
23. Muzi.com | News : Coverages: Science : Physics : Awards kroemer herbert kroemer, of the University of California at Santa Barbara, is oneof three scientists to share the 2000 nobel Physics prize October 10, 2000. http://latelinenews.com/cc/english/21554.shtml | |
24. Muzi.com LatelineNews Photo Herbert Kroemer 96830 English LatelineNews 200010-11 herbert kroemer, of the University of California at SantaBarbara, is one of three scientists to share the 2000 nobel Physics prize http://latelinenews.com/ll/english/96830.shtml |
25. INDEX Kilby, Jack S. kroemer, Herberet. kroemer, herbert. LAN. Laptop computer. Largehadron collider. Molecules. Niels Bohr. nobel prize. nobel Prize. nobel prize. | |
26. Harapan's Bookshelf: Nobel 2000 nobel 2000 2002/02/25. Physics Zhores I. Alferov, herbert kroemer and Jack S.Kilby The researchers' work has laid the foundations of modern information http://www.harapan.co.jp/amazon/English/nobel_2000.htm | |
27. Asteroid Bears Nobelist's Name Into Solar System kroemer genannt, nach herbert kroemer,nobel-Preisträger 2000 und Fakultätsmitglied der Universität von http://people.freenet.de/boerngen/kroemer2d.html | |
28. Asteroid Bears Nobelist's Name Into Solar System nobel Laureate herbert kroemer has seen his fame raised to new heights.Last year it was the nobel Prize; this year it's a heavenly body. http://people.freenet.de/boerngen/kroemer2.html | |
29. The Nobel Influence of the Institute for Theoretical Physics, was recognized in 1998 with a nobel Prizein Since herbert kroemer arrived at UCSB in 1976, and Alan J. Heeger in 1982 http://www.instadv.ucsb.edu/ucsb_today/winter01/nobel/nobel.html | |
30. UCSB Professors Win Nobel Prizes In Chemistry, Physics 00) UCSanta Barbara Brainpower Magnet UCSB's nobel Laureates Alan J. Heeger, nobelPrize for Chemistry, 2000 herbert kroemer, nobel Prize for Physics, 2000 http://www.instadv.ucsb.edu/nobel/nobel.html | |
31. AIXTRON - The Nobel Prize Committee ... The nobel Prize in Physics 2000 has been awarded to Germanborn herbert kroemer,University of Santa Barbara, US, and Zhores I. Alferov, AF Ioffe Physico http://www.aixtron.com/press/1018e.htm | |
32. Atkinson Statement On Nobel Laureates I am doubly proud that Professors Alan J. Heeger and herbert kroemer havebeen awarded nobel Prizes for their landmark scientific research. http://www.ucop.edu/ucophome/commserv/nobel101000.htm | |
33. Context Weblog Science The *nobel prize* is being awarded to *Zhores I. Alferov* and *herbert kroemer* for developing semiconductor heterostructures used in highspeed- and opto http://www.straddle3.net/context/sci/s_001010.en.html |
34. Weblog Context Ciencia nobel.se/announcement ZhoresI. Alferov http// herbert kroemer http//www.ece http://www.straddle3.net/context/sci/s_001010.es.html |
35. Herbert Kroemer - CIRS kroemer, herbert kroemer@ece.ucsb.edu. 1986), Alexander von Humboldt Research Award(1994), National Academy of Engineering (1997), nobel Prize in http://www.cirs.net/researchers/physics/kroemer.htm | |
36. NOBEL PHYSICS LAUREATE RECEIVES 2002 IEEE MEDAL OF HONOR 2000 nobel Physics Laureate herbert kroemer received the 2002 IEEE Medal ofHonor on 22 June in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, for his pioneering work in http://www.ieee.org/newsinfo/hc2002june.html | |
37. The Nobel Prize In Physics 2000 this year's nobel Laureates in physics have laid a stable foundation for modern informationtechnology. Zhores I. Alferov and herbert kroemer have invented and http://www1.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~gammel/matpack/html/Chronics/nobel00-physics. | |
38. Nobel Prize Winners Hold Patents For Award Winning Work S. Kilby, Zhores Ivanovich Alferov and herbert kroemer each hold US patents forthe work for which they were honored with the 2000 nobel Prize for Physics. http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/com/speeches/00-59.htm | |
39. Library Nobel Laureate Handout herbert kroemer, of electrical and computer engineering, shares the nobel Prizein physics for developing semiconductor heterostructures used in highspeed http://www.library.ucsb.edu/libwaves/feb01/nobelhandout.html | |
40. Errore Translate this page E (poteva mancare?) il nobel per la chimica ad altri tre che hanno scoperto i fisica,Jack Kilby, 77 anni, il russo Zhores Alfanov 70 anni, herbert kroemer 72. http://www.enel.it/it/enel/magazine/boiler/boiler12/html/articoli/Bassoli-Nobel. | |
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